Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Space National Guard? Let the lunacy continue.

For the third year in a row, the draft version of the National Defense Authorization Act includes a provision for creating a Space National Guard.

This is, quite frankly, really stupid.

It's stupid in part because the legacy armed forces branch from the Trump Administration is stupid.

The Space Force should be eliminated entirely, and its mission folded back into the Air Force, which was doing just fine with it.

Shoot, if I were the President (which of course I am not), I'd eliminate the Space Force and transfer officers who volunteered to serve in it to Diego Garcia after reducing them in grade one rank.

Back to the absurd Space National Guard idea.

The Space Force's recruiting page says this is its mission:

The U.S. Space Force protects our country and the freedom to operate in space, keeping it secure, stable and accessible for military space power and new waves of innovation.


Well it does what the Air Force was doing in regard to space before this dipshittery got advanced.

What would your local Space Force Guard unit do?

Well, probably most states would never have one.  It's not like the Army National Guard where you have real weapons and train to kill people and break things, or the Air Guard which has aircraft.   You'd sit in an Armory, probably the Army Guard armory, where the real soldiers would make fun of you, and train.


In some places that are close to Langley, Virginia you'd probably fill in on a real job on the weekend drills.  Not that the Space Force would need you to, but at least that would give it a reason to exist.

It shouldn't exist, as the Space Force shouldn't exist.

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