Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Days of Rage*

Ostensibly it started with the death of George Floyd on May 25.

Floyd was arrested by police officers for allegedly using a counterfeit $20.00 bill for the purchase of a pack of cigarettes.  The encounter started off when store clerks, two very young men, one African American and one Asian American (I think) discovered what they thought was an illegal use of counterfeit cash and walked across the street to confront Floyd and a companion, who remained parked across the street. They wanted the cigarettes back but had no luck, so they went back to the store and called it in as a theft.  They also reported Floyd as trunk and not in control of himself.  Floyd, originally from Houston, Texas, was a very large man who at age 46 was a recently laid off bouncer. 

Police shortly arrived and when they did, one of them pulled his sidearm for some reason and ordered Floyd to place his hands on the steering wheel of his car.  He shortly re-holstered the sidearm but then pulled Floyd from the car, which was filmed by a man who was sitting in his car immediately behind Floyd's (something that frankly would have entailed some risk to that person under the circumstances).  That person soon left, or was made to move.

At that point, however things seemed to be in control. Footage of Floyd shows that he probably was drunk and was very distressed.  Officers had no problem in leading the stumbling Floyd up to the wall of the Chinese restaurant where they sat him down without incident. They then moved him to their police car across the street where he stumbled and fell right as a second police car arrived.  By that time, Floyd was complaining of being claustrophobic and not wanting to enter the police car.

As this occurred, the third police vehicle arrived. That one was carrying officer Derek Chauvin and officer Tou Thao.

Before we move on, we should say something about these officers as this entire matter has descended into a type of racial confrontation.  Thoa is obviously Asian American.  More particularly, however, his is Hmong by ethnicity, although American born.  The Hmong are an Asian people who began a southward migration after the Battle of Zhuolu in 2500 BC. They kept moving south into Southeast Asia up into modern times when, as a result of the Vietnam War, they entered the United States as refugees.  They've located, as refugees, in the upper Midwest where, like is typical for many immigrant groups in the first generation of migration, they've been associated with gang activity.**   Thao had six complaints that had been previously been lodged against him and one lawsuit for brutality.  I'm not making any assumptions on any of this, as I really know nothing other than what I've read.  Mostly, because the Hmong are on an American integration track that African Americans have been slow to benefit from, its interesting for that reason.  We'll discuss that more below.

The focus of so much attention, Derek Chauvin, had previously been involved in seventeen complaints and three shootings, one of which was fatal. Again, I don't know anything about any of this, so I'm not commenting on it.

Chauvin became involved in the effort to get Floyd into the car and, for some reason, ended up pulling him out of the car while Thao watched.  Three officers actually held Floyd down, who was obviously completed incapacitated at this time.  Chauvin had his knee on Floyd's neck, and Chauvin was also a large man.  Floyd begins to complain he can't breath and this goes on for a long time.  At least one woman from the gathering crowed attempts to intervene, with another warning her that hte policemen have mace.

The whole thing is shocking.

I just watched this for the first time when I started to type this out, which is June 1, 2020.  Living a long way from Minneapolis, and coming at a time when I was largely absent from the news, it wasn't something I was up on at the time.

Rioting has followed.

We should be frankly, the rioting is basically of three characters, one is an expression of rage, one is an expression of virtue signaling, and the third is opportunism.  Protesting, as opposed to rioting, is likewise of three characters, those being rage, support, and virtue signaling.  I suppose there may been an opportunistic element to it as well.

We'll deal with rage.

We're not going to attempt to condone rioting violence as some have done.  Violence is violence and we don't condone it.  We don't condone violence of any kind except in self defense, although on that we take a broad view.  Not so broad of view, however, that we license the use of it in some ways that a lot of Americans typically do.  The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example, receive no sanction here. They were murders.  They were murders that have nothing to do with this story, but we note that as we want to make clear where we're coming from.

And with that, we'll now skip the riots themselves in terms of what's occurring, for the time being.

The rage expressed is a latent rage over the American failure to deal with the byproducts of a unique form of racism that commenced 400 years ago last year with the introduction of slavery into the New World.

Slavery wasn't new, of course, as some like to point out, but quite frankly race based slavery was new and in1619 when it was introduced into the New World it was a reintroduction of it.  Slavery had gone away in the intervening years following the collapse of the Roman Empire.  It hadn't gone way all at once.  The Saxons, for example, still held slaves when the Normans invaded England in 1066, something the Normans were horrified by.  But by and large, and well prior to 1066, slavery had left Europe.

It had left due to Christianity, contrary to the snarky "the Bible sanctions slavery" comments sometimes made by the historically and religiously ignorant.  In fact, the Bible never sanctioned slavery and the mentions of it with specificity in the Old Testament were restraints on it, with slavery having been a nearly universally practiced "institution" in the world at that time.  Unlike other peoples, the Jews were strictly enjoined on what they could and could not do with slaves in an era in which slaves and servants were so synonymous that the word for them was the same.  As that would indicate, most slaves at that time fit into a fine distinction between being really bonded and being held as servants and were of the same ethnicity, usually, in the case of the Jews, as those who held them.  This wasn't always the case, of course.  Hagar, for example, was Egyptian.

The other type of slavery was around at the time to be sure, and the Jews were of course taken into slavery en masse more than once. That sort of slavery, however, was pretty much enjoined by the Bible in regards to the Jews.  An exception can be found in the instance of the wives of enemy warriors killed in battle, but the example proves the rule.  The taking of enemy women was the norm in the world at the time, but in the Jewish instance those taken had to be married to their captor who was subject to such a set of requirements as to the widow that only the most smitten would every have bothered to attempt it, including allowing the unfortunate woman to mourn for the loss of her first husband.

In early Christian times, therefore, the institution was clearly on the way out, something that is probably exemplified by the examples you can find of early Christian saints in which you can find two members of the same household, one bound and one free, both going into martyrdom together, with in one instance three such people going to their deaths, a woman, her slave, and an infant, all together.  Those instances indicate the evolution of slaves into servants, which is not to say that slaves resulting from wars and put to hard labor were also not common at the time. By the Middle Ages, however, it was very uncommon in Christendom.  Indeed, by that time it was the province of the Vikings, who took slaves in raids, which was one of the reasons they were regarded with horror, and of the Islamic Arabs, who developed slave raiding into an economic enterprise.

