Monday, February 26, 2024

Blog Mirror: Less than 60 percent of the vote in South Carolina? Sheesh. Trump continues to do poorly in Republican caucuses and primaries Why is the mainstream media referring to them as “big victories” for Trump?


Less than 60 percent of the vote in South Carolina? Sheesh. Trump continues to do poorly in Republican caucuses and primaries

Why is the mainstream media referring to them as “big victories” for Trump?

The problem now.

The problem now is not Europe but the U.S. - more precisely the Trump MAGA dominance of American politics and stranglehold over Congress. Thanks to Trump's envious admiration of Putin and his hostility to NATO and thanks to the slavish subservience of the Speaker and his Caucus to Trump, the U.S. may be on the verge of an irresponsible abandonment of its international obligations analogous to its abandonment of its international obligations after World War I. And we well remember how that story ended!

City Father. 

Lex Anteinternet: Drill sergeant shoots first perfect score at Army ...

Lex Anteinternet: Drill sergeant shoots first perfect score at Army ...:   Drill sergeant shoots first perfect score at Army marksman course

Why can't this be big news in The American Rifleman instead of how we need to all bow to the wishes of Donald Trump or how Stalingrad is going to break out at the Loaf and Jug? 

A note. Communism and Fascism are not the same thing.

I note this, as would be President Donald Trump keeps referring to "Communist and Fascist" as if they are the same thing.

A person who does that should be sent to remedial Kindergarten. 

Seriously, at this stage, if that's the sort of thing a graduate of the Wharton School of Business can get away with saying, they ought to all go to remedial Kindergarten.

Blog Mirror. Adler: The Supreme Court at the beginning: What to wear?


Adler: The Supreme Court at the beginning: What to wear?

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Some Gave All: Punchbowl, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, O'ahu, Hawaii

Some Gave All: Punchbowl, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacif...

Punchbowl, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, O'ahu, Hawaii

Perhaps the most beautiful, and in someways the most somber, National Cemetery, this is the "Punchbowl" on O'ahu, Hawaii.  

Created after World War Two as a final resting place for the thousands of US servicemen who had died in the Pacific, it was established in 1949 and contains the remains of over 61,000 US servicemen who lost their lives in World War Two, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.