Friday, March 21, 2025

Socialism is okay as long as its your own special socialism. . .


Lummis Wants To Pull $7.5B From Biden’s EV Mandates For Improving Highways

Let's be honest.  Socialized highways are socialist.  EV mandates aren't.  

We like highways, so in our view, socialized highways, which benefit us disproportionally, and which stiff railroads and regular motorists for the benefit of the trucking industry, are okay.

There's really no arguing this at all.  Under the MAGA view of the economy, states should pay for their own freaking highways, and certainly an industry, like the trucking industry, should not be subsidized.

But we don't see building highways for the trucking industry as bad or socialist, because we like them.  And we only saw a requirement to buy EV cars as bad because the Biden Administration believed in climate science and we don't like that as it hurts our wallets, although now that King Donald likes Tesla and Elon, this is getting confusing.

Socialism is when the government does stuff. And it's more socialism the more stuff it does.

Richard D. Wolff.

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