Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday, May 13, 1922. Vamps, Dogs, Repairs, Horses and Baseball.

Judge went to press with a cover of a painting of Lenore Ulrich, who had perfected a certain dramatic pose as an actress.

In my view, they didn't actually do a very good job of capturing Ulrich.

Her career was principally on the stage, but she crossed over into silent films, and then into sound pictures, although most of her career remained in theater.  She principally played fiery tempered women.  This may have somewhat reflected her actual temper, as she noted that her ten-year marriage ended in part because she was difficult to live with.

Poser for one of Ulrich's better known films.

Colliers went for a less glamorous scene.

The Country Gentleman's cover featured a female dog and her puppies.

Having not read the article, I don't know "why farmers go mad".

I couldn't find a clear to post one from The Saturday Evening Post, but it was a class Webb illustration of a man giving an archery lesson to a woman, where more than just instruction in the ancient art is on the mind of one.

The National Horse Show continued.

Hoover made a pitch

He was Secretary of Commerce at the time and it was for the Departmental League.

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