Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap Day

Pope Gregory XIII, 1502 – 1585

Which is notable mostly because it simply is. We only get them, and don't notice them much, every four years.  Other than teasing people born on the day and miscalculating their actual age, not much will occur.

The added day, of course, come about due to the calendar adjustment that went into effect with the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in October 1582. The added day was to keep the calendar from getting increasingly inaccurate.  The entire Christian world didn't adopt the new calendar all at once, in part due to the Great Schism and the start of the Protestant Reformation, but over time, it's taken over nearly completely for the entire globe.  About the only remaining use of the prior Julian Calendar is in some parts of the Eastern Orthodox world for their liturgical calendar, and even that is no longer universally true.

Pope Gregory actually met with a lot of opposition to the new calendar, FWIW.  Members of the general public were really upset at first.  Spain, Portugal, Poland-Lithuania and the Italian states nonetheless adopted it nearly immediately.  France, some of the Dutch Republic, and the Catholic states of the Holy Roman Empire and Swiss Confederation did in 1587.

Denmark and Norway, then one state, and the rest of the Dutch Republic didn't fall into line until 1700-1701, by which time the Julian Calendar was seriously out of whack.  The UK didn't adopt it until 1752.  Sweden came around in 1753.

You would think a day as odd as Leap Day would be associated with some interesting customs, and it actually is, or more accurately was.  In Wyoming, there once was a custom of appointing a teenager to be Governor for the day, honorific of course.  I don't think that occurs anymore, but I guess we'll see today.  If this does occur, I have not taken note of it recently.   Wyoming Public Media reported it has having occured as recently as 1940, FWIW.

One political thing that does happen is the U.S. Presidential Election.  It's always in a Leap Year. . . so we get to enjoy one more extra day of campaigning.

A tradition in the English-speaking world is that women can propose to men on this day, which, in some versions of the custom, extends to the whole year. This tradition was surprisingly wide spread in societies speaking English, and is attributed by some to the Irish Saint, St. Brigid, who predates the Gregorian Calendar by quite some measure.   She died in 525.

Anyhow, supposedly she licensed women to propose to men every four years, which is likely just a story.

"Taking" a person, then, was a much more serious matter, even though it should be equally serious now.

Even when I was a kid, however, there remained the odd custom, apparently limited to English-speaking countries as noted, that in Leap Years girls could "ask out" a boy, it being implicit that otherwise that was a right/burden that fell to males.  It still, in fact, largely does.  This appears to have been the remnant of a custom in English-speaking countries, no doubt only lightly observed, that on Leap Day, this day, women could propose marriage to men, that also being a prerogative which then, and largely now, was reserved to men by custom.

Frankly, this is vaguely threatening.

How much of a deal this really was, I don't know, but it was enough of one that late in the 19th Century and early in the 20th Century it generated cartoons, not all of which were kind, and it generated cards, most of which were, although more than a few of them were somewhat aggressive. The cards suggest that women were using them, so in fact some women did avail themselves of the licensed role reversal and propose.

Less threatening.

As odd as this may seem now, it may have made some sense at the time.  Another thread we have in draft deals with the economics, in part, of marriage in the age, but things were, quite frankly, tighter.  As that thread reveals, a lot more men went through life unmarried than do now, and far more than we might suspect.  More than a little of that was probably economic hesitation.  For women, however, unlike men, being unmarried was a societal strike against them and often a personal lifelong disaster.  If they were waiting for a proposal, this was a societally licensed way to deliver it.

Whatever was going on with this, it seems to have flat out ended in its original form right about the era of the cards we see here.  What happened?

I don't know, but what I suspect is that World War One dramatically altered the marriage landscape.  Indeed, we dealt with this briefly in regard to Catherinettes;

In France, for St. Catherine's saint's day, the Catherinettes were out on the streets:

From John Blackwell's Twitter feed on the topic.

We noted this custom in 2020:

The day is also St. Catherine's Day,, the feast day for that saint, which at the time was still celebrated in France as a day for unmarried women who had obtained twenty-five years of age.  Such women were known as Catherinettes. Women in general were committed since the Middle Ages to the protection of St. Catherine and on this day large crowds of unmarried 25 year old women wearing hats to mark their 25th year would gather for a celebration of sorts, where well wishers would wish them a speedy end to their single status. The custom remained strong at least until the 1930s but has since died out.

This of course is from a different culture yet, the French, but it addresses the same topic, with the French taking it up annually, and more cheerfully it looks like.

This custom apparently has largely died, but interestingly milliners are trying to revive it, as it was associated with outlandish hats.  Having said that, French single women over 25 were still out on the streets with wild costumes and hats in honor of the day, whereas the somewhat maudlin English Leap Day cards don't seem to have made it past World War one.  It's hard not to draw that line in the case of the Leap Day cards.  1916 was a Leap Year, and then 1920.  By 1920 there were a lot of single women in English-speaking countries (and in France too) who were going to be single for life, the war having made that a fact.