It's there that we circle back around to the horror story of American racism, as the Islamic Arabs were distinctly different than Christians in this regard.  Christians looked down on bondage in general and in the case of sex regarded, and still regard, sex between unmarried couples as completely illicit.  Indeed, Christians regarded from the very first instance that marriage required the full consent of both parties, man and woman, or no valid marriage existed.  Muslims, however, didn't regard this to be the case in the same way.  Marriage, in Islam, required consent, but Mohammed had licensed forced sex with slave women during his rise and this resulted in a slave industry in Muslim lands that was based on labor, as slavery was sanctioned, and on sex.  By Christian terms this involved, of course, rape, but in Muslim terms, it did not.

The Arabs therefore developed an extensive slave trading enterprise based on the capture of slaves, for labor and forced sex.  It spread throughout northern Africa but it also spread to the Mediterranean and even the Atlantic as Arab raiders took human prizes for those purposes. The only real requirement was that they couldn't take Muslim prisoners and Arab men, and of course it was limited to men, couldn't hold Muslim women as sex slaves.  Holding Irish women, for example, or holding black African women who were not Muslim, was perfectly allowable.

By the time the Portuguese started colonizing the West African coast an extensive slave trade, based on a person's religious affiliation, was going on, and fueled in part by the evil of war.  Slaves were often captured locally and, and often in war, and then traded to Arab slave traders, who sold them on in other places, often in their own domains. The Portuguese stepped into this evil and joined right in, in spite of their Christian background.  Hence the exportation of slaves to the New World commenced.  

The reintroduction of slavery was notably concentrated by Europeans in their new domains, although it was not actually limited to it. Still, the avoidance of reintroducing the evil in their native lands was no doubt in part because it was an obvious evil that would have called into question the fundamental nature of those societies and what they claimed to be about.

By that time Europeans were involved in a wholescale global colonial effort.  We're not going to go into that in depth and we're not going to get preachy about that, as is so often the case on this topic. Yes, Europeans were attempting to extend their rule over foreign people's everywhere, but in fact everyone everywhere was also attempting to do that. While nationalism as we understand it, contrary to the common historical assertion, has always existed, in the 17th Century it was also commonly accepted that one sovereign could rule over a wide group of peoples and no nation thought much about extending its power over the weaker nations, including for economic reasons.  Nothing in that excuses slavery, but if we are going to step back and also condemn colonialism in the period we'll be in the position of condemning people for something that they would not have grasped as wrong.  Indeed, one feature of European colonial extension into other areas of the globe is that their colonial enterprises sometimes ended up smacking up against those of the people they were attempting to colonize, making their contests ones of one empire against another.

If people, globally, of the day would not have thought of colonialism as being wrong, they knew better about slavery.  Indeed, in order to engage in it, they had to rationalize it.

That hadn't been the case with slavery of antiquity.  This is not to say that such slavery was nice in any fashion, but the thin resources of the day gave it an economic nature that was distinctly different from later eras.  As noted above, the distinction between conventional slaves and servants had been slight, and as an important feature of that, they were usually of the same culture.  The exception was for what essentially amounted to prisoners of war, for whom there was no other easy way to hold them.  It's important to note, however that there were exceptions that were ethnicity based, as when entire peoples were carried into slavery.

That hadn't occurred for millenai in European terms and therefore the reintroduction of slavery was not only new, it was uniquely malignant.  It was based on ethnicity, which came to be seen rapidly as based on "race". The thin excuse was a gradient from African slaves being very primitive people in the eyes of Europeans who would somehow benefit from their captivity to their just being inferior or even sort of subhuman.

It's that categorization that lives on with us today in the form of a racism and economic legacy that has kept African Americans from sharing the story of other immigrants to North America.  Only Indians somewhat otherwise share that story, although theirs is uniquely different in some ways.

Racism justified keeping blacks as slaves and economics fueled it, making it a doubly sinful enterprise based on failing to love your neighbor and loving money over all else.  That evil was recognized as such well before the American Revolution and in fact slavery was passing away in the north by that time. At the time of the country declaring its independence from England it was expected that slavery would pass away in the south as well, but economics kept that from occurring, placing the overwhelming bulk of American blacks in unending bondage.  A growing realization of the evil of slavery resulted in the Civil War (there was no other cause but that in spite of what Confederate apologist may maintain today), and to the nation's credit thousands died to free the slaves. Thousands also died in a disreputable and evil effort to keep their fellow men slaves as well, of course.

Following the Civil War economics eventually triumphed over justice and an early effort to appropriate lands from slaveholders and issue them back out to former slaves on a 40 acre standard American farming model failed.  Soon the nation turned its back on the former slaves figuring it had done enough just to free them.  In the early 20th Century blacks began to abandon the south in the Great Migration and spread throughout the country in an effort to improve their lot, but the south remained the locality where the black population was the highest and most deprived.  It wasn't until World War One when there were serious efforts to address the ongoing discrimination and poverty of African Americans and blacks enlisting in the US armed forces at the time thought of their services as a full step into equality, which it proved not to be.  It was the introduction, however that even the Red Summer of 1919 couldn't reverse.  It would have been logical if World War Two would have built on what came before in the 1910s and 1920s, and it did in some ways, but it wasn't until the Truman Administration that the ongoing legal institutions that kept blacks impoverished and separate began to come rapidly down.

From 1948 through the early 1970s the Federal Government worked diligently to dismantle the laws that burdened blacks, aided by a United States Supreme Court that made use of Reconstruction Era laws for the first time in a century.  But, significant to our story here, it's important to realize that blacks in the south did not achieve legal equality until well within the lifetimes of the current President and his Democratic contender.  For that matter, slavery's passing was not even a century old at the time of their births.  Put another way, more time has passed between World War One and today than between the births of Joe Biden and Donald Trump and the end of slavery.  There were men and women still alive who had been born into slavery when they were born (and when I was born).

The burden of slavery would be hard to overcome in just a century's time but the legal institutions that were erected in the south after the failure of Reconstruction created a near slavery sort of economic status for blacks, dooming them to certain types of work and poor educations. Those conditions fueled the Great Migration but they also meant that the majority of blacks lived their entire lives in deprived conditions. This only began to change for those remaining in the south in the 1940s and it really got rolling in the 1960s.    This means that most of the improvement in the economic lives of blacks has only come since World War Two, and the strong prejudices that allowed that to be the case lived on openly well into the 1970s.  That's not long ago.  It effectively means that George Floyd was born in an era when expressing prejudice of that type was acceptable in the region in which he was born.

The Civil Rights era of the 1960s is looked back as the golden era, in some ways of civil rights efforts for African Americans.  It's easy to forget that there was widespread opposition to the efforts and openly opposing them was not socially unacceptable.  Lyndon Johnson went to the dedication of Stone Mountain in 1970, for example, an event honoring Confederate leadership in a fashion that would never be condoned today.  The situation for blacks has improved massively since 1970.

