Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday, August 10, 1909. Drilling bit.


Howard Hughes Sr was issued a patent for the rotary bit that would revolutionize petroleum drilling and found the fortune of the Hughes economic empire.

Hughes had originally been a lawyer.

After leaving Harvard in '94, I found myself in the Law School of the Iowa State University. It was my father's wish that I succeed him in his practice. Too impatient to await the course of graduation, I passed the examination before the Supreme Court of Iowa and began the practice of law. I soon found the law a too-exacting mistress for a man of my talent, and I quit her between dark and dawn, and have never since been back. I decided to search for my fortune under the surface of the earth.

Howard Hughes Sr., 1912.

Last edition:

Monday, August 9, 1909. Pennies.

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