Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lex Anteinternet: On being sick

Lex Anteinternet: On being sick:  Influenza ward (it appears outdoors) Walter Reed Hospital.  1918. I have had, I'm pretty sure, the flu this past week. Taking ...
I told myself yesterday that, as I felt much better on Sunday, I was fine yesterday, Monday.

But I'm still not feeling well at all.

I'm so tired it's not even funny.  I could easily go to sleep at any hour of the day.  And with that, comes a certain sense of despondency.  It's hard to describe, but truly, right now, I'm struggling through.  I have no choice, but that's not really a happy feeling.

As part of that, I've been ignoring everything I don't have to.  The news, events, this blog.  Everything.  I know that there's talk of a trade war but I haven't mustered up enough interest to follow it.  People keep resigning from the Administration.  I don't know who they are or why, nor can I muster up enough interest to care.  The Legislature can't resolve the budget and I'd dig into it. . . but I'm not going to.

A nap, however, would interest me greatly.

1 comment:

shoreacres said...

I'm really sorry your illness is lingering. Several friends here in Texas have endured this year's affliction, and it's been worse than usual for them. Best wishes.