Monday, May 18, 2009

Tuesday, May 18, 1909. Sulfanilamide,

A patent was issued to Heinrich Hoerlein of the Bayer company for a sulfanilamide, the first synthesized sulfonamide. 

It was not until1935 that the antibiotic properties of sulfonamides were realized.

Hoerlien would go on to rise to power in the IG Farben company.  He joined the Nazi Party in 1934 after having campaigned against Hermann Göring's law banning testing on animals, showing how radical movements then and now had similar traits.  He went on to have knowledge of the company's production of Zyklon B and was tried after the war was a war criminal, but acquitted.  He had a place on the board of Bayer after the war.

Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, chose his 14-year-old grandson Lij Iyasu as his successor.

Last prior edition:

Wednesday, May 12, 1909. The Taft Summer Residence.

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