But as is often the case, the law of unintended consequences has plagued them as well.  The elimination of legal barriers raised the fortunes of all African Americans but it improved the lives of middle class and nearly middle class blacks the most, who migrated out of the ghettos where they had been previously concentrated. That pattern followed that laid out by all prior American immigrant minorities.  It had the accidental consequence of concentrating poverty in those same areas, whereas prior to that there had been a range of economic classes in them.  Farming policies of the Great Depression wiped out black farming in the south duringthe 1930s, eliminating a long standing black class there.  Experimental liberal social policies in the 1960s and 1970s foreshadowed efforts towards a Universal Basic Income and had predictable and disastrous effects of the African American poor whose social structures were weak due to the legacy of slavery.***This had the impact of concentrating poverty further.  

It also meant that blacks didn't universally follow the path of prior immigrant groups, something that was further the case due to ongoing racism.  Prior groups had generally reached a day in which wholescale migration over to the middle class occured and the ethnic character of the group started to dissolve.  

People may claim to be Irish Americans or Italian Americans today, for example, without even grasping what that meant a century ago.  In 1920, if a person was an Irish American, nearly everything about them culturally and economically was made obvious just by stating that status. Today it may mean nothing more than a person having corned beef on St. Patrick's Day.  As that status changed in the country it meant not only that people moved economically up, but it also meant that they moved into other groups, regions, and ethnicities.  People claiming, for example, to be Italian Americans today are nearly as likely to be descended from English immigrants than Italian ones, due to marriages outside of the declared ethnicity.

All of this is much less true for African Americans.  The absurd "one drop" rule means that children of mixed unions are regarded as black, which is nothing more than pigmentation in biological terms.  Mix marriages and other unions have only become common very, very recently.

They have now become common, however, which is a signal that, in spite of what we're now enduring, we may actually be at that moment at which African Americans finally cross over to just being Americans.  Within the last few years advertising, a mirror reflected back on American beliefs, has gone from introducing black actors in advertisements to mixed couples.  This is now common and hardly anyone notices. As recently as a decade ago this would have sparked some controversy and in the 1970s it would have cost the advertiser revenue. The fact that television viewers think nothing of a white husband and a black wife, or vice versa, is really revolutionary.

As is, of course, the fact that we've had a black President.

The Civil Rights effort of the 1960s was reflected back on the country in strife in the 1970s.  If we think of the south resisting integration in the 1960s we're recalling that correctly, but we're also forgetting that Dixiecrats and the like were really a thing of the 1970s.  Southern Rock bands started flying the Stars and Bars in that decade, not before, and when Lynrd Skynrd sang about Wallace in Sweet Home Alabama, it was 1974.  That song remains popular today without anyone seemingly pausing to think that it was a "we'll get around to it" reaction to Southern Man.  Given that, the massive reaction to Barack Obama during his presidency is perhaps not too surprising, as for some there was a racist element to that reaction (but certainly not one on the party of everyone who disliked him as President).  That some of that remains during the Presidency of Donald Trump is accordingly not surprising.

None of which means that the nation should just sit on its hands as everything is going to be okay.  There remain real problems for black Americans, and Indian Americans, that other people don't face.  Part of that is racism, but part of that is poverty which in turn allows the racism to continue. Racist find support for their racism in the fact that blacks remain poor and their social institutions were so badly damaged by well-meaning but poorly thought out programs form the 1960s.  And that's a problem the nation can't ignore.

Much of that problem is simply economic, and curing the economic problem would cure a lot of ills.  But the nation has not only failed to address the economic problems of African Americans, and Indians, its worked to make them much worse.  Entering into the work place and rising up remains a problem for poor blacks who are concentrated by location, and who face stout competition from high immigrant populations that have strong social cohesion and who face less prejudice.  They are well aware of that.

And they're also likely to know that these problems are deeply ingrained and are going to be ignored.  The Democratic Party, which claims the support of most blacks, is unlikely to do anything in real terms to aid them and has turned its attention instead to new immigrant populations which it feels are more likely to provide its base, rightly or wrongly, in the future.  To say that the Democrats have no interest in rural blacks would be an understatement, but it also has little interest in doing anything concrete for urban blacks either.  Indeed, since the 2000s the Democratic Party has often taken positions that are offensive to the views of the majority of African Americans and taken the view that blacks had to support them as blacks have nowhere else to go. And they do largely have nowhere else to go as the GOP has had no concrete position towards blacks since the 1980s.

And so the rage is understandable.

Unfortunately, it is not likely to be helpful to anyone.  Riots of the 1960s gave rise to the "law and order" campaign of Richard Nixon, something not regarded as a bright spot in the nation's history now.  And the co-opting of genuine movements in the 1960s by the hardcore left brought them disrepute in later years.  Indeed, it can be argued that hardcore left insertion in the movements of the left, something that has never really stopped, doomed their effectiveness and further brought to an end the active Civil Rights movement of the 60s.  Put another way, while the difference between Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abby Hoffman are obvious to anyone who is paying attention, a lot of people just aren't paying attention.

And that seems to be sort of rapidly playing out now.  A lot of the protesters we see at events now are likely not really motivated by the plight of African Americans so much as they are something else, somethings innocent, somethings opportunistic, and somethings radical.  And amazingly at the same time we have a President who seems to be fanning the flames by his statements.

And so we can wonder what will occur.  What probably won't occur, no matter what, is a Richard Stroud like program designed to specifically aid the economic progress of African Americans, nor any attention to repairing the damage to black social institutions that were destroyed by the programs of the 1960s and 1970s.  Democrats have no real interest in taking that on, and Republicans aren't likely to be specifically focused on doing so.


*This refers to a series of 1969 protests, but the title seemed applicable here.

**The movie Gran Torino may have brought the urban American Hmong into familiarity with Americans as a group.

On gang activity, almost every post mid-19th Century American immigrant ethnicity has had gang activity in its early stages. An exception may exist for Japanese and Korean immigrants, but that would be pretty much it.  After the cultures begin to rise, with police work a typical early introduction into the middle class, this almost always fades away.  Irish, Italian, Jewish, among other, ethnicities have all been associated with criminal gangs at one point.

***African American social structures were deeply impacted by the fact that for the first 300 years of their presence in North America a black slave could be sold at any time.  Therefore, much of what other people regard as permanent was not equally the case for blacks in spite of often heroic measures to make it so.  Black couples would sometimes seek  and gain permission to travel long distances simply to visit each other, for example.  Nonetheless, with spouses and children libel to be traded away by slave holders at any time, everything was tenuous and that had to be accepted by the people so afflicted in order to endure it.

June 2, 1920. Ships and faraway places.

