Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year's Resolutions for Other People, sort of.

Some years I post basically satiric resolutions for other people.

2024 was not a great year in a lot of ways, and 2025 promises not to be, thus making anything comedic seem rather inappropriate.

So this is a bit more serious.

The general election of 2024 was truly the worst one in the country's history.  Two ancient men were offered up by the nation's two major political parties, with those parties only agreeing on the lie that you must vote for one of the two of them.  The Democratic Party, which emerged for a while after World War Two as a center left party representing the working class, completed its post Vietnam War lurch to the far left and couldn't claw its way back from there.  The Republican Party, formerly the party of conservatism and business, was destroyed by Donald Trump and his populist minions, a process set in motion in the 1970s and Reagan's Southern Strategy, thereby becoming a new expression of the Dixiecrats.  The attack on education that began in the 1980s under Reagan seemed to bear weedy fruit as well, as middle class Americans, and some upper class Americans, grasped onto utter fictions offered up by Trump and company which promised to return the country to a fictional perfect past.  Many voters, of course, felt trapped and voted both for and against politicians based on social issues which the Democrats in particular had helped bring into the forefront resulting in their defeat.

So, some serious hopes, if not resolutions.

Americans need to quit believing in something because it sounds like something they wish to be true.

We can't be an island insulated from the world.  We've hoped to some degree to that since day one, but we've never been close to achieving that status.  George Washington may have urged us to avoid foreign entanglements but we were involved, on an undeclared basis, in what were essentially two world wars by the early part of the 19th Century, one against France, and another against the United Kingdom and her allies.  While many have long declared that "we aren't the world's policeman", if we aren't there's hardly any police at all.  And if new police arise, there's a really good chance we won't like it.  Our best hope, if we get to that point, is that its the combined countries of Europe, but what if, instead, its the People's Republic of China?

The internet and modern travel have shrunk the world so much that there's no escaping the impact of even minor disruptions around the globe.  A war in Ukraine increases the cost of pasta in Italy and groceries, thereafter, in the US, as the most minor of examples.

We can whine about "forever wars" but the truth of the matter is that we haven't fought a substantial war since we backed out of Vietnam in 1973.  Even at that, there were fewer men garrisoned in Vietnam at the height of the American involvement in the war than there were involved in the Battle of the Bulge, which of course was a single American World War Two battle.  All wars are serious and horrible, but the post Vietnam War conflicts we've been in have, in real terms, been minor in comparison to anything that came after 1975's fall of Saigon.

We can't ignore the globe.

Climate Change is real and needs to be addressed basically 30 years ago. There is still time to act, but that action needs to be massive and drastic.  Believing that this isn't the case is an example of willful denial of science and ultimately an act of theft, if not murder, of future generations.  Denying this because my income is based on oil, and I freely concede much of mine is, doesn't change the reality.

Science of all types needs to be taken seriously.  Sure, it isn't always right, but it's more often right than the ravings of somebody who bases their positions on the spouting of former Playboy centerfolds or quack celebrities.1

On this, vaccinations work.  They do.  If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't, but don't pretend that's because Bill Gates is looking for a way to steal your lunch.

On science, we need to comport more to nature.  That includes our own natures.  Poisoning the womb and murdering infants in the womb isn't "health care", its poisoning yourself and murdering your offspring.  Its' deeply anti natural.

Along the same lines, there are only two genders in mammals. That's it.  You, smart primate, are a member of the most sexually dimorphic species on the planet and are either deeply male or female.  Those pretending otherwise as to their persons are mentally ill, either temporarily or perhaps more permanently.  Society doesn't need to accommodate, in any fashion, this illness.

Homosexuality is the same, some sort of disorder, but not one that presents a societal threat through its tolerance.  It does, however, due to excess accommodation.  One of the world's oldest institutions, marriage, has been so damaged.  But much damage had already been done to marriage due to the erosion of a serious understanding of what it is.

