Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, March 18, 1909. Tragedies.

Today In Wyoming's History: March 18:  1909.  Guernsey hotel keeper John "Posey" Ryan murdered his estranged wife, and her daughter, in the Palmer Restaurant in Cheyenne.  From 

In other horrifying Cheyenne news:

In Denmark, Einar Dessau spoke over the radio to a government post six miles distant, becoming the first person to speak over the radio.

I can, on good days, speak well over three times that distance on my GMRS radio, or on bad ones, about half that.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., the fourth child of Franklin and Elanor Roosevelt, was born.  He died eight months later on November 8, 1909.  Five years later the Roosevelt's would name their fifth child the same name.  He would live until 1988.  His son also named Franklin remains with us to this day.

Tampa waterfront, March 18, 1909.
Tampa, March 18, 1909.

Savanah, Georgia, March 18, 1909.

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