Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Odd headline: Mike Coffman, Jared Polis want to end the military draft

From the Denver Post.

Polis is a Colorado Congressman who is sponsoring a bill in  Congress with others.  The oddity of the headline is the assertion that it seeks "to end the military draft".

The US hasn't drafted anyone since 1973.

What the bill really proposes to do is to end the Selective Service System, which cost the US taxpayer $23,000,000 per year.

Abolishing it makes sense as the US isn't going to be drafting anyone and, based on past experience, it is capable of creating a conscription service pretty rapidly.  It did it in the low tech age of the Civil War, then again during World War One, then again, starting in 1940, for World War Two, and then again after World War Two for the Cold War.  If we had another big crisis like that we could get it done.

But we don't need it for the wars we're fighting now and we know that.

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