Of course, that was long in coming and gets to the next topic.  Many societal institutions exist for the preservation and protection of society itself, not to make you "happy" or "fulfilled".  Starting in 1953 we began the massive erosion of societal institutions and its been a complete disaster.  There needs to be a serious effort to claw back that which has been lost, including in this area.  There's no reason to tolerate extramarital procreation, whether its by some nameless drug addict or Elon Musk.  Societal norms need to be restored.2 

This gets necessarily to the topic of religion, which has been in the news constantly this year.  It's odd if you realize that we can now so easily access early Christian texts that we can determine what early Christians believed very easily, and it often doesn't look anything like what's coming from The New Apostolic Reformation, or for that matter the "reformed" branches of the 16th Century Reformation, none of which has kept people from imagining Donald Trump as a latter day Cyrus the Great.

In 2024, when the writings of 124 AD are easily available, "religious" Americans who feel that Christianity stops at their own front door and that what they do is okay as they do it, are often far off the mark.  Finding Donald Trump to be a "Godly man" with his serial polygamy and what not is absurd, but then people getting married again and again and pretending that comports with the faith also are out to lunch.  It's not just Christianity, we'd note, that suffers from this.

Nature cares little if you accept nature and its doctrines.  It simply gives the dope slap to those who don't.  Not immediately, but sooner or later.  The Populists who seized control of the country have a chance to recreate the county into what they imagine it should be, but only if they accept that.  Chances are, of course, that National Conservatives will rapidly eclipse them in a year or two with Donald Trump's inevitable passing or inescapable dementia, and like it or nor, they appear to have a firmer grasp on this.  People should ponder it and try to get a grasp themselves.  

Part of that would be that if you feel a politician or a super rich dude has your interest in mind, or that if you believe that economics serves your own economic interest because it must, or if you feel that God abhors your homosexual neighbor but is okay with your third marriage, you need to rethink things.


1.  Jenny McCarthy, who seems to have dropped off the public radar, was famous initially for being a brash Playboy centerfold was an early backer of the vaccines cause autism baloney. They do not.  Now we see Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., backing that absurd view.

2.  The other day I saw an item on Twitter in some dimwit on Twitter claiming some level of authority stated:

Taylor @taylor_vahey

waiting until marriage to have sex with someone is incredibly stupid due to the fact that sometimes two people are not sexually compatible

do not wait until you are locked in for life to find that out

That post is so moronic, on multiple levels, that it could lead to a long thread itself, but only a blistering rich and narcissistic society would even have a concept in some quarters of sexual compatibility.

Our species, homo sapiens sapiens, has gone from nearly being driven to extinction 900,000 years ago to dominating the globe.  We know for a fact that homo sapiens sapiens mated with homo sapiens neaderthalensis, and we're we're learning that we, and the Neanderthals, mated with the Denisovans.  Sexual compatibility doesn't seem to be a human problem.

Last edition:

Honesty and Authenticity. Resolutions.

Subsidiarity Economics 2025. The Times more or less locally, Part 1.

The word "beer" in Saxon, as it appears in Beowulf.

January 1, 2025

Wyoming wise, brewing seems to be the most distributist business going.

Cygnet Brewing Company opened in downtown Casper last night, joining Skull Tree, Oil City Brewing, Gruner Brothers, Frontier Brewing, Mountain Hops, Stahoos, and Bull Horn as Casper breweries, and larger Wyoming regional brewery Black Tooth.

Rent shaming is breaking out in various parts of the country to attack absurdly high rents.

Last edition:

Subsidiarity Economics 2024. The Times more or less locally, Part 4. A return to Pre Covid status

Doing away with the Space Farce. A project for the Doggy Agency.

Logo of the Space Farce, which is part of the Department of the Air Force.  With the Department of the Air Force including the Space Farce, and the Department of the Navy including the Marine Corps, only the Department of the Army is left without two branches within it.  We'd fix that. . . but not by keeping the Space Farce around.

South African billionaire Elon Musk (who GOP darling           claimed was a Chinese stooge just two years ago) and Vivek Ramaswamy, who has a name and ethnicity that Donald Trump would have made fun of but for Ramaswany becoming a Trump stooge, are going to run the Doggy Agency which will study efficiency in government and make non binding recommendations.  A Doggy Caucus has been formed already, with one of Wyoming's Senators signing up for it, to support the anticipated brilliant musing of the super wealthy.