Before we leave this topic, it's interesting to note that in Medieval Times, after the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar, in some European countries this was Bachelor's Day for the same reason. I.e., Bachelors were subject to proposals.  It actually was a matter of law in some countries.  In some places it became the custom for men of means to be required to buy any suitor whose proposal he turned down twelve pairs of gloves so that she could hide her embarrassment at not having an engagement ring.

While on this, FWIW, as we've noted before, while spinster status was regarded as a disaster earl in the 20th Century, what exactly constituted it is misunderstood. As we have noted in another thread:

That deals with the averages, of course.  Looking at my own grandparents, I think one set was married in their late 20s or early 30s, while another in their early 20s.  My parents were in their 30s.

Related Threads:

Of interest, I note that some other blogs we link into this site also noted Leap Day or Leap Year, with some noting the same items we noted above.

Leap Year

Shockingly young! Surprisingly old! Too young, too old! Well, nothing much actually changing at all. . . Marriage ages then. . . and now. . and what does it all mean?

Tuesday, February 29, 1944. The 1st Cavalry Division lands at Los Negros.

First wave of the 1st Cavalry, note all the Thompson Submachineguns.

The Admiralty Islands Campaign began with the dismounted US. 1st Cavalry Division landing on Los Negros Island. What had started as a small landing was converted on the spot by General MacArthur and Admiral Kinkaid to a full scale landing.

MacArthur and Kincaid on Los Negros, February 29, 1944, with Army cameraman T/Sgt Daniel Rocklin.

A-20s on their way to Vesuvius airport after bombing targets at Anzio.

Poor weather prevented an effective continued German effort at Anzio.

The USS Trout was sunk in the East China Sea by the Japanese destroyer Asashimo.

The Red Army prevailed in the Nikopol-Krivol Rog Offensive.

The Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Marshal Nikolai Vatutin, was ambushed by Ukrainian partisans and mortally wounded.

The Battle of Ist was fought between the Free French Navy and a Kriegsmarine element, resulting in a French victory in the Adriatic.

A rodeo was held in New South Wales.

Friday, February 29, 1924. Slashing taxes. Ludendorff testifies.

 The date was notable as, like this year, there was one.  Most years, there isn't.

The House of Representatives used the extra day for the very popular slashing of income taxes.

Erich Ludendorff took the stand on his defense for treason in Munich, declaring that "We want a Germany free of Marxism, semitism, and papal influences."

Blog Mirror: Getting "On With It"

From the excellent blog City Father.

Getting "On With It"

We've had a variety of posts sort of ballpark on this topic, more or less, recently.  Most of them have come up in the context of comparing "then and now", one of the purposes of this blog

This entry is so well done, I really can't riff off of it much.  What Fr. Franco states is so well stated, that I should just leave it alone, so I'll mostly do so.

To the extent I won't, it should be noted I guess that things in the Western World are so existentially screwed up right now, it's frightening, and it's expressing itself in corrupted ways in our culture and our politics, which are an expression of our culture, so much that it threatens to destroy it, and perhaps even us.  A certain getting back to the basics, or roots, seems to me to very much what is needed to be done, which one party in this contest seeks to do, but doesn't understand how to do it, or what the existential truths are, and the other seeks to eliminate it and create a bold new world which it won't succeed in doing.

I was unaware of the Rituale Romanum's "Exhortation before Marriage discussed in this text.  I wish that hadn't been removed, and I wish it would return.

Foothill Agrarian: From OUR to MY

Foothill Agrarian: From OUR to MY: During the Holidays, I jokingly told my coworkers that I couldn’t host a party because a bachelor had moved into my house. At the risk of pe...

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Some recent bios and what they tell us about the realatively recent past.

In the last week or so, we've posted a series of threads that dealt with various personalities.  In setting them out, it occured to me how some of them actually reach back to the supposed purpose of this blog, which is:

Lex Anteinternet?

Well, in reality, that broadened out pretty rapidly to taking into account looking at everything in this era in trying to get a grasp on it.  Since then, it's certainly broadened out enormously, probably much too much.

Anyhow, some recent items help illuminate some of the things of this era, and the one immediately after it.  Indeed, as we'll discuss, one of them helps actually define, maybe, how to property define certain eras.

The items we looked at which brings this to mind are the story of Maj. Gale "Buck" Cleven, that of Dick Proenekke, and also Lee Marvin, and the work of the Southern Agrarians, and that of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.

Quite a varied set, I'll admit.

Let's start with Dr. Gale Cleven, which is how most people who knew him, knew him as, the latter part of his life.

I'd never heard of Dr. Cleven until I started Watching Masters of the Air.  The show references him as being from Casper Wyoming, and that caused me to research him further.  As noted on the entry on him, he was born in Lemmon, South Dakota, but came with his family to the oil town of Lusk when he was just a very small boy.  From there he moved to Casper, at some point.

