Thursday, December 17, 2020


Why do some people hate them?

They must, however.

My subdivision has a covenant against clotheslines.  Nobody actually enforces it, but I know that there is one.

I violate it pretty routinely.

An enduring memory of when I was a kid was my mother hanging the laundry out on the line.  This was, of course, only during the summer, the summer being the only time of year around here, generally, that you can do that, although in warm days in the fall and early spring I still do.

And the fact that I'm saying "still do" indicates that I have a line.

And indeed I do.  

I have a line hooked to a steel fence pole that I string to a steel deck pole. We take it off the deck pole when its not in use. 

And that lets me put my clothes out to dry on the line. Which means they smell fresher than they otherwise do.

This is, of course, those clothes which I let air dry, which are pretty much just trousers.  Shirts and whatnot for the most part I run through the dryer.

I wonder what caused clotheslines to be regarded as somehow unacceptable?

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