One thing they can do for efficiency sake is get rid of the Space Farce.  The axe should have been applied to that shrub already.

The enabling act for the  Space Farce provides, in its initial portion, as follows:

10 U.S. Code § 9081 - The United States Space Force (sic)


There is established a United States Space Force (sic) as an armed force within the Department of the Air Force.

(b)Composition.—The Space Force (sic) consists of—

(1)the Regular Space Force (sic);

(2)all persons appointed or enlisted in, or conscripted into, the Space Force (sic), including those not assigned to units, necessary to form the basis for a complete and immediate mobilization for the national defense in the event of a national emergency; and

(3)all Space Force (sic) units and other Space Force (sic) organizations, including installations and supporting and auxiliary combat, training, administrative, and logistic elements.

(c)Functions.—The Space Force (sic) shall be organized, trained, and equipped to—

(1)provide freedom of operation for the United States in, from, and to space;

(2)conduct space operations; and

(3)protect the interests of the United States in space.

(Added Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title XVI, § 1601(a)(1), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1718, § 2279c; amended Pub. L. 115–232, div. A, title X, § 1081(a)(17), Aug. 13, 2018, 132 Stat. 1984; renumbered § 9081 and amended Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title IX, § 952(b)(3), (4), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1562; Pub. L. 116–283, div. A, title IX, § 922(a), (b), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 3806; Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, § 1712(a), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 625.)


I looked it up as I was curious if the sitting President could simply decline to fund the stupid thing, or simply order it non staffed.  From looking at the statute pertaining to it, I think not.   Its goofballedness must be funded and the Boy Scouts of Space must be staffed.

Joe Biden, who never served in the military, left the Farce alone while he was in office, unfortunately.  Trump certainly will leave it in place as it was the darling of his silly little mind.  So, the super efficient businessman caused the formation of something we already had, separating it out from its parent agency, the Air Force, so we could have some degree of needless duplication.

So we're stuck with it for the time being.

But it really ought to go.

Air Force security team guarding junior bird men base, as they apparently can't guard it themselves.

Elon Musk has shown that at least to some degree when he voices an opinion and spreads it all over Twitter, he gets something like what he wants.  He killed a continuing resolution briefly, and of course he wanted Donald to be President, and therefore was successful at bot of those things.  If Musk opined that the Farce should be folded back into the Air Force (with its officers of course busted in grade if they volunteered to go into such an absurdity), he might be able to pull it off.

And that would save money.

Frankly, what might also save some money is putting the Air Force back into the Army, or at least the Department of the Army.  It doesn't entirely make sense that the Air Force is seperate from the ground forces, although you can make a logical argument for it.

Wednesday, January 1, 1975. Cutting off Phnom Penh.

The Khemr Rouge cut off supply lines to Phnom Penh.

John N. Mitchell, H. R. Haldeman, and John Ehrlichman were found guilty on charges of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury in the cover-up of the Watergate scandal. 

Robert Mardian was found guilty on one count of conspiracy.

Queen Elizabeth II conferred knighthood on Charlie Chaplin, P. G. Wodehouse, Roger Bannister, and Gary Sobers.

I would have passed on Chaplin.

Last edition:

Tuesday, December 31, 1974. Americans get to own gold again.

Monday, January 1, 1945. Operation Bodenplatte. Reprisal massacre.

The Luftwaffe commenced Operation Bodenplatte, which had originally been planned for December 16, in an attempt to cripple Allied air forces in the Low Countries. The hope was to gain air superiority so that the stalled German advance in Wacht am Rhein could resume.

A tactical surprise resulting in the destruction of 500 Allied aircraft on the ground, it none the less failed to achieve its goal and actually destroyed the Luftwaffe as an offensive, or even defensive, force due to heavy losses.  Allied losses were replaced within one week.

Soldiers of the 11th Armored Division murdered about 80 German POWs at Chenogne, Belgium, in reprisal for the Malmedy Massacre.