What I could find on him notes that he worked as a roughneck as a young man, while going to college to study geology.  I did both of those things also, and also simultaneously, giving me an odd occupational connection with him, although one that's not all that uncommon around here.  I did find that a little startling, however.

What all that does, however, is to show the very long-lasting economic feature of Wyoming as being an oil and gas province, something that is still the case, but waning.  It remains a strong aspect of the state's economy, however.  This has been the case since, as we explored earlier, at least 1917, although things were headed that way earlier.  It's interesting, looking back, to realize how many of us in The Cowboy State, have worked in oil and gas in some fashion.  Given the economic reach of the industry, darned near everyone at one time.

Something else that really had the reach was the newspaper, in the form of The Society Page.  I was able to track Gale Cleven, as he would then have been known, joining a fraternity and going to UW dances.  I could even track who he was casually dating.

That's odd.

Society columns in newspapers were common at least into the 1950s, and even beyond that. They reported all sorts of snoopy stuff.  I've found, for example, my grandfather mentioned in The Denver Post because his sister was visiting, this in the 1930s.  Another sister of his visited somebody in Denver in the 1920s.  Whose business was that?

They also reported on when people went on vacations, even extended vacations, which is a horrible thought.

I guess it shows, to an extent, the concept of privacy, which the Internet has eroded, is a modern thing.  In the newspapers of the 20s divorces made front page news, births were mentioned, as they are now, scandals were reported, and where you were going, with whom, was as well.

People were keeping track of things and didn't need an iPhone to do it.  No wonder people all subscribed to the paper.

This item also pointed out what a small world Wyoming was and is.  Cleven, whom I had not heard of previously, took a relative by marriage to a dance.  She was from a ranch family that owned a ranch that I later owned a piece of.  She married a rancher who left his name on a prominent local feature.  One of her brothers-in-law was the best friend of one of my old, now long gone, partners.  That fellow was killed in World War Two.  My partner was a crewman on a B-24.

In the small world item also is the thought that I, my father, my wife, and my children all walked the same high school halls, and have driven on the same streets as this fellow.  

And that fame, to the extent fame is involved here, if fleeting.  I'd never heard of him in spite of his remarkable wartime service.  Nothing is named for him here.

Another thing, and one that cuts a bit against something I've noted here in the past.

As I've noted, for at least some Americans, going to university was really a post World War Two thing. That's widely known.  Less well known is that Catholics didn't go to university for the most part until after the war (and I don't know what religion Cleven was).  

Cleven's story shows that this was already changing before the war, however.  Cleven didn't come from a wealthy family, and his parents clearly weren't college educated.  But there he was, at UW, before the war.  

University education was reaching down to the Middle Class, even though we were still in an era when less than 50% of American males graduated from high school

Indeed, while its jumping ahead, the story of Richard Proenneke demonstrated that.  He dropped out of high school as it didn't interest him but went on to, at first, as successful blue collar career.  He seems to have actually retired in his 50s.

Back to Cleven, he had what looks to be the start of a pretty conventional, Wyoming, advanced education before the war, and then went on to an extraordinary one due to the war in no small part.  That demonstrates the manner in which World War Two altered all of society massively.

We'll get back to that.

Finally, in regard to Cleven, his story also demonstrates the ongoing impact of disease in that era.  His young wife was killed by polio.

The polio vaccine didn't come out until 1955, two years after her death.  Somewhat associated with children now, polio in fact struck adults as well.  It was highly contagious and it often killed rapidly.  People went form well in the morning to dead by the end of the day.   And the deaths weren't pleasant. That appears to be basically what happened to her.

Polio, like Small Pox, and Measles are all preventable by vaccines.  So is Covid.  Not until recently, in the post Reagan post Scientific era, have Americans lost their faith in these lifesavers.  

And that is, quite frankly, stupid.

Let's look at Proenekke.

I really think Proennekke's story has been misconstrued, now that I've looked at it.  He tends to be viewed as somebody who turned his back on the modern world and moved to the Alaskan outback.  In reality, however, he's a guy who lived his whole life as a single man and retired young, then moved, in retirement, to the outback.

It's a bit different.

Proennekke's life brings to mind two items of social change, both of which are increasing rare and difficult for "moderns", or "post moderns", if you prefer to understand.  One is the existence of lifelong bachelors with nothing else being assumed about that status, and the other is the true jack of all trades.

We'll take the bachelorhood story, which we've dealt with before in another context, first.

