
The Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novik
I have already mentioned in a couple of threads that I've been watching this documentary.
Given the focus here on the Punitive Expedition and, more recently, World War One, it might come as a surprise that I have a real interest in the Vietnam War, although I've written about it here before. This will be, however, only the 30th post on the topic of the war since we started the blog. Not a lot compared to the 613 on World War One (to date) or even the 182 on World War Two (to date). Still, it has been for a very long time something I've been pretty interested in.
That's the case for a variety of reasons, one being that the war is within my living memory. The war was ongoing when I was born in 1963 and it was something that I became increasingly aware of in my youth. When the US pulled out of the war in 1973 I was ten and can well remember that, including various things that occurred in the war during the Nixon Administration period. To my surprise, in fact, I can personally recall some things about the war much earlier than that. When the North invaded in 1975 and the Republic of Vietnam collapsed I was only a couple of years older but that was something that I was very much aware of. Indeed, at that time in my youth I thought I might want to opt for a military career and I followed the fading fortunes of South Vietnam carefully, even putting up a National Geographic map in my bedroom so I could follow the war as the NVA closed increasingly in on the doomed former ally of the United States. The war was a topic of conversation in the house as I grew up, although probably not in the way you might figure.* My father and mother thought the war was a mistake. I, my youthful self, didn't.
Soon after that I started to try to find histories on the war and to this date I've frankly never been satisfied with any of them. But I did learn quite a bit about the war. Later on, when I joined the National Guard, I learned a different prospective yet as so many of the fellow Guardsmen I served within the 1980s were veterans of the war. One of the first major essays I wrote in college was an exploration of the Tet Offensive of 1968. And so on.
So I was looking forward to the documentary, although holding back some reserve about that as well. I like the Ken Burns documentaries I've seen quite a bit and I was worried this one wouldn't measure up, and that if it didn't it might make me question a bit his earlier documentaries that I do like.
So I'm glad to report that I think this documentary is okay.
Not spectacular, but not bad. And frankly, it's a really tough topic to take on. If I were grading it, I think I'd give it a B-.
Burns and Novik worked on this for a decade. At least one of the people interviewed for the documentary has passed away in that period. In releasing it, Burns has stated that it was his view that only now, in the 2010s, can a documentary on the war be released and be objective. I think that's likely correct, and I also think that we are now ready, perhaps for the first time, for a good objective treatment of war in the written form. I'll hope for that.
The documentary is presented in ten episodes, some of which are 1.5 hours long but most of which are two hours long. Not every episode is equal in quality to the others. In my view, the documentary might have been better to have been seven episodes rather than ten, but that's a tough call for the doumentarian to make. I'd guess they probably had enough material for twenty episodes had they chosen to go that long (which would have been a mistake).
The documentary is presented in the now standard Burns form. We are introduced to a collection of speakers who speak in nearly every, but not every, episode. Unlike The Civil War, or Baseball, these speakers tend to all have first hand experience with the topic being addressed, which does make it different from those well known documentaries (I haven't seen Burn's documentary on World War Two which may follow this form to a degree).
Because it's ten sequential episodes its a bit difficult to determine how to properly review it. Reviewing each episode might be tedious, but on the other hand its hard not to do that in some sense. Nonetheless I'm not going to strictly do that. Indeed, I'm going to start off where I think the documentary falls short, which may be additional bad form. Nonetheless. . .
The most significant failure of the documentary was the failure to really handle the story of French involvement in Vietnam adequately. This is a failure, however, that nearly every treatment of the Vietnam War makes. In fairness, this failure was less pronounced here than it often is. There's always a temptation to treat the French Indochinese War as simply a minor prelude to the American war in Vietnam, but that's a fairly serious mistake.
It's a mistake as the French first became involved in Indochina, and more particularly in Vietnam in particular, in the early 1600s. That's correct. French presence in Vietnam predates, by decades, American independence from the United Kingdom. The story of that early involvement, indeed how France came to be in Indochina at all, is exceedingly complicated and very difficult to understand. It mirrors, however, to some degree the story of the British in India. Basically, French interests of various types, not the French government, entered the area and that lead to conflict. As the French interest expanded, the French government began to take an active role in what ws occurring.
French naval infantry in Tonkin, ie., northern Vietnam, 1884.
This lead the French ultimately to directly intervene in Vietnam in 1858, an event which touched off thirty years of conflict with the indigenous people. French dominion of the region, including Vietnam, lead to a sort of unitary geography that had never existed before so, as with India, while France didn't create the Vietnamese, in some ways it created Vietnam.
French Indochina in 1930. Note that the borders on the map heavily reflect the modern states in the region.
