Saturday, October 1, 2016

Harley and the Davidsons

Having recently finished all the episodes of Foyles War, and seeing that this historical drama was running on the the Discovery Channel, and liking Harley Davidson motorcycles, I decided to watch it.

 The founders of Harley Davidson Motor Cycle Company, William A. Davidson, Walter Davidson, Sr., Arthur Davidson and William S. Harley

Now, let me note, I like Harley Davidson motorcycles.  I don't own one. And I don't really know all that much about the company's history or those who founded the company. So, this review is an odd one in that I'm reviewing a topic I really don't know very much about.  That's important as I understand that this television drama takes liberties with its story, but I'll miss a lot of them (other than to be suspecting that I'm seeing them).  However, the concluding snippets at the end would suggest that some things I thought were liberties were not, so again, for a review of its accuracy, a person probably can't rely on this.

 Harley Davidson motorcycle on flat track, 1919.

This drama follows the company and its founders from the creation of their very first motorcycle until the introduction of its 1934 model which more or less introduced the motorcycle we recognize today.  In other words from 1903 to 1934.  FWIW, I know enough about the company to know that the film was accurate in these regards. The first Harley was built in the shed behind one of the founder's parents home, and in 34 Harley did introduce what was then a radical new motorcycle in spite of the ongoing Great Depression.

Beyond that, I think that the drama takes a huge number of liberties.  Harley was their engineer, but the story doesn't make it clear that he graduated as an engineer from the University of Wisconsin before the company truly took off.  Harley is shown getting married, which he did, but the fact that he and his wife had several children is oddly omitted.  His wife, Anna Jachthuber (nee) is shown being critically ill for a time, and I don't know if that's correct or not.  Arthur Davidson is correctly depicted as the company's marketing genius.  That he had several children is also omitted.    Arthur Davidson and William Harley were really the two main designers of the motorcycles, so what role Walter Davidson senior or junior had I don't know, other than that they had some.

Indian Motorcycles and its business leadership is depicted as evil in the film, which doesn't reflect reality.   It was just a slightly older (two years) competitor with Harley for a long time. Apparently the makes of the film thought they needed some sort of long lasting rivalry as a plot device.

So, while there are accurate details (the relationship with a Japanese company, albeit brief, did occur) there are a lot of departures from the truth as well.

Well, on to material details.

I understand that the makes of this film studied the early motorcycles at Harley's museum and I believe they are accurately depicted.  It is neat to see these (scary) early bikes depicted in such large numbers.  Various details like that are well depicted.  Clothing is predicted accurately, although the wearing of it isn't always.  Walter Davidson, for example, is shown often wearing an open collar banded collar shirt with no starched collar attached and no tie. That just wouldn't have happened in that era.  An early female motorcycle club racer is inserted in the plot for the 1930s, which is unlikely. The frequent insertion of horses, however, is accurate and nicely done.

All in all, it's entertaining, but probably not very accurate history. 


Idaho, like Wyoming, went for Ted Cruz in the GOP primary.

Idaho, like Wyoming, has a lot of public land that the public likes to use.  Cruz during the primary espoused the toxic idea that the public lands should go to the states.

Well, a large Idaho ranch bought by two extremely rich Texans, at least one of whom was a Cruz supporter, just locked up access, right in front of elk season in the area, through his lands, effectively eliminating the ability of Idaho hunters who hunt there.

I feel sorry for them, truly, . . .unless they voted for Cruz, in which case they are getting exactly what they deserve.

And Wyomingites who don't challenge our candidates who make such statements are setting this exact scenario up on a massive scale.

The Best Post of the Week of September 25, 2016

The Wyoming National Guard, what was it doing and where was it going?

Poster Saturday: Enlist, you darned slacker weenie.

Sunday State Leader for October 1, 1916: Guard arrives at border and placed under command of a Regular

The news broke that the Wyoming National Guard made it to the border; Deming New Mexico to be exact.

And UW went down to defeat against the Colorado Aggies in football.

Wilson apparently warned that voting in the GOP risked war, an ironic statement, given what we knew would happen in a few short monts.

Europe, 1916

From the October 1916 edition of The Masses.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Re-imagining the Wyoming Election System. Making it fair and democratic

Right now, for state elections, Wyoming has a system that many states have.

Here's the way it works.

Republicans who want to run for office file to run in the primary against other Republicans.

Democrats who want to run for office file to run in the primary against other Democrats.

And Libertarians, which are a recognized party in Wyoming, do the same.

At the primary, people who have registered ad Republicans get to vote for the Republicans.