Supposedly today 30.4% of men never marry, more or less (that's a 2010 figure) and 23% of women.  In 1900 that figure was 38.8% and 29.7% respectively, but that doesn't mean the same thing at all.  We've already seen that prior to the mid 20th Century, in many places "living together" was a crime, and in others that would have resulted in a common law marriage.  So those figures really reflect people who lived lives alone

The percentages dropped for every decade of the 20th Century, until the 80s, when they started hovering right around 30% consistently, never going back up to the 1900 38.8% for men.  For what it is worth, for women they dropped to an all-time low for the 1960s, of 17.3%, and the went up to about 23% where they've remained.  Realistically, however, the current 30% and 23% are probably significantly lower, if we take into account situations where couples exist but without the formal benefit of marriage.

And that's significant in multiple ways.

Currently, nearly any male in the "never married" category without some sort of female "significant other" will flat out be assumed to be homosexual once they get much past 30 years of age.  Many people will even assume that Catholic clerics must be homosexual, as they are required to be celibates.  The pressure is so high on unmarried males to declare, in some fashion or another, at the present time, that its actually proven to be a problem for recruiting Catholic Priests as some who have expressed a latent desire to do so have already married due to pressure, or have gone down the secularly pressured road of girlfriend and actions that used to wait until marriage to the extent that they really cannot get back from it.  For that matter, single men past a certain age are not only assumed to be homosexual, but are often societally pressured, in some areas, to be one in order to explain their status.  The thought that somebody could function, more or less alone, but with normal inclinations, just doesn't exist anymore.  The thought that anyone, and indeed anyone who isn't a cleric, could function in a single celibate way is almost regarded as making that person a raving deviant.

It was quite common, however, at one time.  Indeed, there are at least four movies that touch on the topic, all of which might be a little hard for people to grasp now, but which showed that this was a normal frame of reference for viewing audiences at one time, with those files being Marty (1955), The Apartment (1960) Only The Lonely (1991) and Brooklyn (2015).  The evolution of the films shows how this evolved, with the protagonist in Marty being a single male who is assumed by everyone, including his family, will remain one.  Indeed, they wish him to.  In The Apartment it is not assumed that the young executive will marry, even as he develops a deep affection for the female protagonist.  In Only The Lonely the situation is much the same as Marty, but with the mandatory introduction, by that time, of sex into the film.  In Brooklyn the assumption of marriage is much stronger, and indeed becomes a problem during the film.

Truth be known, however, up until at least the 1980s this was a relatively common thing to encounter, and there was no assumption that a single male was attracted to other men by any means.  Usually the single status was regarded as sort of a tragedy, but not one that was a deviation from the norm to much of a degree.  Indeed, I can easily recall several examples of this in adults when I was growing up.

One such individual was a plumber who was well liked and who lived next to my grandmother.  He was a veteran of World War Two and had served almost the entire war in a Japanese POW camp. For that reason, he never turned the lights off in his small house, as they had not done that in the camp.  HE never married.

Also, a tradesman, another person in my father's circle of friends was a fellow who was a plumber and who didn't marry until the 1980s, at which time that was regarded as nearly foolish as he would have been in his very late 50s or perhaps 60s at the time.  His long bachelorhood was not regarded as strange in any fashion, and for much of that time he lived with his mother, inheriting her house after she passed away.

Another example was a friend of my father's who was a mail carrier.  He'd started off before World War Two to become a Protestant minister in his home state of Nebraska, but like so many others, the war interrupted his planned career, and he was an artillery spotter during the war.  When he came back, he did not resume his studies, although he remained devoutly religious.  He dated after the war, at least until the late 1950s, but never found anyone and never married, passing way after my father and after having lived a very long life.  He was one of two postmen who shared a lifelong bachelorhood status, the other one living in a tiny house in North Casper, who when he passed away was a millionaire.

About the only example of this that ever struck me as odd, when I was a boy, were a brother and sister who lived down the block from us. They were both school teachers and never married, and lived into their old ages in a house they jointly owned.  I recall they called my father by a diminutive, the only people who ever did that, which he hated.

They had a Golden Labrador.

Finally, the owner of a men's clothing store here in town was single his whole life.  He was a fanatic UW football fan.

Could any of these people have been closeted homosexuals? Sure, but it certainly wasn't assumed so.  Indeed, it was just regarded as the fate they'd fallen into and a bit sad.  Most of them had something that was a bit quirky about their characters, and the majority of them were tradesmen or blue collar workers, although not all were. That might tell us something there.

Prior to the Second World War, there were entire occupations that tended to be dominated by single men.  Most of those occupations involved hard labor in some fashion.  By the 1920s ranch hands, for example, were single men, and they often spent their entire careers in relatively low paying jobs that precluded them from ever marrying.  The few places that actually have hired cowhands today, if you find a career one, replicate this.  Enlisted men in the Army had always been single in US history unless they advanced to more senior Non Commissioned Officer status.  Well after World War Two, enlisted men frequently required permission to marry from their commanding officers, and before World War Two they routinely did. Wartime was the exception, as married men were brought into the service during war.  Even junior officers were not usually married.

