Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trailing Posts and Epilogs

Some may note that there are some posts that seem to revive and get re-posted from time to time. Why is that?

Well, for the most part, they fit into two categories, trailing post and posts with epilogs.

Trailing posts are posts that were designed to be updated as additional information comes in. For example, there's the They Had Been Lawyers post.  That tread will be updated as additional people are discovered to belong in the list.  Indeed, that's why it was updated just today.  The Working With Animals post is also in this category, and it's been re-posted several times as a result.

Working With Animals also has an epilog, meaning nothing more than that there was something topical added to it after it was posted.  Originally, I just did new posts when that occured, but this seemed a better route, as the old content often was just as relevant and added to what otherwise would have been the epilog.  Sometimes, the epilog wasn't noteworthy enough to justify a new posts, but did otherwise add to the original post.  The Novelty of the Normal is another example of this.  So is the Peculiarized Violence thread, and quite a few others.

I will not, of course, being doing this to every thread, so people do not need to fear that.  Even at that, however, a few old posts just get re-posted for one reason or another.  I know that this isn't the blog norm, but oh well.  Author's prerogative.

As I update entries, from here on out, I will post a date on the updated item, so that anyone following the posts doesn't have to re-read the entire thing, which I am sure would preclude them from doing it.

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