Workmen posing before the launch of the USS Neches, Boston Navy Yard, June 2, 1920.  The ship was an oiler that would serve for 22 years until sunk by the Japanese submarine I-72 on January 23, 1942.

On the same day a Shia revolt commenced in Iraq.  Known as the Great Iraqi Revolt, the revolution would run its course for months before the British were able to put it down.  The British would deploy aircraft using air delivered poisonous gas during the war and at least 8,000 Iraqi lives were lost during the conflict, as well as 500 British lives.

The United States Congress rejected the proposal that the country engage in a League of Nations mandate over Armenia.

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Denver put a curfew in place and the Colorado National Guard has been called out to address riots in the Centennial State's capitol city.

National Guardsmen of the 40th Armored Division, California National Guard, August, 1965.

The riots stem from several recent incidents of violent deaths of African Americans, the most recent at the hands of a policeman in Minneapolis Minnesota.

Those riots have spread all across the urban United States.  It's hard, from a distance, to grasp why hundreds of miles away from the scene of the offense riots take place against a community that didn't participate in the offense.  It points to something underlying, and the pundits will be full of analysis over it over the next several weeks.

But on the topic in general, distant riots aren't calculated to achieve anything and end up punishing the communities that were affiliated by them.  Businesses move, employment drops, and those who were deprived to start with are more deprived.  It's a compounding tragedy.

And its one that, in this context, we should be well past.  And yet we're not.

May 31, 1920. Memorial Day for 1920

Sunday Morning Scene (A repeat): Churches of the West: Stop! Don't change that Church!

Churches of the West: Stop! Don't change that Church!:

Stop! Don't change that Church!

A theme, if not always an obvious one, of this blog is architecture.

And  nothing does more violence to traditional, serviceable, and beautiful architecture, than "updating" it for any reason.

Just don't.

A case in point.

The photograph above, unfortunately not entirely in focus and in black and white, dates from November 1958.  It depicts St. Anthony's of Padua Church in Casper Wyoming on the occasion of my parents wedding.

Now, St. Anthony's remains a beautiful church today, but if we had a picture of the interior (which I don't from this angle) and if we had this picture in sharper focus (which it isn't) and in color (which it is not), we'd notice some changes right away.

And they aren't good ones.

The altarpiece and the altar are all still there.  The cross painted on the wall behind the altarpiece is also still there.  But many other things have changed.

Most obvious, the beautiful marble altar rail in this photograph, a gift of the Schulte family when the church was built, is gone.  I was told that a part of it can be found now in a local restaurant, which I hope is not true.  If it is true, I've never seen it, so it must be some place I don't go to.  It's not clear here, but the gate for the altar rail was marble with heavy brass hinges.  A true work of art in every sense.

The heavy brass lanterns hanging from the ceiling are also gone.

What appears to be a marble ambo is gone as well, replaced by a very nice wooden (walnut?) one.

The statute of St. Patrick moved across town to St. Patrick's, which sort of makes sense. The funds to build St. Patrick's came from St. Anthony's donors, many of whom were Irish, to that we'd ultimately send the statute of the Patron Saint of Ireland over there, which we did only fairly recently, does square with the general them there.. The statute of St. Anthony has been moved to a different spot, but it looks good where it is.

I'm not certain what sort of floor covering we're looking at here, probably carpet, and of course we have new carpet.  But what would strike anyone looking at this photo about what is next to the carpet, the pews, is that the pews are now cantered to face towards the center of the alter.

Okay, what's up with all of that, and was it an improvement?

Well, I suppose that's in the eye of the beholder, as all such things are, but in my view, the answer is a very distinct "no".

It's funny how these things work.  I can remember all of the features depicted here, including the altar rail, even though I was very young when at least that feature came out.  But, at the time, I don't think I thought much about it, if I thought about it all.  I don't remember the Mass being in Latin at all, although when I was very, very young, it must have been.  Anyhow, while these things didn't bother me at the time, or the one change that I recall from when I was a bit older, the cantering of the pews, didn't bother me much, now they do.

That may be because I now have a greater appreciation for history and tradition than I did when I was just a boy, although I had a sense of that at the time.

The cocked angle of the pews, remnants of a decision made by a Priest in the 1970s or perhaps early 80s,  has been something I've never liked, even if I understand the intent behind it.  Not visible in this photograph, a row of pews that were in the middle of the church were taken out to facilitate twice as many Communion servers.  It's awkward and always has been and should not have been done.  Indeed, as this was the only Catholic Church in town with it was built, it was probably jam packed nearly every Mass and they seemed to manage to get by just fine. For that matter, I've been in plenty of packed Catholic churches where everyone came up to the front of the church and it always worked just fine as well.  Having said that, changing the angle of the pews didn't do a great disservice to the church even if it didn't really help it any.

Another matter, however, is the altar rail.

Now altar rails turn out to be a surprisingly hot button item to people not familiar with them.

All Latin Rite Catholic Churches and Anglican Churches had altar rails. Chances are very high that other churches close in form to the Catholic Church also had them, I just don't know. Their purposes was to provide a place for communicants to kneel when receiving communion.  Prior to Vatican II (1962 to 1965) all Latin Catholic in modern times received communion on the tongue.  Communicants would kneel at the altar rail and receive communion.

You'd think that finding a public domain photograph of communicants receiving communion at an altar rail would b easy, but it isn't.  This almost illustrates it in a better fashion, however.  British solders lined up, as if there is an altar rail, and receiving communion in teh field in North Africa.  Off hand, I suspect that this is an Anglican service.

Now, before we get too far down this road it should be noted that people can get really up in arms about this in all sorts of ways and some traditionalist will insist that communion can only properly be received kneeling and on the tongue.  This doesn't seem to be true and certainly wasn't universally the case.  Indeed, originally, the very first Christians, received communion in the hand and you can find very early writings that effect.  However, traditionalist will hotly dispute what those writings and the other evidence actually means. Given as I'm not getting into that debate, I'm not going there and that isn't the point of this entry.

What is the point is that altar rails were an integral part of the design of churches for an extremely long time. Take anything out of a well designed building and you risk subtracting from its design. That's exactly what I think occurred here.

Which isn't to say that I feel that St. Anthony's is a bad looking Church now, far from it. It's still a beautiful church. But it was more beautiful before the marble altar rail was taken out.

Indeed, the problem with making alterations to these well designed structures is that any time that this is done it risks giving into a temporary view in favor of a more traditional element that was integral in the design of the structure while doing damage to its appearance.  All Catholic churches up until the id 1960s were designed to have altar rails.  Taking them out may have served what was, and perhaps is, the view of the day in regards to worship, but it also means that a major feature of the interior of the building, to which careful consideration had been given, was now missing.