And people who have registered as Democrats get to vote for the Democrats.

And the same for the Libertarians.

And then the county clerks tally up the vote.

So a party election, in effect, is held on the county dime.

That, in spite of my just going off on it, generally works okay, but its not really fully democratic.  And it gives us the situation we currently have in which we have Democrats who are probably actually middle of the road Republicans running against other Republicans, and then Republicans who actually are some sort of radical Libertarian running as though they are Republicans, and whom might even think they actually are.

This is a poor system.

Here would be a better one.

Let anyone who registers to run in the primary run, irrespective of party.

Let everyone who is a registered voter vote in the primary.  Don't even take their party affiliation down, or let it be taken down (why should I have to register my party with the county?).  At the primary election the top vote getters will be determined.

Let the top two vote getters run against each other in the general election, and the winner of that election gets the office.  If, in the primary, the top five positions are within 100 votes of each other, let them all go on to the general.

If we did that, we'd have a better chance of getting an office holder who people actually supported.  Most people don't really fit into either party, and frankly the parties aren't real parties anyway as each party has a huge division within itself.  And if we're voting for the man, rather than the party, anyhow, who cares what party they are in?

This would avoid, I'd note, a situation like we have seen this year in House District 57, in which Chuck Gray was running against Ray Pacheco in order to go on to run against Audrey Cotherman (the Democrat).  Part of that race was taken up by Gray accusing Pacheco of not being a real Republican because he used to be a Democrat.  Pacheco perhaps should have accused Gray of not being a real Republican, or at least not a Wyoming Republican, but rather being a Libertarian, but he didn't.  But, as there were only three contenders anyhow, why waste all this goofball time and effort about which party any of them are in and, instead, discuss what they actually think?

For that matter, if we had a similar system for hte U.S. House I wonder what the race we now have would be?   I doubt it would be Cheney against Greene, and while I think Cheney would be in it, I don't think she's likely be the winner as chances are that one of the other popular Republicans would be.

The Two Party System is broken, stupid, and anti democratic. Would that we could ditch it. . .

rather than institutionalize it, the way we have.

It'd dumb beyond belief.

Nationally, its insanity has given us the two distasteful candidates, one of whom is going to become a massively unpopular President by default.  Locally, it's bolted a rational traditional Wyoming GOP with a radical GOP that's out of tune with Wyoming's people.  The Democratic party is the same way, with some solid middle of the road, Wyoming, candidates, and some who seem to think they're sitting a meeting of the Petrograd Soviet in 1917.

It's pathetic.

And the two party system is to blame.

Time to dump this decrepit system.

Let us consider it carefully.

The essence of the two party political system is a stunning conclusion that all human opinions can be categorized into two groups.  It's the ultimate "there are two kinds of people" statement on human nature.

Well, dear reader, there are not "two kinds of people".  Not hardly.

And the fact that both parties are split into more than one group themselves is ample proof of that.

But let us move on to the categories that a two party system supposed.

We have two parties, the Grand Old Party (the Republicans) and the Democratic Party, which is supposedly the oldest standing political party in the world (true only if you accept that the same Democratic Party which was such a huge fan of slavery is the same one we have today.  . . which isn't the case).

The GOP is the "conservative" party. The Democrats are, at least sometimes, the "liberal" party, or the "progressive" party (an odd term in and of itself, as progressive means we're progressing towards something, . . . but what is that something?).

Okay, on this, we are to believe, for example, that the conservative GOP is the party that's opposed to abortion, in favor of the free market, opposed to high taxation, and for a strong defense.  It's also, we are told, opposed to gun control.  It's for law and order, we're told.  And its for a strong defense, but  not an activist foreign policy.

The Democrats are the opposite of these things. They're for abortion and euthanasia (and they truly are) as a rule.  They're supposedly opposed to using force but for engaging the world. They are big on inclusiveness and diversity.

This, of course, all on the national level. We'll get to the local level soon enough.

Now, if these statements are taken no further than what I just stated, they are in fact true.  But let's take them further.

Let's start with a really divisive issue. Abortion.  And let's not mince words and claim its about choice.  Bull.  It's about abortion.

Generally, the GOP is opposed to abortion . . .with qualifiers.  It's opposed to abortion because its members, or at least a fair number of them, are pro life or at least feel queasy about defining what lives are worth preserving and which are not.  Indeed, that's generally it, and that's a position I agree with. All human life is, in my view, valuable and indeed sacred, and I don't really care if letting that life come into existence means it wrecks your nifty career plans, is inconvenient, expensive or something (although it wouldn't, what with adoption and the like).  And I don't feel that there are any qualifiers to this.  Those who would come into the world unwanted, for any reason, or into a traumatic situation, for any reason, or sick, for any reason, have just as much of a right to live than those who come into the world under normal circumstances.  That's the GOP position, right?