The French were so successful in "pacifying" Indochina that the region became the desired post for French Foreign Legionnaires, who dreamed of being posted there. Nonetheless the Vietnamese never accepted French dominion of their heavily rural jungle land, even as they acquired bits of French culture. Again, this strongly recalls the British in India, who managed to stamp British culture on the existing Indian one as they formed an India out of a collection of regional states, while never really acquiring the loyalty of the people who lived in them. Open rebellion in native troops broke out in 1930, signaling that all was not well. By that time, as the documentary correctly and importantly notes, Ho Chi Minh was already a Communist seeking the liberty of the Vietnamese from the French
Of course, part of what came not to be well was Japan had different ideas for Asian people that didn't include liberty, even if it didn't include Europeans. When the Pacific War broke out on December 7, 1941, France was already the anemic Vichy state that the Germans had left it and the Japanese basically simply walked into Indochina with the French accepting it. The Vietnamese, however, did not and a guerilla war against Japan broke out.
Vichy propaganda poster showing unity between France and northern Vietnam, 1942.
Burns and Novik handle this history, but in a light form. Like most treatments of the Vietnam War, the entire century plus long story of France in Indochina prior to the Japanese occupation is handled in a light form. Vietnam had long been occupied by the French prior to the Japanese occupation. Why was there only one significant rebellion, prior to World War Two, by the Japanese? How much had French culture impacted the Vietnamese? Why did the rebels of mid 20th Century find refuge in Communism in Vietnam, as in so many other places. What about the other, and there were other, nationalist movements that sought to expel the French but didn't adhere to Communism? This stuff would be nice to know.
And it would also be nice to know why the French ever wanted Vietnam. It's an odd possession, quite frankly, for them, or anyone. For Europeans it was primitive and dangerously diseased ridden. Early French military missions fell by the droves to disease. What was it about the place?
The story of the rising Communist/Nationalist struggle against the Japanese, and how it morphed into a struggle against the return of the French was also given a typical treatment and as usual it gives a light treatment to European dreams of restored colonial possessions and American opposition, at first, to that. This could also have been treated more completely. This is a complex story but of note the British, while not openly admitting it, had come to the reluctant conclusion that the sun was setting on empire everywhere and was acting accordingly. India, the crown jewel of the British Empire, was granted independence in 1947. The UK made a pretext of not granting independence to Israel voluntarily but in actuality simply withdrew from the region to let the contestants fight it out in the same year. The British were clearly going home. They even worked to prevent the Dutch from restoring their presence in the Dutch East Indies, a rare example of one colonial power refusing to allow another to keep its colony while not trying to take it for its own.
The French, however, seeking to restore France's position in the world following its defeat at the hands of the Germans in 1940 acted to try to hand on to, and restore, its empire.
The US, at first, opposed and would not cooperate with French efforts. The Roosevelt Administration was not terribly alive to the threat of Communism anywhere and the Truman Administration, at first, was only slightly more concerned. Given this, the administrations either actively opposed French colonial restorations or were not cooperative with them. In 1949, however, the situation abruptly changed when China fell to the Chinese Red Army. The prior year, 1948, the dangers of Soviet expansion became manifest when the Soviets blockaded Berlin. The isolationist Republican Party became converted to active global opposition to Communism overnight and the heat then fell on Truman in a major way. The North Korean invasion of South Korea cemented that and the US began to slowly, but actively, support the French effort on the thesis that it was an anti-communist effort, which was true, but only partially.
French Foreign Legion airborne artillery in Indochina during their war following World War Two.
Burns and Novik touch on part of this history, but not all. I wish they'd dived into it more deeply. They do a good job, however, with the French Indochinese War, although they failed to cover the request the French made for the US to deploy atomic weaponry at Dien Bien Phu, which is a significant oversight.
Following this, I think they do a good job with the story of American involvement in the war thereafter. They do an excellent job revealing the political machinations that occurred behind the scenes. Some of the revelations are startling and hard to grasp. Kennedy comes out looking better than I'd generally credit him to be (I'm not a Kennedy fan). Lydon Johnson comes across as shrewd and alert, but bizarrely inclined to keep wading deeper into the "Big Muddy" even though he was expressing absolute doubts about the entire project, privately. Nixon comes across as an even bigger crook than we generally look back upon him to be, which is pretty horrifically exposed. All of the Administrations come across as willing to lie and scheme against the presumed wishes of the American people.
US Army advisers and Vietnamese Special Forces, Vietnam War.
Well, what of the portrayal of the American war itself? I think it was well done, balancing events back home, politics and the war, quite well. People with strongly vested views in the war will likely be unhappy that their side isn't more fully portrayed as correct. Revisionist histories of the war, of which there are now several significant ones, are not given pride of place. The arguments presented, and they are arguments even if they do not appear to be, given the conflict on interpretations of the war and how it was waged, and lost, are very well presented and hard to argue against. For those who can recall the war personally the end of the documentary is gut wrenching. It must be leagues more so for those who experienced it in any fashion.
