Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Page (and Blog) Updates for 2021


We've been really bad about updating the pages and features of this blog for one reason or another, but there have been a few recently, so we'll start off this thread by noting those.

One rather obvious thing is we reformatted the layout.  Now items appear on the left margin as well as the right.  The reason is that the items linked in have grown so large that they trail out beyond the posts, no matter what we do.  They still do, but not as severely.

We also culled a bunch of the linked in blogs on the right.  Some are just gone, mostly due to the links being dysfunctional, but many others now are down in the inactive blog list.  Some blogs just stop, and that's where the links to those are.

We also fixed some links that weren't working.  Turned out a few blogs linked in at the right actually update regularly, but their links were incorrect, so their content was being missed.

October 4, 2021

Hmmm. .  I really need to update the pages around here.  Indeed, I know that I've put up piles of posters on the main site, for one thing, I know that I need to add to the collections.

Well, anyhow, there is a new page added to the site:

The Killetarian Cookbook:  Cooking Wild Game.

This was just put up, and it doesn't have any recipes yet. As they're added, as with other pages, I'll update here.


October 4, 2021, cont.

The Killetarian Cookbook:  Cooking Wild Game.

Added to.

October 7, 2021

Added to:  The Killetarian Cookbook:  Cooking Wild Game.

Antelope recipes.

December 1, 2021

Added to: They Were Lawyers.

Banastre Tarleton.

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