Some of the boys had some prisoners line up. I knew they were going to shoot them, and I hated this business.... They marched the prisoners back up the hill to murder them with the rest of the prisoners we had secured that morning.... As we were going up the hill out of town, I know some of our boys were lining up German prisoners in the fields on both sides of the road. There must have been 25 or 30 German boys in each group. Machine guns were being set up. These boys were to be machine gunned and murdered. We were committing the same crimes we were now accusing the Japs and Germans of doing.... Going back down the road into town I looked into the fields where the German boys had been shot. Dark lifeless forms lay in the snow.

Following the Malmedy Massacre some US units were issued orders not to take SS POWs, a clearly illegal order.  The murdered POWs, however, were members of the Führerbegleitbrigade and 3rd Panzergrenadier Division, German Army units, the latter of which had been associated with atrocities in Italy.

The killing of SS POWs became routine in some units.

The event was covered up and only really became known in detail in 2018.  This was not the only such event that occurred, and some units began to routinely kill SS prisoners.

The UK refused to recognize the Soviet sponsored Polish government.

Hitler made a radio address which omitted the current German situation to such an extent that it provoked Allied debate on who made it, and when.

It's worth noting at this point that while October, 1944, was the bloodiest month of the war for the US, in larger terms, the killing and dying ramped up massively starting in January, 1945, as the Allies closed in on Germany.

Last edition:

Sunday, December 31, 1944. Unternehmen Nordwind launched Ichi-Go concludes a success.

Tuesday, January 1, 1925. Marines in China.

Christiania, Norway, was renamed Oslo, it's old and original name.

Marines landed at Nanjing to patrol near the university and to protect Americans in the vicinity.

Costa Rica, unhappy with the League of Nations failure to address regional issues, withdrew form the body.

The French mandate states of Aleppo and Damascus were united in the State of Syria.

Last edition:

Wednesday, December 31, 1924. Final Home Edition.

Monday, January 1, 1900. Boxer amplification.

The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, ("Boxers") killed Reverend S.M. Brooke from the United Kingdom, their first foreign missionary to be murdered by the Boxers.

Last edition:

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

In Memoriam. Jimmy Carter.

James "Jimmy" Carter died on December 29. He was, of course, the 39th President of the United States.

I'm late to noting his passing and therefore everyone has already read tributes to him.  Even Donald Trump, to my surprise, lauded him and indicated he'd attend his funeral. Carter did, it might be noted, feel that the early criticism of Trump was unfair.  I don't know what he thought about Trump later.

I've listed to a lot of the audio obits and read a few, and what I'll note is that, as so often, they approach being hagiography and tend to omit somethings that should be of real interest.

I'll start with the biggest.  Carter was a failure as a President.  Coming into office with an American public sick of inflation (sound familiar?) and disgusted with the Republicans due to Watergate (sound unfamiliar?), and also fatigued by the Vietnam War, he really didn't accomplish much.  He proved incapable of tackling inflation, which would fall to Reagan, and the US military, probably not surprisingly, lapsed into a weakened state, which Reagan also would address.  

While he was not a success as a President, he was one in life, however.

Carter, it was often noted, was from a peanut farm in Georgia.  What's oddly less often mentioned is that he was a Naval Academy graduate and a submariner.  To enter the submarine service you must be an engineer and a genius.  He was both.  He may be the smartest man to occupy the office since the Second World War. 

He was certainly the most moral.

He was a dedicated Baptist Christian, which nobody could rationally doubt.  The degree of his devotion was such that its almost surprising that he was elected, particularly as he gave an interview to Playboy during the height of its influence, noting how deeply Christian he was.  After he lost his bid for reelection, he devoted his remaining long life to public service, often to the poor.

Like the law, politics is an occupation that frequently initiates people into compromising their morals and attracts a certain percentage of people who are willing to do so.  And power, as is so often noted, corrupts.  Carter was unique in that he was a deeply moral man and the office did not change him.

Tuesday, December 31, 1974. Americans get to own gold again.

Depression era restrictions on the private ownership of gold in the US were removed.

The prohibition, as well as government price setting of Gold, had come into effect in 1933.

