Saturday, February 17, 2024

Thursday, February 17, 1944 German defeat at Korsun and near victory at Anzio. Japanese setbacks in the Pacific.

German forces escaped the Korsun Pocket but abandoned most of their heavy equipment, ending the Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy.  

35,000 troops out of the original 56,000 escaped.  General Stemmerman was killed in the breakout. Six German divisions were rendered combat ineffective.

While the bulk of the German forces escaped, their evacuation is not regarded as particularly triumphal, given that these formations were basically destroyed.

At Anzio the German counterattacks continued, with the Germans nearly breaking through the 45th Infantry Division.  The HMS Penelope was damaged offshore by a torpedo attack.  A British counterattack briefly takes Point 593, but the Germans retake it.  On this day, therefore, the Germans nearly prevailed in pushing the Allies back into the sea.

Soldiers of the 7th Infantry Division preparing to leave Enubuj Island for another small island, February 17, 19.

US forces land on Eniwetok Atoll on islets near Engebi, commencing the Battle of Eniwetok.

The U.S. Navy launched a massive areal offensive against the Japanese at Truk Lagoon in Operation Hailstorm.  Japanese losses would be massive.

Japanese shipping under air attack at Dublon Island, February 17, 1944.

U.S. destroyers bombarded the Japanese at Rabaul and Kavieng in a nighttime raid in what is known as the Battle of Karavia Bay.

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