Charles de Gaulle marched in the streets of paris, German sniper fire notwithstanding.
The Allies won the Battle of Toulon.
And they were taking back channel islands this late as well.
British paratroopers backed by Belgian infantry and armor, cleared the arears around Caen still in German hands.
Six American airmen were lynched by the townspeople of Rüsselsheim am Main. Some of the townspeople would find themselves defendants in a war crimes trial after the war.
While this incident resulted in trials, killings of airmen, both in Germany and Japan, were hardly limited to this.
Bugarai announced that it was pulling out of the war and disarming all German troops on its territory.
The Red Army reached the Danube.
The 8th Army crossed the Metauro in Italy.
Adam von Trott zu Solz, 35 years of age, a German lawyer, diplomat and central figure in the 20 July plot, was hung by the Nazis.
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