South African Kugerrands and Canadian gold coins immediately became very popular as a hedge against inflation.

France ended its state monopoly on television.

Catfish Hunter signed with the Yankees, becoming baseball's highest paid player at that point.

Last edition:

Monday, December 16, 1974. Safe Drinking Water.

Sunday, December 31, 1944. Unternehmen Nordwind launched Ichi-Go concludes a success.

The Germans launched Operation Northwind (Unternehmen Nordwind), their last major offensive in the West.

The offensive in the Ardennes was designed to support Wacht am Rhine in Belgium.

Northwind is often overlooked in the story of Germany's 1944 effort, in part because it proved a pretty rapid failure.  It was, however, a major effort and designed to thrust German forces behind the Third Army.  It saw Himmler in operational control of a major part of the SS forces dedicated to the action.  1,000 aircraft were dedicated to the effort.

It's worth noting that the Western Allies, here and there, were outright in Germany by this time.  Germany's final offensive was itself launched on French territory the Germans had annexed.

Operation Ichi-Go concluded as a massive success for the Japanese Imperial Army, with huge sections of China having been taken.

Filipino general and guerilla leader Vicente Lim, age 56, a prisoner of war of the Japanese, was murdered along with 50 companions by the Japanese.

Lim had served in the Filipino army as a teenage ammo carrier during the Philippine Insurrection.  In 1910 he became the first Filipino to enter the United States Military Academy.  He served with the Philippine Scouts after graduating in 1914 and retired from the U.S. Army in 1936 so that he could join the new Philippine Army, where he became its senior officer.  He clashed with MacArthur in that role as he felt the building of the Philippine Army was occurring to rapidly for a quality force.  He became a guerilla leader with the fall of the country and was captured in 1944 when an attempt was being made to evacuate him from the islands.

The Soviet backed provisional government of Hungary declared war on Germany.

A Soviet backed provisional government was declared in Poland, with the claim contested by the Polish government in exile in London.

A misdirected RAF Mosquito raid on Oslo killed 78 Norwegian civilians, and 28 Germans.

The Grumman F8F Bearcat entered service.  Be that as it may, it came too late in the war to see combat in the Second World War, with its introduction into that coming during the French Indochina War.

The 100th Bomb Group lost 12 aircraft and 109 men during a mission to Hamburg, Germany. The mission was their lost one with heavy losses.

While it would have been more appropriate to enter it in an item for yesterday, The Saturday Evening Post made New Years Eve its them with a Rockwell illustration of a young sleeping woman in bed and photographs of Willie Gillis, Rockwell's average GI, on the wall behind her in different positions, with Gillis' eyes eagerly looking at her.  The illustration is nearly salacious.

Last edition:

Saturday, December 30, 1944. Reporting on the bomb.

Wednesday, December 31, 1924. Final Home Edition.


Last edition:

Monday, December 29, 1924. 4 ROH + 4 CO + O2 → 2 (CO2R)2 + 2 H2O

Thursday, December 31, 1914. Ottoman disaster, T. S. Eliot being a snot.

The 1914 Christmas Truce, which was now over, hit the newspapers.

Ottoman forces retreating from Sarikamish bogged down in the woods outside the city. Their numbers had started out at 12,000 and were now 2,500.

Reduced from 12,000 to 2,500 soldiers and a handful of guns, the remaining units fled and freed major routes into Sarikamish for Russians to resupply.

The French retook ground lost the prior day at Champagne.

T. S. Eliot, in a letter to Conrad Aiken from Merton College, Oxford, wrote: "I hate university towns and university people, who are the same everywhere, with pregnant wives, sprawling children, many books and hideous pictures on the walls ... Oxford is very pretty, but I don't like to be dead."

University towns were apparently much different then.  FWIW, I like university towns.

Last edition:

Monday, December 28, 1914. Ottoman advance slows.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist, 70th Edition. Inside Wyoming Political Baseball

Gray and Hageman play political checkers.

Credible rumors have it that Harriet Hageman is going to run for Governor in 2026 and Chuck Gray for Congress.  A deal, it's rumored, has been worked out between them and their minions.

