Sunday, January 27, 2013

Field Bread from The Joy of Field Rations

As it looked interesting, Marcus tried the field bread recipe that's found on the Joy of Field Rations Blog.  Here you see the results.  It came out very well, and it's good tasting bread.

I make soda bread from time to time in a Dutch oven, a type of bread that's sometimes called "Sheepherders Bread" as sheepherders make it (or at least used to) by preparing the recipe and then putting it in coals over night.  Soda bread, of course, doesn't use any yeast, and I've never had the slightest bit of luck cooking with yeast, outside of a bread maker.  It wouldn't really have occurred to me that anyone would attempt to bake yeast bread out in the boonies, but following the recipe, he did something I've never been able to, which is to make some very tasty yeast bread.  This recipe, if you follow the instructions and cooking method found on the Joy of Field Rations blog, would be very suited to a similar cooking method, as you could leave the mess kid tins in the coals overnight, although given that they are Aluminum, a person would have be quite careful about that.

Part of the purpose of this blog, as the very few readers are aware, it to explore topics of the turn of the previous century, and as we're looking into Punitive Expedition themes, this proved to be a topical project.


Rich said...

Except for a longer rise time, the recipe looks almost the same as the one for a No-Knead Dutch Oven Bread at:

I've made dutch oven biscuits over a fire and made this bread in the oven and have thought that you could easily make the bread in a dutch oven in a fire (either chuckwagon style or sourdough gold miner style).

Anonymous said...

Pat & Marcus,

I, too, have made the field bread by that recipe and it is quite good. It is especially good toasted.

Plans are to make another batch tomorrow.