I was glad to see that the documentary went on after the fall of Saigon to briefly note Vietnam's following war in Cambodia, although I was disappointed that the fall of the non Communist regime in Cambodia was not dealt with itself, as I'd consider that to be part of the Vietnam War. Indeed, the wars that occurred in Cambodia and Laos are part and parcel of the same story, so their omission was surprising. A bit more on Vietnam's war with China, which occurred in the late 1970s, would also have been appreciated.
Burns and Novik's history of the war is presented as an unresolved history by its own admission. The documentary makes the argument that the rift in American culture that we clearly see all around us know came about due to the war and that perhaps the documentary can be a step on the way towards healing that rift. That's a big claim, worth examining, and a big hope as well.
There are indeed good reasons to look back on the Vietnam War as a major factor in the split in the countries culture into two cultures in a near cultural civil war with one another. Indeed, that's one of those arguments which fits under our You Hear It Hear First category as we've cited the rise of the Boomer left as a major element of this. Given this, I'll credit this argument to a certain degree but I think it may be too simplistic to believe that no divide existed before the 1960s. More accurately, the strong divide that had existed between right and left at various points prior to World War Two closed as a result of the war and while it rose again briefly after the war, the rise of Communism in the late 1940s closed it again. This is not to say that everyone saw everything the same way, as that would definitely not be true. But the big cultural divide we now have does indeed stem, at least to some degree, to a rift that developed during the war.
Healing that rift is a big task and its unlikely that Burns' and Novik's documentary will achieve that, no matter how much that might be wished for. The split today isn't over the Vietnam War but rather over many other things. Indeed the remaining rifts of the Vietnam War itself are more likely to be healed by the passing of that generation. But that we can look back and see what occurred is a good thing, and perhaps that will contribute to the wider hope of recovering the middle that seems in recent years to have been lost, or at least recalling that there is a middle and where it is.
Boomers protesting the Vietnam War, from our thread Boomer,
wake up. Generations, Part One of Three. Of interest in this photo,
only one of these young people have anything approaching a Hippie look
even if they are protesting.
I was glad to see that the documentary went on after the fall of Saigon to briefly note Vietnam's following war in Cambodia, although I was disappointed that the fall of the non Communist regime in Cambodia was not dealt with itself, as I'd consider that to be part of the Vietnam War. Indeed, the wars that occurred in Cambodia and Laos are part and parcel of the same story, so their omission was surprising. A bit more on Vietnam's war with China, which occurred in the late 1970s, would also have been appreciated.
Pathet (Communist) Laotian troops, riding in an American 6x6 truck, in Vientiane in 1972. The situation in Laos had been tense since the country had gained independence from France and it had teetered on the edge of falling to Communism for years. Like South Vietnam, it fell in 1975.
Burns and Novik's history of the war is presented as an unresolved history by its own admission. The documentary makes the argument that the rift in American culture that we clearly see all around us know came about due to the war and that perhaps the documentary can be a step on the way towards healing that rift. That's a big claim, worth examining, and a big hope as well.

Infantry in Vietnam.
There are indeed good reasons to look back on the Vietnam War as a major factor in the split in the countries culture into two cultures in a near cultural civil war with one another. Indeed, that's one of those arguments which fits under our You Hear It Hear First category as we've cited the rise of the Boomer left as a major element of this. Given this, I'll credit this argument to a certain degree but I think it may be too simplistic to believe that no divide existed before the 1960s. More accurately, the strong divide that had existed between right and left at various points prior to World War Two closed as a result of the war and while it rose again briefly after the war, the rise of Communism in the late 1940s closed it again. This is not to say that everyone saw everything the same way, as that would definitely not be true. But the big cultural divide we now have does indeed stem, at least to some degree, to a rift that developed during the war.
CH-54 landing in Saigon, April 30, 1975. At the time this photograph was
taken, , as pointed out in an earlier thread, Hillary Clinton had already worked on the Nixon impeachment effort, Chuck Schumer was already in the New York Assembly, and Nancy Pelosi was already involved in California's Democratic Party.
Healing that rift is a big task and its unlikely that Burns' and Novik's documentary will achieve that, no matter how much that might be wished for. The split today isn't over the Vietnam War but rather over many other things. Indeed the remaining rifts of the Vietnam War itself are more likely to be healed by the passing of that generation. But that we can look back and see what occurred is a good thing, and perhaps that will contribute to the wider hope of recovering the middle that seems in recent years to have been lost, or at least recalling that there is a middle and where it is.
Vietnamese refugees being evacuated from Saigon in 1975.
*A person shouldn't overemphasis this however. In all of our households in that era, World War Two was the war that was "the war".