Hmmm. . . 

Well, it makes some sense.  Hageman ran for Governor before and lost, in part because the far right split between Hageman and Carpetbagger Mega Donor Foster Friese, who introduced the Dukes of Hazard style politics into the state, complete with freezing Daisy Dukes, unsuccessfully.  Now with the far right ascendant, Hageman can figure, with good reason, that she can achieve the Governor's office and eclipse her late father in Wyoming politics.  

And Gray, for his part, has no real connection with Wyoming whatsoever.  It'd make lots of sense that he'd prefer to relocate to Washington D.C. and plot his next move.  That move probably was a run at the Governor's mansion but there's enough uncertainty in that for him to hesitate if something else was available, and if this is correct, there is. That's place him at the eye of the populist hurricane, where he'd probably rather be, over being in the office he's currently in, which deals with a lot of very important, but fairly boring, stuff.

Of course, politics is fickle.  By 2026, if Trump is still in office, the public may be really mad over a major tariff caused recession, or perhaps whatever Putin has on Trump, if anything, is finally revealed as Putin and his bodyguard of dispossessed North Korean flunkies go down in flames in the Kremlin.  Or maybe age or dementia will have caught up with Trump and J. D. Vance will be in office such that real bonafide major social changes will have come into play such that comfortable right wing and pseudo right wing Wyomingites in Wyoming now a-bed shall come to hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks for a variety of reasons, including that certain conduct they hold themselves blameless for shall be anathematized.

More probably, a growing current rumble that out of state populists now running the show in Wyoming politics are out of touch with real Wyomingite's views on public land may spark a sagebrush level revolt and a legislature shift.  This has happened twice before in Wyoming's politics, once in the 1890s and once in the 1990s, in the first instance due to an attempt by the out of state megawealthy to drive out local small ranching and in the second time due to an effort, following the Sagebrush Rebellion of the 1980s, to turn ownership of wildlife over to agricultural interests.  In the first instance the Democrats actually took control of the legislature and Governor's office, albeit only briefly, and Republicans who survived that change their tunes.  In the second instance there was a huge backlash against the GOP which very much hurt it, including arguably the career of Congressman Hageman's father.  Similar actions and impacts have been going on for the past several years in Utah.

What will occur, of course, is yet to be seen.  The ability of human beings to predict the future is notoriously bad, in politics as in everything else.  Just a few years ago the Republican Party was regarded as headed into inevitable oblivion and nobody could have seen the developments that rescued, and changed it.  Two years is a long time.

Nickel and Diming

The Wyoming Freedom Caucus puts its cards on the table in the form of its "five and dime" plan for the 2025 legislature, and unfortunate plan name as around here, an expense related slur is to "nickel and dime (something) to death.

Indeed, the agenda, which is frankly more modest than I would have expected for a group that's spent years calling everyone the "uniparty" and which has threatened to ride in like cossacks, burn villages, and save everyone's cats, doesn't seek to do all that much in context.

It's almost like now that they have to govern, they're reticent to try to much.

Thier agenda for the 2025 legislature is below:

ELECTION INTEGRITY: Require Proof of WY Residency & US Citizenship When Registering to Vote

- WHAT: Create clear statutory authority for the Wyoming Secretary of State to promulgate rules requiring voters to prove WY residency and to ensure that non-citizens cannot register to vote in WY.

- WHY: No requirement exists for voters to prove their WY residency or US citizenship status. This simple fix will better secure our elections and bolster confidence in our election system.

Not too surprisingly, this is sort of horseshit.  You have to verify your address, already, every time you vote. We've been doing it for years.  Now we have to present a photo ID as well.  

Oh, I'll do it.  I'll present piles of stuff showing that I'm an actual Wyomingites and didn't move in from somewhere as a Freedom Caucuser.

The real threat here is that the rules our Secretary of State (from California) comes up with are so onerous that it discourages voting.  The irony is that the "Wyoming" Freedom Caucus has, at least up until this year, pretty much been "I moved here form somewhere else and now nothing about Wyoming but I watched Gunsmoke on Me TV Caucus".  Some of  them might have a little bit of trouble proving residence.