Well, not really.  Generally, the GOP nationally will put qualifiers on it of some sort, but they're better at any rate than the Democrats on this issue, which always values the life of the adult or near adult, well, the fully functional adult, or maybe some sort of adult, over the infant.

And that is a conservative position, as it conserves life.

So, then, if that's our view and our goal, or rather if that's the GOP view and goal, then the GOP must likewise feel that way about every life and death issue.

Not so much.

Generally the GOP is okay with the death penalty.

Now, the death penalty is something that has widespread support, and historically it made sense.  It really doesn't in the current world, however, and given that its intellectually inconsistent with preserving life in general.  It just doesn't make sense to oppose abortion, as a political party, and support the death penalty.

Okay, so I'm saying this one position doesn't make sense within the GOP. And the reverse of it, the Democratic position, which basically never saw a baby that it didn't think was a target for death in the womb, and as its coming to develop never saw an old person who it didn't think should be wheeled into a the lethal injection chamber, but opposes the death penalty, is even odder. Truly, if the Democrats can generally think its okay to off infants in the womb and old people in the nursing home, why not prisoners in the jail?  If inconvenience and quality of life are the standards, which are the Democratic standard, well, life in jail is the pits.. . . why not kill them all?

Clearly, these positions make no sense within the parties themselves, although the GOP position makes more sense than the  Democratic one.

Taking this out, however, if preserving life is the GOP conservative position, why isn't it massively pro environment in a radical sense?  It isn't.  It would seem that a party whose first priority is life, would err on the side of caution in every way in regards to the environment, which ultimately is a life issue.  Indeed, the GOP candidate ought to make Jill Stein look like a slacker in these regards.  But, no, the GOP basically discounts many environmental concerns, weighing contemporary economic concerns higher.  That's intellectually inconsistent.  The Democrats generally support economic causes them, but that's inconsistent as well, given that their standard for everything else seems to be the mere convenience of the presently living, as long as they think like. . . well, you know. . um.  And the Democrats claim to have the interest of the working man as a paramount concern, but they conversely seem to have little concern for policies such as we're discussing here, i.e., environmental ones, even if they hurt the working man.  As pragmatic as the Democrats are life issues you'd think that they'd be equally as pragmatic on economic ones over other issues. But that's not true either.

Indeed, carrying that out yet further, if preservation of life is a prime concern in the GOP, we'd think that it'd be for a foreign policy that emphasized the prevention of war and the party would almost be pacifistic..  I'm not sure what the GOP policy really is. I know that the Democrats, in recent years, have been really willing to use drones in undeclared wars which is problematic to some degree, although I guess you can rationalize that, although traditionally they claim to be the party that's opposed to war.

My point is that whatever your own views are, it's clearly the case that you can be pro life, anti death penalty, anti euthanasia, but not otherwise be very keen on the GOP's economic and environmental views.  Conversely, you can be deeply concerned about the environment but have no place at all in the Democratic Party unless you are willing to live with blood implicitly on your hands.  Its just not the case that all these issues fit into one party or another.  I'm sure there are homosexuals who are opposed to abortion deeply, for example.  Or radical conservationist who are deeply in favor of the Second Amendment.  Or those who deeply espouse the traditional view of marriage while being deeply in favor of gun control.

Why isn't, therefore, a party that reflects the life issues the way I've set them out, as one mere example?

Well, there actually is (the American Solidarity Party) but it's hard for a party like that to get anyone on the ballot in our first past the post system, let alone a system that is so institutionalized that states actually run, free of cost, party elections for the parties.  That's what primary elections are.  Primary elections shouldn't even exist, really, as all they are is the party picking its choices, but that's somehow forgotten.

Now, least this be read as if I'm campaigning here for the ASP and that 's the purpose of my post, this is true of all sorts of things.

I have a left wing Democratic friend running for office whom I'm sure has never seen a left wing cause the candidate didn't love.  The candidate would likely be for killing infants in the delivery room if it was an option, and putting a bullet in the back of the head of anyone over 60 years of age if they caught the sniffles. They're for redefining marriage in any way imaginable irrespective of the historic norms and the reasons for them without considering them (they'd simply dismiss them), and probably would support polygamy and any other "progressive" social change you could think of, even if that position would have once been regarded as regressive (prohibition of polygamy and formality to marriages would originally have been "progressive" positions).  They are of course in favor of legalizing marijuana and probably other drugs but for banning guns.  That person deserves a different party than the Democratic Party, and indeed people like that make the Democrats here look nutty.

