Sunday, June 20, 2021

Monday, June 20, 1921. Wheels.

It seemed to be a bicycle themed day.  President Harding met with a group of young men and their bicycles.
And two boys who were joint winners of a bicycle from the Washington Post posed with it, although they didn't look too thrilled. . . perhaps because there were two of them.

Rep. Robertson on June 20, 1921.

In Congress, Representative Alice Mary Robertson presided over the U.S. House of Representatives, thereby becoming the first woman to do so.

Robertson was a strong willed personality who had defeated an incumbent in order to take office, making her the second woman to obtain a position in the U.S. House of Representatives.  The Republican from Oklahoma was a Native American advocate and an opponent of feminism.  She never married and served only one term, after which she retired to a dairy farm, although she held an appointed position in the Harding Administration.  Her farm was destroyed by those angered by her votes in Congress.  She died in 1931 at age 77.

The United Kingdom held a conference with its Dominions that commenced on this day.  Policy in regard to Japan was a focus of it.

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