Showing posts with label Croatia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Croatia. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2021

April 10, 1941. The Siege of Tobruk Commences.

The siege of Tobruk, which would last until November, commenced on this day when the Germans probe the defenses of the city invested from the land.  Australian infantry repulsed the German efforts.

The fighting there would go on until November and go on to become the basis of heroic British Commonwealth legend with the Australians playing an outsized role in the city's defense.

Australian infantry at Tobruk.

On the same day, the Germans took Zagreb and proclaimed an independent, fascist, Croatian state that would be the scene of all of the horrors associated with fascism and Nazism.

Other events occurring on this day in the Second World War can be read about here:

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March 2, 1921. Doomed rebellions and protomonarchies.

Anti Bolshevik sailors took the Kronstandt fortress, on an island, but accessible from the mainland in February due to frozen ice.

Striking miners in the Italian occupied Croatian city of Labin declared a communist republic for the town.  The rebellion is regarded as the first anti fascist rebellion in the world, but the reason for it being so regarded really isn't clear.  The city was under Italian governance at the time, but while fascism was rising in Italy, it had not yet come into control of the Italian monarchy.  The rebellion would last until April 8 when the Italian government put it down.

Abdullah I bin Al-Hussein relocated to Amman in anticipation of ruling the Emirate of Transjordan

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December 29, 1920. Death and taxes.

On this day in 1920 the Congressional Income Tax Committee met.

The oddball effort to make Fiume some sort of independent Italian state came to an end as Italian forces occupied the city.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve, December 24, 1920. Fiume and Crowds.

On this day in 1920 Italy began its military occupation of Fiume.

The spat over Fiume is almost incomprehensible today, featuring an effort by Italian patriots to seize the city for Italy in spite of it having a mixed population.  62% of the town's residents were, however, of Italian ethnicity.  Italy negotiated around the problem of the city and it became a "free city" as a result, with the accompanying result being that the Italian leaders within the city declared war on Italy, a moronic move under the circumstances.  On this day the Italians, who had enough of it, started to occupy the city leading to what was called "Bloody Christmas" as the occupation did result in some loss of life.

Today the city is known as Rijeka and is in Croatia.

On the same day, Enrico Caruso gave his last public performance at the Met in New York.

The 48 year old Caruso was not well and would die that following August.

Elsewhere, the day before Christmas looked much like it normally does.

Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26th, 1919. Sgt. York brought to nation's attention, Orlando goes home, 26th Division photographed.

The Country Gentleman and The Saturday Evening Post both featured Norman Rockwell illustrations on this Saturday, April 26, 1919.

The Saturday Evening Posts would be a significant issue, as it brought Sgt. Alvin York's heroism to a national audience for the first time.  The article, entitled "The Second Elder Gives Battle" made York a national hero.

In Paris, Italian Prime Minister Orlando packed up and left as the conference would not give Italy the port city of Fiume.  That failure would doom Orlando's leadership and he would be out of office within a month.  Fiume became a free state in 1920.  It would last until 1924 when the Kingdom of Italy absorbed the city by way of a treaty which the Free State regarded as invalid.  Today the town, known as Rijeka, is the third largest city in Croatia.

Closer to home, a a "war tank" was going to arrive on Sunday in Casper.

And units of the 26th Division were photographed.

Supply Company, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division, April 26, 1919.

Company I, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division

Company F, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division.

Company M, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division