Sunday, November 14, 2021

Monday November 14, 1921. Monuments, prisoners and wrestlers.

The cornerstone was placed at the Washington Memorial Hall.

Mrs. Harry Rogers Mallory performed the official honors.

There was wrestling news in Wyoming.
Today In Wyoming's History: November 14, 1921

1921  World Champion wrestler Jack Taylor of Wyoming lost the title in Boise to a Russian wrestler.  Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

Taylor was actually a Canadian, but he was living in Wyoming at the time.  He had just been defeated noted wrestler Jack Pasek at the Iris in Casper on October 31 in a three-hour match, so he was on a losing streak.

Taylor had originally hailed from Ontario and would return to Canada in later years, retiring to Edmonton, a city which is interestingly frequently compared to Casper, although for reasons that are unclear to me.

The President was visited by World War One veterans who wanted him to release prisoners who had opposed the war.

The news photos vs. a print from a negative at the LoC gives an interesting example of photo cropping.

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