Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19, 1920. Kapp gone, but Germany in turmoil, Storms in southern Wyoming, Storms in Chaplin marriage, Senate fails to ratify Versailles Treaty.

Ebert's government was restored, but still challenged.  In the Ruhr a Communist rebellion was still very active.

On the same day, news of a huge storm in southern Wyoming was making headlines, . . . and a century later another blizzard is expected in the state.

In Cheyenne the new of the marital troubles of the Chaplins, which involved the former Mildred Harris of Cheyenne, Chaplin's first wife, were front page news.  The couple would in fact divorce that year.

A majority of the Senate voted to ratify the Versailles Treaty, but it was still seven votes short of the number needed to ratify the treaty.

The Senate did vote support for Ireland's independence.

Yaqui Indians surrendered to Mexican troops causing a headline that proclaimed that the Mexican Revolution was now over.  On the same day Soviet newspapers were reporting that Alaska wished to succeed from the United States and join the Soviet Union, an early example of "fake news" involving Russia.

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