This somewhat reflects, therefore, the harder working conditions and lower incomes in society overall.  Being married took enough of a male's income to make it work, as women often were not employed and typically were not employed once they started having children.  Hired hand status on farms and ranches, and enlisted status in the service, precluded marriage as a result.  The long working hours in some instances, and griminess of manual labor, also worked against marriage for a certain percentage of men as hypergyny didn't favor it, if other options were available.

Indeed, this also helps explain the occupations that the actually closeted went into, as has been discussed before.  Generally occupations that paid better, or steadily, and perhaps which weren't grimy in comparison to others, also favored marriage.  Occupations that were essentially white collar in a way, that didn't favor marriage were very few and far between.

The other thing Proennekke's story brings up is the successful jack of all trades.  His father was one, and he seems to have been as well.  Men with really good mechanical skills who could go from one setting to another were pretty common, and indeed they were at least up until the 1990s.  "He's good with his hands" was a compliment that was often paid to somebody who could act as a universal skilled laborer.  

I'm sure that these guys still exist, but not nearly in the numbers they once did.  I really can't recall meeting one recently, except for older ranchers who are that way by default.  Indeed, everyone I knew of a certain age who had grown up on a farm or ranch was like this.  I was actually surprised as an adult to meet younger ranchers who didn't have those skills, although plenty of them still do.

Finally, there's the modern aspect of strongly pigeonholing, indeed even limiting, people by their perceived disabilities, many of them mild.

The item on Lee Marvin notes that he was afflicted with ADHD, which may in part account for his somewhat wild nature, his early failings at school, and his strong affinity for alcohol.  Or maybe not.  At any rate, he was enormously successful at his trade, acting, and he would never have known he was ADHD, if he was.

This is true of all sorts of things like this. Dyslexia, which I have in a mild form, also afflicted such people as George S. Patton.  Not knowing what it was, you didn't really worry about it, and carried on.  

It's not that these things should be ignored, but I worry that our appreciation of them may not be really well-founded in biology, and certainly evolutionary biology.  Dyslexia, some now claim, is not a neurological disorder or an impairment, but a concession for cognitive strengths in exploration, big-picture thinking, creativity, and problem-solving, so its a byproduct of generally positive aspects.  ADHD, which occurs strongly in some human populations, is now suspected to be an evolutionary trait favored evolutionary people, which makes lots of sense, and which frankly is something that we earlier realized when we called people polymaths and autodidacts.  In contrast, the large occurrence of anxiety in our modern populations reflects an evolutionary need to be careful and alert, made problematic as our modern cubicle lifestyle sucks.

Saturday, February 28, 1944. Foreigners in the Wehrmacht.

In what was becoming a late war rarity, German and Estonian's in German service decisively defeated the Red Army's first Narva Offensive.  The Estonian's were mostly recent volunteer conscripts, brought into service after Estonian leaders urged an end to an Estonian boycott of German conscription in hopes of defending Estonia from being retaken by the USSR.

The German 14th Army renewed attacks against the US VI Corps at Anzio.

Ukrainian's in German service carried out the Huta Pieniacka Massacre of ethnic Poles, killing between 500 and 1,200 people.   The actions were carried out principally by police units of the 4th SS Volunteer Galician Regiment and the14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician), which were under German command at the time.

The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division continues to have fans in Ukraine today, who deny its association with atrocities.  Many of its surviving members, who surrendered to the Western Allies late in the war, were allowed to immigrate to the United States and Canada in 1947, in part due to the intervention of Polish General Anders who knew some of its commanders due to their pre-war Polish Army service.  In spite of claims to the contrary, the early arrival of the Cold War clouded their association with atrocities, which were accordingly not well known at the time, as Anders intervention demonstrates.  The unit was sufficiently well thought of that a memorial to Ukrainians bearing their unit symbol was put to them in St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery, Oakville, Ontario.

Aviator Hanna Reitsch visited Hitler at Berchtesgaden to receive a second Iron Cross.  She suggested kamikaze like volunteers there to fly piloted variants of the V-1.  Hitler rejected the idea as a waste of resources.

Reitsch survived the war and went on to a long post-war life. She never disavowed her association with Hitler, but did heavily alter her pre-war racial views.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist, 59th. Babble and Horse Theives.


I wouldn’t protect him. He betrayed the queen. That’s unforgivable. He would be on his own if it was down to me.

Donald Trump to a reporter at CPAC.

Seriously, does anyone think that Trump is well? 

American immigration laws are a mess, to be sure, but what the crap was this about?

By the way, the British NHS publishes this as symptoms of fronto temporal dementia:

Many people with frontotemporal dementia develop a number of unusual behaviours they're not aware of.

