Friday, September 17, 2021

Wednesday September 17, 1941. Destruction.

Äyräpään kirkko, oikealla maantie. Äyräpää 1941.09.17 (Äyräpää church, road on the right. Äyräpää 9/19/1941).  The church was a Lutheran Church, that being the predominant Chritian faith in Finland.  This village was ceded to the Soviet Union following World War Two and nothing of it exists today.

On this day in 1941, Werner Heisenberg and Danish scientist Niels Bohr had some sort of conversation about something.  According to Heisenberg, it was about atomic weaponry. According to Bohr, it wasn't.  Both men, who knew each other well, were attending a conference.

Bohr would flee to the United States, through Sweden, and then the United Kingdom, in 1943, as the Germans tightened their restrictions on Danish Jews.  In the US he'd be involved with the Manhattan Project but was not one of the physicists who was stationed with the project.

The U.S. Army dropped paratroopers in maneuvers for the first time, that event coming in the war games in Louisiana.

More on both of these can be found here.

Today in World War II History—September 17, 1941

Also in the item above, on this day the Germans began the deportation of Jews out of the formal Reich.

The USS Hornet was in dry dock.

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