IMMIGRATION ACCOUNTABILITY: Invalidate Driver Licenses Issued to Illegals by Other Jurisdictions

- WHAT: Invalidate driver licenses issued to illegal aliens present in WY.

- WHY: An estimated 9 million + illegal aliens have entered the US since 2021. Nineteen states and D.C. issue licenses to illegal immigrants– Wyoming does not. This simple bill will help WY crack down on illegal immigration and to ensure consistency in our statutes and rules.

Bill previously written (SF0120, 2024)

Wyoming has no legal authority to invalidate another state's driver's licenses, and the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. Constitution makes that illegal. 

People who have taken an oath to the Constitution, by the way, like the legislators, can't back this without violating their oath.

STOPPING THE WOKE AGENDA AT UW: Prohibiting D.E.I. in Higher Education

- WHAT: Prohibit the University of WY and Wyoming’s Community Colleges from engaging in discriminatory hiring or continuing education requirements that place moral, historical, or other blame on a person or group of people on the basis of immutable characteristics.

- WHY: It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of any immutable characteristic. As the Equality State, WY should be proud to codify additional protections against discrimination. With continually declining enrollment rates at UW, dumping “woke” DEI programming will attract the free thinking cowboys and cowgirls we want attending our university.

There isn't a "woke" agenda at UW.  That's insulting, and its not true.

For some reason, Freedom Caucusers really like to take shots at education.  The rise of home schooling in this same period is notable. Wyoming has excellent public schools that another one of these agenda items would wreck, but there's an obvious flat out distrust of education.

Indeed, the "woke" college thing has become a real populist whipping boy.  Most UW students are there as they're local or taking advantage of a good school that has a reasonable tuition.  The school is hardly "woke".

At some point, quite frankly, it will be worth asking members of the WFC what their education actually is.  I'd be interested in hearing it.  Anyone who is highly educated will encounter somebody at some point who just doesn't trust education.  If you become educated you'll learn, for example, that the Earth is billions of years old, that we evolved from other prior primates, and that none of this is a threat to a rational faith.  For some, that's threatening in the extreme.

PROTECTING OUR CORE INDUSTRIES: Ban woke investment strategies for the State of Wyoming’s trust fund.

- WHAT:: Prohibit the State of Wyoming from investing in funds that prioritize “environmental, social, or governance” standards over funds promising the highest financial rate of return.

- WHY: Wyoming should not invest tax dollars with entities who do not seek the highest rate of return and who are out to destroy and eliminate our core industries.

Bill previously written (SF0172, 2023)

Investing in the "highest rate of return" means you will invest in things that aren't necessary in line with our core industries, some of which are a bad economic bet right now.

The "environmental" aspect of this relates to something set out immediately above.  Lots of industries, with staffs of educated men and women, are concerned about environmental matters including global warming.  The WFC tends to believe that Wyoming's economy is and always will be based on coal, and therefore climate change is a big fib.

CUTTING TAXES: Real Property Tax Relief

- WHAT: Provide a 25% property tax cut to residential property owners with a backfill to local governments.

- WHY: The people of WY have been crushed by years of skyrocketing property taxes.

Bill previously written (SF0054, 2024)

Populism in Wyoming is heavily populated by out of staters who moved in here, causing property taxes to rise.  Now they're going to cut what they caused, with no way to pay for anything. 

Property taxes fund schools and local government.  There's real reason to believe that WFC members don't care that much about schools, which teach nasty stuff like evolution, and given that there are so many members of the WFC that moved in from somewhere else, some have a "I got mine" view.

This bill, if it passes, would gut schools and demolish local improvements and services.

A better strategy would be to impose a tax on the value of the last house you sold, no matter where you sold it, and leave the current property taxes alone.  So if you sold your house in California for $1M and moved here, perhaps we ought to get $250,000 of that here, in part just for putting up with your presence.

Last edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist, 69th Edition. TDS, Vance in the wings. Our geriatric oligarchy. Immigration spats. Banning puberty blockers. Mjuk flicka and the Mantilla Girls.