And it turns out that, contrary to widely held belief, they did not have to be removed.

Most people believe that the altar rails were taken out as it was somehow required post Vatican II.  It wasn't.  Rather, for whatever reason changes in the Mass now allowed them to be.  They didn't have to be.  Theoretically it was apparently up to individual Pastors on whether they thought an altar rail should be removed, but given as in Wyoming they are nearly all missing, it might have been the case that the decision to remove them was made at the Diocesan level.  The motivating thought here was that the altar rail served to act as a sort of barrier to connection between the people and the Offering of the Mass, and those who supported altar rail removal often felt fairly strongly about that (as we'll see below).  This was, I think, part of an overall change in the Mass at that time, when it went from Latin to the local vernacular, as the Celebrant had faced Ad Oreintum while offering the Mass.  That is, the Priest faced his altar, as a rule, with his back to the Congregation.  

Now all of this gets into some fairly complicated symbolic matters.  There's some truth to the view held by those who argued for the new position and removing the altar rails, in at he "we're all one together sense". There a counter point, however, that maybe the Ad Oreintum orientation actually served that better, as the Priest was facing the same direction for significant portions of the Mass that the parishioners were.   That is, by way of a poor example, if somebody faced you in a large group they're more likely to have some elevated authority over you than if somebody has their back to you, in which case they can be argued to be working with you.  Interestingly in recent years there's been a slow return in some areas to the Ad Oreintum orientation, particularly following Cardinal Sarah's suggestion that this was a better form. The Cardinal occupies a high position at the Vatican and therefore his views cannot be easily discounted.  As has been noted in regards to this there's actually never been an official position on which orientation is better, and in some ancient and modern churches the Ad Orientum position is actually impossible.

In any event, what that did was in part to remove an item that was closely connected to the church and hence the parish and the parishioners.  In this case, the altar rail itself had been a gift from a family early in the parish's history.  In Catholic parishes the pastor is usually there for about seven years and bishops can be in office for long or short periods. However, as the parishioners are often there for decades, that means the traditional in which they participated was removed by individuals who were there on a more temporary basis.  It was certainly "legal", if you will, but it might not have been well advised.

The same is true of most, but not all, of the interior changes to the church. A person can debate the aesthetics of the heavy brass lighting, but the church was built with it in mind and the features that once decorated where it attached to the building remain there to this day.  The removal of one confessional, the relocation, in an awkward fashion, of a place for "music ministers" to stand that resulted, and all of that, were done in a heartfelt fashion, but often to the ascetic detriment of the church which was not built with remodels in mind.

This touches, moreover, on the larger topic of church architecture itself, which as been addressed in another one of our rare commentary threads here.  These older churches are better looking as the architecture and design that came in during the 1970s was not as good as earlier architecture, and according to some focused more on the congregation than on the Divine.  This blog was at one time going to avoid all such churches in general, but as time has gone on its put up posts of quite a few.  Many of these churches are just not good looking. By the same token, many alterations to older churches are not good looking either.

As I noted when I started off, a lot of this stuff did not bother me when I was a child and experiencing it, but it does now.  Indeed, the removal of the altar rail in this church frankly makes me mad when I think of it.  I wish it could go back in.  It won't, of course, but the whole thing upsets me.  I'm not alone, I think, on this sort of thinking and I think it reflects a generational befuddlement with the generations immediately preceding us which seems to have had, in many instances, low respect for tradition in general.  In civil society, in terms of structures, this is probably why we now see all sorts of effort to restore the appearance of old buildings whose owners in the 50s, 60s, and 70s didn't give a second thought about making them ugly through renovation. A prime example of that is the Wyoming National Bank building in Casper Wyoming which was made to look hideous by the additional of a weird steel grating in the 1950s to its exterior which was supposed to make it look modern.  It mostly served to house pigeons and was removed in the 2000s when the building was redone and converted to apartments.

Now, not every one feels this way, I should note.  Particularly in regards to churches.  When I posted this same photograph on Facebook, a friend of mine with a few years on me posted this reply (I hadn't commented on the altar rails in my original post):
So happy that the railings have come down and the hats came off! The church is still so beautiful.
I agree that the church remains beautiful, and I agree that the women wearing head coverings is a tradition that I don't miss, but I don't feel that way about the altar rail at all.

I suspect my friends comment goes to a "spirit of Vatican II" feeling that she's old enough to have experienced and which I not only am not, but which I don't really share enthusiasm for.  It's important to note that Vatican II and "the spirit of Vatican II" are not the same thing.  "The spirit" thing was a zeitgeist of the times which took a decidedly more liberal and less traditional view of things, no doubt an "open the windows and doors and let some fresh air in". Some of that was likely needed but as is often the case with people who are in a "let in the fresh air" movement the realization that cold winds high winds can come in through the same windows and doors and do damage is rarely appreciated. 

And its all too easy when traditions which are simply traditions are tossed to begin to toss out with them things that are more than tradition.  I'm not saying that occurred here with altar rails but I will be frankly that the 1970s saw a lot of innovations, some of them very local poorly thought out that were, in some cases, quite problematic. The generation that thought removing the altar rails was a good idea proved willing to entertain a lot of things in this area that turned out to be big problems for everyone else.

Part of that is because traditions are anchors in a way; moorings to the the past.  People of a "fresh air" bent will claim that a person shouldn't be bound by the past. That's true, but tradition is also in some cases the vote, or the expression of experience, of the dead and should not be lightly discounted.  Not only does casting out traditions tend to sever anchors, but all too often the severing simply puts people adrift in seas that they're not well prepared to handle. At its worst, the severing of traditions is a rejection of the long and carefully thought out in favor of the temporarily current and the poorly thought out.

Which is why, for many people of the post Vatican II generation the "Spirit of Vatican II" generation, when moored in their own changes, can seem now old fashioned.  Ironically younger generations have been busy for some time "reforming the reform", which means in the mainstream keeping the reforms that proved worthwhile and reversing those that did not.  Tradition has, in some instances, come back in the opened door after having been swept out it, but with a younger generation.

All of which is well off point on what this thread started out being about.  And I'm not going to start a "restore the altar rail" movement, locally or on the internet.  But I feel it was a shame that it was taken out, and to the extent that alterations that should not have taken place for ascetic reasons in regards to older structures can be repaired, they ought to be.

Best Posts of the Week of May 24, 2020

The best posts of the week of Saturday, May 24, 2020

The Rock in the Glen, Glenrock, Wyoming.

A Memorial Day Reflection on the Second World War. Changes: The impact of World War Two.

