Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Resources | Inequality for All. It's graphics

Liberal economist Robert Reich has put out a film, which probably very few people will actually see (and which I have not) regarding our economy and the Middle Class.  It's called, as the title here indicates, Inequality For All.

I'll freely admit I remember Reich but I know very little about his views really, other than that he is regarded as a liberal economist, which would mean that he has a certain set of views.  So I'm not endorsing nor condemning his work here, as I don't know much about it, and I haven't seen the film.  I'm quite unlikely to actually see it.

His website on the the film, however,does have an interesting set of graphics, which can be found here:

In some ways, these graphics fit into the topic of this blog, given as they're a look at the economy, and wealth, through time.  This assumes, of course, that the graphics are accurate, which I presume they are.

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