These can include:

being insensitive or rude

acting impulsively or rashly 

loss of inhibitions

seeming subdued

losing interest in people and things

losing drive and motivation

inability to empathise with others, seeming cold and selfish

repetitive behaviours, such as humming, hand-rubbing and foot-tapping, or routines such as walking exactly the same route repetitively

a change in food preferences, such as suddenly liking sweet foods, and poor table manners

compulsive eating, alcohol drinking and/or smoking

neglecting personal hygiene

As the condition progresses, people with frontotemporal dementia may become socially isolated and withdrawn.

I'm not a mental health professional, but Trump isn't right. 

There's something oddly charming about this.

CASPER, Wyo. — Ronald Ostrom, 54, of Powell, Wyoming, was convicted on Dec. 8 by a federal jury on six felony charges.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office on Monday said Ostrom’s charges included two counts of making a false writing, two counts of making false statements, one count of concealing and retaining government property and one count of conversion of government property.

Ostrom is a retired U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officer. According to evidence presented at trial, and the jury’s verdict, when Ostrom retired he failed to return, and then kept for his own use and gain, a government-owned horse named “Reo.” Ostrom also lied on forms about two horses he returned in place of government-owned horses.

Theft is wrong, but stealing your service horse is oddly really Western, and somewhat charming.

I hope Reo is okay. 

Last prior edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist, 58th Edition.Counting Chickens

Sunday, February 27, 1944. The Khaibakh Massacre

Weather prevented over 700 Chechen villagers from Khaibakh from being convoyed in the Soviet mass deportation of Chechens, meaning they could not meet the absurdly short deadline set by Lavrentiy Beria so they were shot.  The order was given by Mikhail Gvishiani, an officer in the NKVD.

Beria, a loyal Stalin henchman, was a first class weirdo who was also a mass rapist, something his position allowed him to get away with.  He fell after Stalin's death, was tried, and executed for treason.

Gvishiani survived the fall of Stalin, but probably only because his son, Dzhermen Gvishiani, was married to the daughter of Communist Party Central Committee member Alexei Kosygin.

It was the start of National Negro Press Week.

The U.S. Office of Strategic Services commenced Operation Ginny I with the objective of blowing up Italian railway tunnels in Italy to cut German lines of communication.

The OSS team landed in the wrong location and had to abandon the mission.

Hitler ordered the Panzerfeldhaubitze 18M auf Geschützwagen III/IV (Sf) Hummel, Sd.Kfz. 165, "Hummel" renamed as he did not find the name Hummel, i.e. bumblebee to be an appropriate name.

You would think that Hitler would have had other things to worry about at this point.

The Grayback was sunk off of Okinawa by aircraft.

Wednesday, February 27, 1924. Congressional Memorial for Harding.


Lex Anteinternet: Wyoming Lawyer February 2014: Standards of Dress.

Lex Anteinternet: Wyoming Lawyer February 2014: Standards of Dress.:  Fairly typical office attire for me, shirt and tie. The  Wyoming Lawyer February 2014 issue just came out, and in it there's an ...

Man alive. . . a decade older, and I look it.  No more brunette mustache, it's gray now. And I'll bet I've added fifteen pounds.

Ah well, in a decade hence, I'll likely be dead. 

Here's hoping those remaining say a prayer for me, and I for those who went before me.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Saturday, February 26, 1944. „Nie” dla linii Curzona

The Polish Government in Exile rejected the Curzon Line as Poland's eastern border. 

While their resistance to the border being moved is admirable, and had to be expected, it was of course doomed.

The Soviets launched a nighttime 600 bomber raid on Helsinki.  Finnish air defenses prove ineffectual, which was typical for any nighttime raid, and only three Soviet Air Force planes are lost.  

The Red Army captured Porkhov.

The French Resistance attack the SOMUA armor plate works at Lyons, but their explosives fail to detonate.

Leigh Light fitted to a Royal Air Force Coastal Command Liberator, February 26, 1944.

The U-91 was sunk by the Royal Navy.

The United States Army Air Force discover the source of the Orinoco River in British Guiana in an overflight.

Captain Hugh H. Goodman, USN, Commanding Officer of USS Gambier Bay (CVE 73) making first dungaree inspection on board ship, somewhere in the South Pacific, February 26, 1944.

From Sarah Sundin's blog:
Today in World War II History—February 26, 1944: Japanese retreat from Sinzweya, Burma, ending “Battle of the Admin Box." US Navy nurses are given actual commissioned rank instead of relative rank.

Tuesday, February 26, 1924. The Beer Hall Putsch Trial commences.

Eight Nazis, including Adolf Hitler, went on trial for the Beer Hall Putsch.


Press Conference, February 26, 1924

There was snow on the ground in Washington that day.

Dorthy Day write about the Thrills of 1924.

The Thrills of 1924 (February 26, 1924)

The City of Houston was photographed from the top of the Keystone Building.

The building still stands

The 2024 Election, Part XIII. The storms of never satisfied greed edition.