A Twitter Tour through the Superficial Zeitgeist

Pandemic, Part Two

Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29, 1920. Good Roads Week.

First East Bay Ship by Truck Tour, May 17-22, 1920, Robert W. Martland, Train Commander.  Copyright deposit, May 29, 1920.  Not juxtaposition next to railroad. . . a sign of things to come.  The five day tour, which included military and civilian trucks, was part of Good Roads Week.

Blog Mirror: The Prairie Homestead; How to Start Buying Local Food.

How to Start Buying Local Food

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Prices at the pump went up .30 overnight, but West Texas is still only at $32/bbl.

Something must be going on.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Twitter Tour through the Superficial Zeitgeist

I have a Twitter account that really just serves as an advertisement for this site.

I don't know that a person should feel proud of that. Twitter is really stupid.  And one thing that having a Twitter account does is expose you to the really superficial Zeitgeist of the moment. . . every day.

When I checked in this morning a big Twitter story is that Jimmy Fallon was apologizing for a Saturday Night Live appearance he did in black face a decade or so ago.  I'm not going to look that up, but Fallon is an entertainer and Saturday Night Live has been bad for decades.  Black face should have gone out before it came in, but as this apparently has been around for a really long time, blowing up about it now seems a bit late.  Perhaps it might just be better to note that Saturday Night Live should be Exhibit A in the trial of the People v. Harvard Lampoon Not Being Funny.

Indeed, if that trial were to occur, one of the primary expert witnesses would have to be a sociologist on the topic of how, at any one time, alleged comedic geniuses are such only by societal acknowledgement, as many of them are truly never funny.  Charlie Chaplin is a good example.  Not funny.  Not even once.

Chaplin.  Not funny.

In the category of funny is Kathy Griffin, who is also blowing up Twitter today for a comment she said about injecting President Trump with air.

Griffin is occasionally funny.  I didn't hear the comment but it doesn't strike me as funny.  It also doesn't strike me as something that serious people need to waste much air time on.

President Trump for his part ought to stay off of Twitter, but was on complaining that Michelle Obama had gone golfing at the same time that he, Trump, is taking flak for golfing.

I don't golf and it strikes me as boring.  I realize that not everyone feels that way.  My mother was a superb golfer when young and taught me how to golf as a child.  It didn't take.

Rants about golfing, by whomever is making them, are really about something else.  Americans of both parties like to complain that the President is insensitive and lazy whenever he's seen not doing something that seems to be work. Democrats are complaining about Trump golfing as its an opportunity to complain about Trump.  Republicans complained about Obama golfing while he was President for the same reason.  

Driving by the golf course every morning I always look out upon it, but not because I like golf, but because I'm hoping the foxes will be back.

This year, it seems, Mr. and Mrs. Fox have chosen to have their brood elsewhere.  So, instead, I see that Americans are out golfing.

Well, at least that's being out, which seems to me to be okay.  The argument that we should shelter in our basements for the rest of eternity doesn't seem to me to be a sound one.  I get it, if you are in the former cow pasture that New Yorkers now call Central Park there's going to be a lot of people, as New York is crowded, and you ought to be careful and wear a mask. And that advice goes for other places as well, and I'm not saying otherwise.  

I'm just not too worked up about the golfing.

Or Griffin.

Billie Eilish is apparently worked up about body shaming which caused a lot of people to engage in virtue signaling by supporting her for being against body shaming.  

This is in some ways associated, I think, with a song (I think) in which the words "not my fault" appear" somewhere where she decries people who have judged her based on her clothing or appearance.  I'm not in that category as, perhaps to my discredit, I don't really care about Eilish at all, other than she's pretty clearly an object of fascination for being a certain sort of teenage/twentysomething idol in the same way that James Dean was, whom I also am pretty disinterested in.
What are you rebelling against? 
What have you got?

Eilish has been the subject of a lot of fascination because she wears bulky clothes.  In the video for her comments, song or whatever it is, she apparently strips down to a tank top in reaction to being the subject of a lot of fascination about what her wearing bulky clothing may mean.

The problem with that is that its almost guaranteed that a lot of her juvenile, and probably not so juvenile, fans will stop in to see the video not to bond with her statement, but because now they get to find out what she looks like under those threads.  It's sort of like protests here and there in which women go topless, but not nearly as extreme.  The message gets mixed.

That gets into the topic of decent clothing, of which there's an entire cul de sac on the web where people rage on that topic, some with really extreme views.  It's a tough topic to engage in, in regard to women, as standards applying to female dress change every few seconds, or so it seems.  Having said that, if you dress really oddly it tends to be the case that, no matter what you're saying, you're doing it to draw attention, in which case some of the attention will be unwelcome.  Eilish may deserve credit for slamming body shaming, but simply dressing in a less "look at how oddly I'm dressed" fashion right from the onset would probably have accomplished that more effectively.  Well, her video probably doesn't hurt. . . except to the extent juvenile males are checking into it the same way that they check into Sports Illustrated swimsuit editions.

All of which brings us back to this.  In this era of COVID 19 introspection, American culture, as reflected on Twitter, isn't looking too great.

May 27, 1920

"Scene at the garden fete for the benefit of the Near East Relief at the Residence of Mrs. Chas. J. Bell, Twin Oaks. Wash. D.C."

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 26, 1920. Canning Clubs and hand rolled cigars.

A Canning Club Girl, May 26, 1920.

Girls Canning Clubs were a movement in the early 20th Century that was a reaction to a similar corn growing club for boys much in the same way that the Girl Scouts were a reaction to the Boy Scouts.  They started off as Tomato Clubs and evolved into general Canning Clubs, sometimes finding an expression in 4H.

I'm sure that canning is still done in 4H today and in recent years it seems to have undergone a bit of a revival.  My suspicion is that our current times will increase that trend.

Lee Ying, Washington D. C. Cigar maker.  May 26, 1920.

Lee Ying apparently operated his own shop and he didn't appear to be particularly pleased to be the subject of a newspaper photograph on May 26, 1920.  This probably was just another day at work for him.

Cigars, like canning, have enjoyed a bit of a revival recently.  Indeed, the things they're associated with have as well, two being whiskey and the concept, if not the actual practice, of leisure.

Lex Anteinternet: Heavier Rain

Lex Anteinternet: Heavier Rain: After just posting this, this morning: Lex Anteinternet: Rain : Pennys started out as Gold Rule.  This is the first one back in the day, i...
And last week the car rental giant, Hertz.

This week, Latam, Latin America's largest airline.

No travel, no income.

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Memorial Day Reflection on the Second World War. Changes: The impact of World War Two.

Rifleman in training, April 1942.

