Thursday, August 30, 2018

Fanny Kaplan shoots V. I. Lenin

Fanny Kaplan (Fanya Yefimovna Kaplan (Фа́нни Ефи́мовна Капла́н; real name Feiga Haimovna Roytblat, Фейга Хаимовна Ройтблат, an anarchist member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, shot V. I. Lenin, red menace, as he emerged from a factory.


Kaplan hit Lenin twice and, while he was severely wounded, he survived (rather obviously).  She was executed on September 3.

Kaplan was a pretty damaged person by 1918, having served a prison sentence for a terrorist plot some years earlier, during which she was beaten. She suffered from partial loss of sight and debilitating headaches.  Some doubt that she actually was the would be assassin and was, instead, simply framed for the attack.  If she did do it, it was because the Socialist Revolutionaries, though they were divided into left and right camps, had taken more seats in the 1917 election than the Communist had and were essentially deposed.

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