Conversely, we have running here locally at least three "constitutional" conservatives who apparently have a double secret copy of the constitution that requires the Federal government to give land to the states so that it can be sold to the super rich owners of football franchises in some other state, as, doggone, that's what the hallowed founders of our brave republic required.  Some of these candidates appear to downright hate the Federal government and everyone who works for it.  They deserve their own party as well, and frankly right now they're driving Wyomingites who have long been in the GOP out of it.

And all of this even assumes that everyone's world outlook is based on logic, which it clearly is not.  I can see no reason, for example, why there would not be some people who care mostly about there being no gun control but who want a Sanders send my kids to college at government expense bill. By the same token I know that there are gun owners who are fanatic about the Second Amendment and who are pacifist, and that there are businessmen who are socialist at heart but conceive of themselves as pro business otherwise.  There are no doubt radical fee marketeers who never saw a public construction project they didn't love and want to fund.  And I know that there are coal miners who really believe there's a war on coal but who care deeply about the preservation of the land and access to public lands.

All this would be easy solvable if we had more than one viable political party. But the two parties have so entrenched themselves that it's nearly impossible for a third party, or a person with no party at all, to make a run at things. That's why the biggest growing "party" in the United States are the Independents. I.e,. a pox on all of your houses.  Indeed, I'm set to join them once again (I've been an independent in the recent past, and I'm seriously thinking of going down and registering as an Independent as soon as I get the time).

The first part of addressing this is to break the parties hold on the election system itself.  Do away with the nonsensical commission on Presidential debates which keeps third party candidates from debating (the old League of Women's Voters debates let them in when they had less support than the commission does).

Wipe out primary elections as party of the system.  Let any party that can muster up at least 250 signatures for a single candidate be on the ballot on that state and if it does it once, it should be allowed to simply present its certified candidate for the next decade.  And require, if you are going to have party elections at public expense, that the parties certify that the voters are party members, not the county clerk.  If you are going to vote in a party election, you should have gone to the trouble of actually signing up with the party.

Or, better yet, if we are to have primaries, don't have party names on the ballot at all and don't have party restrictions on the ballot.  Make them real primaries in which every single person who has filed to run is on the ballot against everyone else, and in the general election the top two, or four, compete to see who gets the seat, irrespective of their party affiliation.   Why should the system favor one party against another.  If the voters narrow their choices to two people they think qualified, or perhaps four, let them square off irrespective of what party they are in, or indeed irrespective if they are in no party at all.

If we had that system, we'd not have the Presidential race we do right now.  The reason we have this weird mess is, in part, as we have a system that unnaturally groups people into one of two groups.  If you see yourself in any of the described groups above, don't get mad at me, get mad at the system, because unless you are a very unusual person, you don't have a candidate this year you really like, and this system is why that is.

And we wouldn't have local election in which what are effectively four parties are pretending to be two.

Wyoming National Guardsmen arrive at Deming New Mexico: September 30, 1916

The 1st Wyoming Infantry arrived at Camp Cody, New Mexico, just outside of Deming, where it would be stationed for the next five months.

Camp Cody, N.M., June 1918; Brig. Gen. F. G. Mauldin, N.A. C.O.

Kentucky State Fair, September 1916

Kentucky State Fair, copyright date of September 30, 1916.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lex Anteinternet: Sign of the times? Casper Petroleum Club to close...

We ran this news recently:
Lex Anteinternet: Sign of the times? Casper Petroleum Club to close...: Founded in 1949 with the purpose to “aid the industrial and productive interests of the State of Wyoming" the Casper Petroleum Club, a...
At that time the Club was going to try to stay open until December, but readers of the Tribune learned today that Saturday is going to be its last day.  It just doesn't have the resources to carry on.

The Club president, amongst other causes, noted the decline in private clubs nationwide, which no doubt has played a role.  Once a club just for oilmen and then businessmen, it long ago opened to all for membership, but its membership was declining.  Having weathered prior oilfield recessions, a declining base just wasn't sufficient this time.

The Punitive Expedition: Addtional Wyoming National Guard units leave for the border, maybe. September 28, 1916.