I'm a member of an email list serve that discusses the Second World War.  It's  populated by academics and writers.  Often the threads are pretty active around this time of year because of the holiday that, this year, falls on this date.

Normally I won't quote from there here, and I'm not going to do so directly now, as its a private list. But a member just posted the news that the new Tom Hanks movie Greyhound is going to be released on Apple TV, which I lack.

I was really looking forward to the film. 

Anyhow, that lead to a thread discussing things that are changing due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, and then I posted an item, after I commented on that, noting I should link it back to World War Two, as I was off topic.

An interesting thread developed, which I posing on here, editing some of it so as to keep folks anonymous.

Cornell freshmen, 1919.

It started with one noting the demise of the college beanie, attributing that to returning servicemen being older and not wanting to put up with that sort of foolishness.

I replied to that noting:

Indeed, I've looked through old university newspapers and the beanies were a big deal.  I've wondered what killed them off.

On university, I've heard it claimed and I think it correct that not only did the GI bill bring a lot of people into universities after the war that never would have gone to university otherwise, that had a major impact on the demographics of student bodies.  Demographics that were poorly represented in universities started to be fairly well represented in them for the first time.  For example, the number of Catholics attending university jumped quite a bit.

As that happened the diversity of student bodies in universities of all types increased and that changed their nature.  Some Ivy League universities, for example, still had chapel requirements as late as the 1960s, reflecting a fairly uniform Protestant student body. That started to go away by that time as a result of the change in the student makeup following WWII.

I have in fact posted on this odd, old, now gone custom a couple of times here.  Here's the threads for that:

Freshman Caps? The Wyoming Student, November 2, 1917.

Blog Mirror: Beanies, Brooms and Bother: UW Freshmen Get the Initiation Treatment (and Lex Anteinternet: Freshman Caps? The Wyoming Student, November 2, 1917.)

I'd forgotten that this odd custom lasted this long, and another participant noted that his university was still wearing them as late as 1970.  

Apparently beanies are still a thing at the South Dakota School of Mines, but they're optional.

This would suggest that this is another one of those odd things that we tend to associate with World War Two that isn't, although there are more significant ones to come. 

Soldier reading A Tree Grows In Brooklyn of the Armed Services Edition.

One that I only recently learned of, from one of my children, is the spread of the popularity of paperback books due to the war, which was brought up by one of the replies which noted the Armed Forces Expeditions of various novels.  Another participant expanded on that and noted a scene of a soldier reading just such a book is included in Sam Fuller's movie, The Big Red One, with the thinly disguised Fuller character commenting on a new recruit reading his book.  Fuller actually had written some novels prior to the war.

That scene is one of the better ones from The Big Red One, in my opinion.  That movie turns out to be one of the several World War Two movies referenced here which I find that I haven't reviewed yet, and I need to.

One of the comments had to do with a variety of ways the US was in a different position coming out of the war compared to when it went in it, noting that we came out of the war having 16,000,000 veterans and a fairly unified, disciplined, society, which translated into their being able to go on to higher education and train for careers.  After thinking about this, I added:

Another thing that it seems to have done that's sort of related to this is that it relocated quite a few people permanently.

California seems to have received a big influx of workers due to the war and a lot of them stayed there after the war, as an example.  As another odd example, I've read that returning Navajo servicemen tended to return to communities near where they had entered the service, but off reservation rather than on, as the economic opportunities were better.

In local agriculture, a big change occurred in that the start of World War Two came in an era in which ranches here still employed a lot of cowboys with a lot of them being career, usually single, cowboys. They didn't return to those occupations after the war.  At the same time, the war normalized the production of the 4x4 truck and that meant that they weren't actually needed for a lot of the winter time jobs they'd formally been necessary for.

Like a lot of things here, I've touched on these topics before.  I think the comment about the 16,000,000 disciplined veterans, mostly men, going into civilian life is correct, but we shouldn't forget that some of those men had lives that were significantly negatively impacted by what they experienced.  People don't like to touch on it, but alcoholism was very common in the World War Two generation and at least part, but not all, of that was due to the war.

The impact of the 4x4 truck has been covered here before in this extensive thread, among others:

A Revolution In Rural Transportation

A somewhat related topic came up which addressed Residential Building Codes, something I'd frankly never thought of.  The commenter noted that the Farmers Home Administration's guides for housing contracts were issued as a result of the war in 1942.  I had no idea. They noted the guides are still with us.

Regarding this item, I noted:

Sort of along these lines, there was an expansion of employer provided employee benefits during World War Two in the U.S.

Wages were frozen at some point to keep labor shortages from spurring inflation, so companies took up competing with benefits, like health insurance.  It can be argued that the employer provided health insurance system in the US was a byproduct of World War Two.  I guess a person's view on that may depend on what they think of that system, but it did work for a fair amount of time following the war.

Other benefits along these lines, like retirement benefits, etc., also received a boost.

This doesn't mean that they didn't exist at all before the war, but they were greatly expanded during the war and became the norm for a long period of time, and are still with us in an evolved form today.  

Another was the expansion of the calculating machine, which no doubt did occur, but which is something I never would have thought of.  It's modern descendant, the electronic calculator, is everywhere. For that matter, the modern home computer in some ways is a descendant of the calculating machine.*

An addition to this from a university history resulted in this, regarding changes in higher education, which were massive.  I've noted some of those here before, particularly the expansion of the student body to include demographics, such as Catholics, which previously rarely went to university.  As noted here earlier, Catholic students were basically barred from Ivy League universities as they had protestant chapel requirements.  Indeed, that didn't change until the 1960s for some.

He also noted the inclusion of refugee academics, which is something that would not have occured to me.

The massive expansion of education due to the GI Bill was a huge economic boon to the US in the late 40s, 50s, and the 60s, but like many things, there's a downside to it.  Breaking the doors to university wide open helped the first two or three generations of new university students, but they were also stepping into a university system that well predated World War Two in its focus.  As student bodies swelled, standards started to lower, something that was already notable by the 1970s  As that occured simply having an degree went from an advantage to a necessity for many occupations, reaching the nature of an absolute for some.  Entire occupations that never required a degree of any kind ultimately required a college degree and, quite frankly, for no real reason.  Universities themselves became addicted to public funding, something that they first started to really receive during World War Two, and it oddly has operated in recent years to drive up the cost of education.  And as universities offered more and more degree programs that conveyed upon their recipients no real advantage, a sort of radicalization of some elements of university faculty, which was something that had already started as far back as the 1920s, accelerated and became institutionalized.

One poster noted that much expanded airline travel resulted from the war, and that certainly is the case.

