Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Warning

 Wow, I have to say that Liz Cheney, whom I didn't like when she ran against Mike Enzi, and whom I wasn't keen when she ran for Congress the first time, really has guts.

And she's really rising in my opinion as well.

Cheney has been under the gun, everywhere, since she voted to impeach Donald Trump.  Her vote was principled and brave in context.  It's brought her the ire of the national GOP establishment, which remains firmly in Donald Trump's orbit, and which has bought into a false narrative of recent history at a fanatic level.

Her position in the House leadership has been under the gun, and right now she appears likely to fall.  She's not backing down.

In fact, she's penned an op ed for the Washington Post, titled:

Opinion: Liz Cheney: The GOP is at a turning point. History is watching us.

Indeed, the yes of history are on the GOP, and this era in the party's history, should the party survive will not be looked back upon kindly.  It's siding with a revolt.  Cheney flatly and correctly states the situation:

The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution. 

And she correctly puts the issue:

The question before us now is whether we will join Trump’s crusade to delegitimize and undo the legal outcome of the 2020 election, with all the consequences that might have.

There's a lot more to what she's said.  All well worth reading.

There's almost no chance that the Republican Party is going to listen to her, however.  Some are going to simply ignore the crisis in the party, afraid that a person can't separate Trump from it.  Others are going to attack her, including GOP hopeful for her seat here in the state.  I think that there's little chance that she'll be removed from that seat, but a high likelihood that she'll be removed from her positions inside the House GOP leadership.

Even a year is a long time in politics.  Over the next year, it's increasingly likely that GOP Trumpism will result in a reversal of Republican fortunes in the House.  They will not gain the Senate.  Left wing Democrats, fully cognizant of their two year window of opportunity and that they're not going to get any help on anything from a Republican Party that is firmly in the grip of Trump's destructive behavior, have now gone full bore on getting a left wing agenda passed, and Joe Biden, for whatever reason, is on board.  By 2022 the economy will not only have rebounded, it stands to be overheated, but at the same time it will likely be above full employment and the US seems likely to have gotten past the pandemic except that it will remain a reservoir of infection concentrated, oddly enough, among the same demographics that support Trump the most.  Befuddlement on the part of the rest of the population will likely turn to contempt and where that reservoir is the deepest, as in Wyoming, that demographic will find itself increasingly on the outs.  No amount of lawsuits or resolutions will end up changing that and the direction of the nation, influenced by the spread of a massive amount of cash, will cement the Democrats in power for a decade, and with them will come a leftward drift to the nation not seen since the Great Society or perhaps the New Deal.

This could be avoided, but it won't be as Cheney's warnings are unlikely to be heeded.

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