Sunday, July 20, 2014

Monday, July 20, 1914. The Kriegsmarine mobilizes.

Germany mobilized the Imperial German Navy and ordered shipping companies to withdraw from foreign ports and return to German ports.

Mobilizing navies is a difficult project, and was all the more difficult in the coal fired engine days.  Coal had to be ordered, boilers for heavy ships, starated, ammunition properly stored and the mechanics of steel vessels fully readied.

Marcus Garvey, age 28, founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association with Amy Ashwood, who would later become his first wife.  The organization still exists.

The trial of Henriette Caillaux began in Paris, with the accused reportedly being kept in the same cell that had held the murdered Marie Antoinette.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 18, 1914. The sort of birth of the Air Force.

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