Just prior to the war airliners were beginning to take on a recognizable form, with the DC-3 being a recognizable commercial aircraft that went on to do yeoman's service during the war as the C-47.

After the war, however, things really changed. Four engined wartime aircraft made four engined commercial aircraft inevitable.  By the 60s they were yielding to jets and modern air travel was around the corner.  It really took airline deregulation, however, which came in during the 1980s, to make air travel cheap.

A  need for an Interstate Highway System, by which is meant a good one, was also noted.

This is one of those things where I'd disagree.  It's often stated that Eisenhower was really impressed with the German Autobahn, which was really a massive German public works project during the pre war Nazi years there, and he may have really been. But I think it was the ongoing evolution of the automobile that made the Interstate Highway System come in.  It was billed a defense program but that was, quite frankly, a funding charade.

What that does bring up, however, is the massive expansion of government that started with the Great Depression and which kept on keeping on during World War Two and which never went away thereafter.  It wasn't until the Reagan administration of the 1980s that contraction of any kind started, and its never contracted to its pre 1932 level.  Prior to the Great Depression the nation would never have undertaken a highway construction project on a national level, and not until World War Two would the country thought of trying to pass it off as a defense measure.

That act, of course, lead to the demise of passenger rail in US, so its another thing that had a mixed result.

Women in industry came up, as it usually does.

I've become pretty convinced that the women in the workplace story is, frankly, heavily mythologized.  I've written on that here before in this thread:

Women in the Workplace: It was Maytag that took Rosie the Riveter out of the domestic arena, not World War Two

I replied here, with the following:

Women in the workplace is a really complicated and I think poorly understood topic however.

I've looked at it before for other reasons over the course of the 20th Century and the increase in women working overall as a rising percentage is almost imperceptible in terms of its post WWII make up. Rather, women in the workforce started to climb starting around 1900 and continually climbed almost year by year up into some point in, I think the 1980s or 1990s, when it actually slightly declined.   There were big jumps during World War One and World War Two, with the jump in WWI rivaling WWII, and then after both wars the wartime jump declined and the rise went back to the prewar curve.

Having said that, following World War Two the type of work women were doing changed a lot, but that's also true following World War One.  Prior to World War One a massive number of working women were employed as domestic servants. That was still true all the way through the mid-50s, but women started to enter offices prior to WWI and then they did in large numbers during WWII.  So the type, and pay, of women working really changed and part of that was due to WWII.  Women in middle class occupations were greatly impacted by that.

The other big change, and I'd argue it was more significant than the impact of either war, however, was the introduction of domestic machinery, and that correlates really well with the rise in employed women.  Domestic machinery, such as washing machines, vacuums, modern stoves, etc., are a 20th Century deal and they really started to start reaching their modern form in the 1920s.  Prior to that domestic labor was so overwhelming that people basically couldn't "live on their own".  How many of us, for example, have lived in a boarding house, like so many men did prior to World War Two?  Men had to do that as there was no instant anything, and they simply couldn't live on their own, work and still wash their clothes and cook their meals routinely.  A lot of men never left home until they married.

Indeed, that  explains why a common aspiration for women was to marry and have their own homes.  They were already engaged in heavy domestic labor as it was for the families they grew up in.  Daily shopping, long slow cooking, washing clothes more primitively, etc., etc., was a huge chore that a lot of them looked up as something they'd rather do for households of their own as opposed to their parents.

Anyhow, once good domestic machinery came in the hours and hours of work that women had to do at home greatly declined and their labor became surplus to the household.  A lot of that would have occurred in the 1930s as domestic machinery continued to develop in that period, but the Great Depression kept it from being spread more widely, much like a lot of farms kept using horse implements in the same period.  After the war, however, ramped up domestic production rapidly changed that.  You can see that in late WWII advertisements in which all sorts of companies engaged in war production are promising to make washing machines, stoves, etc.

All of this is stuff we don't think of much on Memorial Day, nor perhaps should we that much.  Memorial Day is a day to remember war dead.  But sometimes we should remember the lives of the living as well, and, in terms of demise, the demise of things, practices and norms that came before a war.


*May 25, 1970, mark the first orders, fwiw, of the stand alone desk top computer.  Primitive by today's standards, as anemic, they were also extremely expensive.

Today In Wyoming's History: The Rock in the Glen, Glenrock, Wyoming.

Today In Wyoming's History: The Rock in the Glen, Glenrock, Wyoming.:

The Rock in the Glen, Glenrock, Wyoming.

The Rock in the Glen, in Converse County, Wyoming is one of the numerous places along the Oregon Trail that served as a register and a marker for those traveling on the Oregon Trail.  It shows up in the earliest guide books for the trail and like other sites in Wyoming, those who camped here often carved their names into the rock.

The location is near the North Platte River, as the trail itself is in this portion of Wyoming, and ultimately the areas features lead to the foundation of the town in the late 19th Century.  Upon formation, the town was named for the rock.

The actual location of the rock belonged to the Continental Pipeline Company up until 1982, when it donated the land to the Town of Glenrock.

The location today is a town park which is currently undergoing improvements.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 24, 1920. Gatherings.

On this day in 1920 the Mexican Congress was ordered to assemble on the question of who would be the country's provisional president.  After three rounds of voting, Aldolfo de la Huerta was chosen for the role.

De la Huerta

On the same day the body of the assassinated Carranza was taken to Mexico City. When his train arrived there fourteen aids of his who accompanied the body were arrested and put in a military prison for holding.

As the contest in Mexico concluded one round, a law was signed in New York that brought about a limit to the number of rounds in prize fighting and which further established weight classifications.  Named after its sponsor, the Walker Law is regarded as having revolutionized boxing.

Jimmy Walker, then a New York state senator.  He'd later be Governor of New York from 1926 to 1932, before resigning in a patronage scandal.

And in Brightwood Maine, an Old Maids Club met at a church.

What exactly such a gathering met in this context isn't clear.

Sunday Morning Scene: Churches of the West: First Baptist Church, Big Piney Wyoming

Churches of the West: First Baptist Church, Big Piney Wyoming:

First Baptist Church, Big Piney Wyoming

This is the First Baptist Church in Big Piney, Wyoming.  Other than its identify, I don't know anything about it.

Best Posts of the Week of May Sunday, May 17, 2020.

The best posts of the week of Sunday, May 17, 2020.

Communion and the State. Wyoming dictates how the faithful will receive and what that reveals about what people understand and don't understand.

The 2020 Special Legislative Session

May 18, 1920. Future Popes, Equine Events, and Middle Eastern Wars.

Venustiano Carranza assassinated . . .

The Mexican Revolution. . . where we're at in terms of century delayed time.

The 2020 Election, Part 7
