Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Bill update.

So, what's passed and what's dead in the Legislature?

Well, that'd be a long list, so we're only going to do a select few that we've mentioned or should have mentioned, but the list is interesting, hopefully.

HB 14, which supposedly set Wyoming on Daylight Saving Time year around has passed its second reading.

Except it doesn't do that actually.

The Bill is set out below, but what it actually does is put us on Central time year around, apparently.  The bill is set out below.  That'd basically be the same, of course, as being on daylight savings time year around.

But wait. . . three neighboring states would have to do the same thing or nothing becomes of it.  So. . . unless half our neighboring states take the same action. . . .

The National Guard Museum, a former armory, in Cheyenne.

HB 39, has been introduced, which proposes to convert the National Guard Museum in Cheyenne to a state facility. That would be a good move.

HB 60, the Underage Marriage bill, which we discussed here earlier, failed.  I'm not surprised, I didn't think it would pass.

Oddly, coincident with this bill, underage marriages have become a big topic.  The New York Times ran an expose on the topic and it came up in Congress within the last couple of weeks.  The reason is that certain North African and Central Asian cultures practice it frequently, in the context of adult men marrying very young teenage girls, and they've been importing the same into the US with the US approving of it.

Why this is a surprise is beyond me, but its probably because in our heart of hearts we like to believe that everyone is "just like us". That's not so at all.  Women having equal rights is unique to Christian cultures and those heavily influenced by them.  In our own culture, as we've already addressed here, it was Christianity that wiped out child marriages and boosted the marriage age.  There's a certain "d'oh" element to this just being figured out.

HB 76, the Wyoming Beer Freedom Act, bit the dust.   There will be no free beer.

Um, actually, that act, which is below, amended the existing liquor laws to allow for 24 hour malt beverage permits to microbreweries.  I.e, they could get a permit to sell off premises for a 24 hour period.

I don't know why this failed.  It was a good idea.


HB 99, which would established a Wyoming Public Lands Day, passed its second reading.  That day, which is really being followed by the outdoor community, would make the fourth Saturday of September that day. I'm hoping it passes.

HB122, a bill that would have authorized common citizens to sue the state for declaratory judgment on statutes, failed.

I had a mixed view on this, but I'm not surprised that this bill, which is one of the various ones backed by the very, very, conservative in the State House, failed.

SF65, which would have provided for open primaries (non partisan), failed.

I knew this would fail and earlier predicted that, but its too bad.  This would have been a good, democratic, reform.



Mountain daylight time.

Sponsored by: Representative(s) Laursen, Blackburn, Lindholm, Olsen and Sommers and Senator(s) Case, Driskill, Gierau and Von Flatern



AN ACT relating to legal time; requiring an application for the state to transfer time zones as specified; establishing a new uniform state time; making legislative findings; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.

(a)  The legislature finds that:

(i)  The federal Standard Time Act of 1918, P.L. 65-106, 40 Stat. 450, established standard time zones for the United States bounded by designated meridian lines, including the zone designated as United States standard mountain time in which the state of Wyoming is placed, and the standard time zone designations have since become geographic names of regional identity;

(ii)  The federal Uniform Time Act of 1966, 15 U.S.C. 260 et seq., was enacted by Congress to promote the adoption and observance of uniform time within the standard time zones of the United States. It established an annual advancement from standard time in March of each year, commonly called "daylight saving time," and annual return to standard time approximately eight (8) months later;

(iii)  The federal Uniform Time Act of 1966 authorizes a state that is entirely situated within one (1) time zone, as the state of Wyoming is, to exempt itself from the change to daylight saving time as long as it does so uniformly as an entire state;

(iv)  The residents and businesses of the state of Wyoming have become more habituated to the eight (8) months of daylight saving time per year than the four (4) months of standard time per year; and

(v)  The biannual change of time between mountain standard time and mountain daylight time is disruptive to commerce and to the daily schedules of the residents of the state of Wyoming.

Section 2.

(a)  Upon the enactment of law similar to this act that authorizes an application for the same time zone change in at least three (3) states contiguous to Wyoming, the governor shall apply to the United States secretary of transportation for the state of Wyoming to be transferred to the zone designated as United States standard central time by the federal Standard Time Act of 1918.

