Monday, November 11, 2013

Today In Wyoming's History: Veterans Day

Today In Wyoming's History: Veterans Day:

Today is Veterans Day, commemorating the day in 1918 when World War One's fighting came to an end.  Originally called Armistice Day, and commemorating only the end of that war, after World War Two the holiday was expanded to honor all veterans of all wars, and veterans in general.

How does that work in your town, and in your place of employment?  Is this just another day?  Does your town honor it with a function of some sort.  Do you have the day off?  Let us know.


LeAnn28 said...

It's just another day at my work (teaching). However, we have morning announcements and the kids do talk about it's importance as a holiday. It is also my birthday, maybe that's why I became a social studies teacher.

Pat H said...

Happy belated birthday!

Pat, Marcus & Alexis said...

To add a bit, at least around here it seems that only employees of the Federal government and the banks get the day off. Even the state courts do not get it off, which is a shame in my view.

I can't say that I ever recall schools getting the day off around here. Oddly, I do know that when I was in grade school we got Flag Day off for some reason, which isn't a very well obseved holiday in general.

LeAnn28 said...

Thanks! And I agree. I don't think schools should be off, really. I do think that it should be mentioned that there are veterans, maybe even in their schools, that have served and sacrificed, as have their families, so that we can continue to go to school, learn about our history and the history of other cultures, etc.