[An elected official] should never put holding his office above keeping straight with his conscience…he should be prepared to go out of office rather than surrender on a matter of vital principle.

Theodore Roosevelt, 1911

If you could show the cabbage that I planted with my own hands to your emperor, he definitely wouldn't dare suggest that I replace the peace and happiness of this place with the storms of a never-satisfied greed.


February 6, 2024

Presidential Race.

Trump has been advancing towards prison, albeit slowly given the current glacial pace of American criminal justice, as he's also been advancing in the polls.

February 6, 2024

No immunity.

Of course, who really thought there was?

Unfortunately, the delay in issuing the opinion has resulted in the postponement of the trial originally scheduled for March.


Matt Gaetz and Elise Stephanik have co-sponsored a resolution that Donald Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States on January 6, something that clear is an attempt to address the 14th Amendment in that insurrection may be excused under it.

Having said that, a resolution that it didn't occur will not excuse it, and this will not get through the Senate.

Trump, who has avoided debating his Republican challengers, stated on Monday:

I’d like to debate him (Biden) now because we should debate. We should debate for the good of the country,

Biden responded:

 Immediately? Well, if I were him, I’d want to debate me, too. He’s got nothing else to do,

Biden won the Nevada Primary.  In the GOP Primary, which doesn't decide anything as their caucus does (much like Wyoming in this regard) "None of the above" won, an embarrassing defeat for second place finisher Nikki Haley.

State Races

Republican (yes, I know that this is blue, we're going with the international color standards, not the moronic US ones)

Harriet Hageman.  Only Hageman has announced, and she'll win in the primary and general absent something massively bizarre happening.

No Democrats have announced.

U.S. Senate


John Barasso.  He's the incumbent and will win.

Reid Rasner. Ranser is a challenger from the far right whose campaign will go nowhere.

No Democrats have announced.

Some information:

Candidate Filing Period ……………………………………………………………………. May 16-May 31, 2024

Minor and Provisional Party Candidate Deadline ………………………………………… August 19, 2024

Independent Candidate Deadline ……………………………………………………………….. August 26, 2024

3,891 Signatures Required for Statewide Races 

February 8, 2024

While almost nobody cares, Marianne Williamson dropped out of the Democratic race for the Oval Office.

February 9, 2024

Trump won the GOP Nevada Caucus.

Biden will not be charged for retaining classified documents, but the report that was released regarding it calls his mental status into question.

Biden probably does have some cognitive decline.  Trump, I'm guessing (without a medical license) may be showing the early signs of some species of dementia, which is why he forgets, is childish, and mean.  Two candidates in their 80s, effectively, is absurd. And to keep the grip of American power in such an aged group (McConnell and Schumer aren't youngster, nor was Pelosi), seems to be based on the assumption that nobody under 60 years of age is qualified to do anything, which is insulting really (and I'm 60).

The one thing both parties agree on is that, in spite of their pathetic performance, that no voter may ever look at a third part, and that the election is, and must be, binary. No matter what else is the case, the voters must never ever look at any choice other than the Democrats or the Republicans.  Effectively, Democrats would rather have voters look at Trump than a third party, like the American Solidarity Party The GOP holds the same, and would rather have voters look at the Democrats than a third ticket made up of something like Manchin/Cheney, or Christie/Manchin.  Pathetic.

February 10, 2024

In spite of the fact that it's well demonstrated that machines are more reliable than hand counted ballots:

Park County Citizens Push To Ditch Voting Machines In Favor Of Hand-Count Ballots

The angst that's been falsely introduced into elections has to stop. This would be unreliable, result in multiple hand counted recounts, and be slow.

February 11, 2024

Trump is attacking Biden's cognitive status, Biden is defending his, and Haley is attacking both of theirs, even using a "Grump Old Men" theme in a major way.

Trump spoke at an NRA Presidential Forum at the Great American Outdoors Show in Pennsylvania.

Biden has declined a pre Super Bowl interview for the second time in a year, something that has caused political functionary and sometimes advisor James Carville to comment that Biden's administration doesn't have enough confidence in him to allow him to do an interview.\

February 12, 2024

Trump made a comment late last week that if President, he'd cause the US to dishonor its NATO commitments and refuse to defend any country that was delinquent in its defense contributions.

This provoked a reaction from NATO's Secretary General.

He also in a rally asked where Haley's husband, who is a deployed National Guardsman, was, an odd question for a man whose "wife" is often not present.

In a Truth Social post, Trump claimed that Taylor Swift voting for him would be disloyal, in light of his actions as President having resulted in her making a lot of money.

This may all be an interesting look into a portion of Trump's mind, as it seems that money is central to it, which given his life, from birth to his now, given his age, near death, has been central to it.


Nikki Haley's husband posted a reply to Donald Trump's childish "where's her husband" comment with the following:

February 13, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Super Bowl advertisement strongly recalling JFK's television ad made members of the Kennedy family and some members of the general public angry.

