Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thursday, August 20, 1914. Carranza enters Mexico City. The Germans enter Brussels.

Venustiano Carranza and his supporters entered Mexico City to set up a new Mexican left wing Constitutionalist government, backed by Álvaro Obregón.  Residents of the city turned out in mass to see the procession head to the Presidential Palace.

The Germans entered Brussels.

The Siege of Namur began.  So did the Battles of Sarrebourg, Morhange and Gubinnen.

The Germans ordered the evacuation of East Prussia.

St. Pope Pius X died. His last words were "Together in one: all things in Christ," referencing his motto.

Born in an Italian speaking region of the Austro Hungarian Empire which is now part of Italy he was a strong opponent of  modernist interpretation of theology, he initiated the preparation of the 1917 Code of Canon Law.  He was responsible for the lowering of the age for First Communion and promoted a Thomist approach to philosophical inquiry in Catholic institutions.

Last edition:

Wednesday, August 19, 1914. Sitting it out.

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