Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Friday, February 9, 1900. The Davis Cup.

President of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association Dwight F. Davis announced that he would donate a silver bowl to the nation that won the international tennis championship.

That's the Davis Cup.

American player Dwight Davis  in 1900 with the trophy he committed to build

Both of my parents were very good tennis players, I might add.  My mother was particularly good, and it ran in her family.  My grandmother's dying words were that "Billy "x" sure can play tennis", speaking of her husband.  She was nearly 100 years old at the time.

My daughter is also an excellent tennis player.

I'm not. It's one of my many failings in life.  I mean that sincerely. Not the most serious one, but one of them.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Many people, I'd note, grouse about their parents.  I miss mine every day, and wish that I measured up to them.  I do not.

The Hershey Bar, which I love, was introduced.

Suffragist, and abolitionist Eliza Seaman Leggett died.

Walter Page,  jazz multi-instrumentalist and bandleader, was born.

Last edition:

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