Kennedy apologized to the family.

Frankly, in an election cycle when the leading GOP candidate says something insulting, and often outright stupid, on a constant basis, this is a bit over the top.  Kennedy stands little chance, but the controversy probably aids him.

February 15, 2024

V. Putin oddly announced that he prefers Biden to Trump as he's "more predictable" but that Russia will work with anyone the US chooses.

The Kremlin is likely concerned that Putin's recent interview with Lord Haw Haw is having negative impacts in the U.S.

February 16, 2024

Donald Trump is attempting to replace Rona McDaniel, who had been a loyal laky, with Lara Trump, his daughter-in-law as Republican National Committee chair.  McDaniel is accused of suddenly showing a spine and no longer being as supportive of Trump as she once was.

McDaniel will likely step down this month.

If this all occurs, one of the interesting things is that McDaniel, a political insider, was an earlier post insurrection supporter of Trump who read the winds correctly.  If she's doing that again, it may mean that Trump's fortunes are flagging according to insiders.

If Trump does cause his daughter-in-law to become the RNC head it's likely that some remaining real Republicans will abandon ship at that point.


Manchin bows at, but condemns both parties:

February 18, 2024

From the AP:

PHILADELPHIA -- As he closes in on the Republican presidential nomination, former President Donald Trump made a highly unusual stop Saturday, hawking new Trump-branded sneakers at “Sneaker Con,” a gathering that bills itself as the “The Greatest Sneaker Show on Earth.”

Trump was met with loud boos as well as cheers at the Philadelphia Convention Center as he introduced what he called the first official Trump footwear.

What the crud.

A thought from here:

Why isn't anyone suggesting that Tammy Duckworth replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket?

I worry about their safety too. These people, everyone in this room is in great danger. We have a nuclear weapon that if you hit New York, South Carolina is gone

FWIW, and Trump is receiving criticism on this, the yield of a nuclear weapon is sufficient by a long measure to destroy South Carolina from a strike in New York.  Prevailing wind patters, also, would not carry the fallout there.

Anyhow, I'm noting this here as a recent item on NPR's Politics discussed Trump's fear of nuclear war, which apparently is very pronounced. 

I don't give Trump credit for deep thought s on very much.   The Internet has allowed a lot of those in the shallow end of the pool to have voice as if they know what they're talking about, and frankly I'd include Trump in those in the shallow end of the pool.  But apparently nuclear war is one thing he actually thinks about and has opinions on, and he's afraid of it.

That doesn't really surprise me too much.

Trump came of age in in the 1960s which was at a time that the fear of nuclear war was quite pronounced.  It remained that way in the 1970s, and by the early 1980s I recall being forced to read  A Republic Of Grass. which urged that we surrender to the Soviet Union, essentially, right then and there rather than face the prospect of nuclear war, which lefties were certain Ronald Reagan was going to get us into.  I recall some on the right saying "there are worse things than death" in response to such things, which is harsh, but true.

But if your values end at yourself, maybe there aren't.

February 23, 2024

Trump's daughter-in-law who is campaigning for appointment to the RNC declared that Republican voters would likely welcome using RNC funds to support his legal battles.

I'd strongly question if this was legal, and frankly it likely opens the RNC up, in my view, to a Rico charge.

February 25, 2024

Trump took South Carolina yesterday, as he was expected to do.  Absent the intervention of an exterior force, such as the Court (unlikely), perhaps criminal conviction, a really shocking revelation, or old age mortality, he will be the GOP nominee.

NPR ran an interesting pre-election edition of its Politics podcast, in which it was revealed that many South Carolina Republican voters felt Trump was "the only person who can save the Republic". "From What" might be the logical followup.  He seems ill-suited to take on any of the really serious problems of the day, and there are many really serious problems.

What that reveals is the extent to which rank and file Republicans feel that leftward social drift is destroying the Republic, something that's been going on since at least the Civil War, if not the founding of the Republic itself.  Of interest, I read a comment by one of Trump's backers and former staffers who now works at the Heritage Foundation to the effect that governmental developments dating back to Woodrow Wilson need to be more or less fully reversed.

Woodrow Wilson, President from 1913 to 1921.

Of course, Wilson wasn't nearly as left wing as Republican daring, Theodore Roosevelt.

Interestingly, Lindsey Graham was booed by a crowed after being introduced by Trump at a victory rally.

February 26, 2024

The Kochs have ceased funding Haley.

Sen. John Thune, the GOP number two in the Senate, has fallen in line and endorsed Trump.

Authoritarian El Salvadorian President Nayib Bukele received a standing ovataion at CPAC.

Related Threads:

Lex Anteinternet: Why isn't anyone suggesting that Tammy Duckworth r...

Why isn't anyone suggesting that Tammy Duckworth replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket?

Last edition:

The 2024 Election, Part XII. The March To Moscow