 New York (not Wyoming) Guardsmen entraining, June 1916.  Similar scenes, however, would have taken place near Cheyenne.  These troops, by the way, have a real mix of gear, as photos of Wyoming's troops do as well, as more modern canteens hadn't caught up with them yet and they were still using bedrolls, frontier campaign style, rather than backpacks.  In terms of the scene, we see Guardsmen caught in the moment between the style of Frontier campaigning and modern warfar.

When I originally posted this item it read:
Two additional battalions of the Wyoming National Guard depart for the Mexican border.

These units had been under orders since June.
This might be right, but frankly what I think is may be the case is that the historians who suggest this have the departure dates confused.  But maybe not.

It's possible that the entraining took place on the 27th and 28th, but it seems possible that it took place all late in the night of  the 27th.  Still, the "two additional" battalions items does raise some questions and its not impossible that the Guard entrained over two days.

Raising more questions, 642 Wyoming National Guardsmen were mobilized in the Punitive Expedition.   The first newspaper reports on their departure only indicated that a little under 150 left on the night of the 27th. Assuming that's correct, the bulk of the men were still encamped near Cheyenne.  And if that's right, and it may well be, that means that is perfectly possible that more left over the next two days on additional trains, or at least that more left on a separate train on the 28th.

If you know, let us know.

The Wyoming Tribune for September 28, 1916: Guard leaves on 26 trailroad cars, revolt in Greece, and we're a sick soft nation in 1916, apparently

The always more dramatic Wyoming Tribune noted that the Guard was "finally" off for the Mexican border, but its the other headlines that really drew attention.

I'd hardly regard the US of 1916 as sick, soft and fat, but apparently somebody did.

Cheyenne State Leader for September 28, 1916: The troops have left

In today's edition of the Cheyenne State Leader we learn that the Wyoming Guard departed the prior night, after an apparently long day of delays.

The bottom entry, I'd note, reminds us to be careful out there.

Mid Week At Work: Auto body repair

This week I'm taking a bit of a different approach to this reoccurring topic to note that I really wish I knew how to do this.

I've been spending a lot of time recently in an auto body shop, given that I've had an entire series of automobile incidents recently.  Indeed, I didn't even bother to post about the last couple of things that have gone mechanically wrong, I'm getting so used to it.

The whole experience has been aggravating, but not because of the shop, but rather because I've had up to three automobiles in shops of one kind or another at the same time.  We have what I've always regarded as a surplus of vehicles.  Four a household that had four drivers (now three, that my son is in college and not in the household) we have up to six vehicles, which just seems excessive.  Well, right now, with one of those vehicles gone with my son, and three in the shop, I"m down to two. And of those two, one is a really heavy truck that, while I'm using it around town and for short trips into the country, I can't really use it in my day job if I have to go anywhere.  It's been quite an experience.

But my experience with the automobile repair places hasn't been bad in any way.

Indeed, what it has done has sort of revived a long wish of mine that I knew how to do auto body work and really good mechanical work.

Yes, I know that's odd.

It's not that I'm going to take up a late career move from law to auto body repair.  I just admire their work.  And that of mechanics as well.  And having a lot of old wheeled stuff, I really wish I knew how to do it.

Indeed, I looked at the Casper College course catalog and saw that the offer courses in this. But, of course, their courses are designed for the young who are educating themselves for their careers.  So the cases last for hours, and are mostly during the day.

Even at that, if I were retired, I'd seriously think about taking them.  By the time I retired, I'll be too darned old to do that.  But it's something I can admire anyhow.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Check your facts, Chuck

A quote from candidate Chuck Gray:
We need to get serious about having the federal government fulfill its promise to return its federal land (which is around 50% of the state) back to the state of Wyoming, which is stated in Wyoming's Constitution and was acknowledged at the time of Wyoming's admission to the Union. When we cleared title to this land, it was acknowledged by both parties that the United States government would be a trustee which would then be disposed of in a reasonable time period. Judicial options need to be considered, as well as working with Congress--for example, Hawaii was able to convince the federal government to sell most of its lands in Hawaii. These lands should be managed effectively to help our people, rather than sitting there rotting.
Actually the polar opposite is the truth. Wyoming forever disclaimed any claim to the public domain and the Federal government never promised them to the state.

Check your facts Chuck.

Sitting there rotting?

No, providing public access, rather than being sold off to out of state interests.

Boo hiss.

Meanwhile in the Villista camp. . .

Pancho Villa attacked and apparently defeated a couple of Constitutionalist garrisons.  Or so reported the Chicago newspaper, which I now know thanks to Reddit's 100 Years Ago Today subreddit.

Villa was getting quite active again.