(b)  Upon approval of a transfer to the zone designated as United States standard central time by the United States secretary of transportation, the uniform time within the state of Wyoming shall be coordinated universal time offset by six (6) hours throughout the year.

(c)  Upon approval of a transfer to the zone designated as United States standard central time by the United States secretary of transportation, the uniform time within the state of Wyoming shall be known as mountain daylight saving time unless the contiguous states applying for a time zone change uniformly select another name for the uniform time.

Section 3. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.



National guard museum.

Sponsored by: Joint Transportation, Highways & Military Affairs Interim Committee



AN ACT relating to defense forces and affairs; designating the historic Wyoming national guard armory as a museum; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 1914112 is created to read:

1914112.  Description and declaration of Wyoming national guard museum.

The lands in Laramie county, Wyoming, described as follows are hereby declared to be the Wyoming national guard museum to be managed by the military department: All of Block 8, Replat of Airport Addition to the City of Cheyenne, Wyoming, as shown by the Replat of said Airport Addition on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds, in and for said Laramie County, said replat being filed on October 1, 1935, as No. 287212; LESS the Southerly ten (10) feet of said Block 8, Replat of Airport Addition quitclaimed to the City of Cheyenne by the Wyoming Army National Guard, as filed June 15, 1995, in Book 1400, Page 461, in the records of said Clerk of Laramie County, Wyoming.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2019.



Wyoming Beer Freedom Act.

Sponsored by: Representative(s) Pelkey, Barlow, Blake, Lindholm and Pownall and Senator(s) Rothfuss



AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; authorizing appropriate licensing authorities to issue twenty-four hour malt beverage permits to microbreweries; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 124103(a)(vi) and (b) and 124412(b)(iii)(E), (F) and by creating a new subparagraph (G) are amended to read:

124103.  Restrictions upon license or permit applicants and holders; license limitation per person.

(a)  A license or permit authorized by this title shall not be held by, issued or transferred to:

(vi)  A manufacturer of alcoholic beverages or wholesaler of malt beverages, except for twentyfour (24) hour malt beverage permits issued to a microbrewery pursuant to W.S. 124502;

(b)  Except as provided in W.S. 124301(e) and 124412(b)(iii)(G), no licensing authority shall issue more than one (1) license or permit to any one (1) person.

124412.  Microbrewery and winery permits; authorized; conditions; dual permits and licenses; satellite winery permits; direct shipment of wine; fees.

(b)  The local licensing authority:

(iii)  May approve the dual holding of a microbrewery permit or winery permit and one (1) of the following:

(E)  A winery permit as provided under paragraph (a)(ii) of this section; or

(F)  Subject to subsection (e) of this section, a bar and grill liquor license as provided in W.S. 124413;. or

(G)  A twentyfour (24) hour malt beverage permit issued to a microbrewery pursuant to W.S. 124502.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2019.



Wyoming public lands day.

Sponsored by: Representative(s) Schwartz, Brown, Roscoe, Sommers and Stith and Senator(s) Coe, Dockstader, Gierau and Nethercott



AN ACT relating to state holidays and observances; providing for a public lands day; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 84113 is created to read:

84113.  Public lands day.

(a)  In tribute to the importance of public lands in the state and in recognition of the value of public lands to the state's economy, open spaces, wildlife and recreational opportunities, the fourth Saturday in September of each year is designated as "public lands day" and appropriate observance may be held by the public and in all public schools of the state.

(b)  The governor, not later than September 1 of each year, shall issue a proclamation requesting the proper observance of "Public Lands Day."

(c)  This section shall not affect commercial paper, the making or execution of written agreements or judicial proceedings, or authorize public schools, business or state and local government offices to close.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2019.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Best Post of the week of January 20, 2019.

The best posts of the week of January 20, 2019

The Cross.

A cross in France.

Monument to French War Dead, Versailles.

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet: Is Beer the Most Distributist Product Ever? Hey, what about whiskey (and other distilled beverages)?. Wait a minute, In Vino locorum subsidiarietatis Veritas?

The Year in Review | Catholic Answers (Mid Week At Work) Distributism.

Memorial to French War Dead. Gandelu France

100 Years Old This Year. Barbasol

It's impossible to take Ariana Grande seriously.

Breaking ice

French village war memorial for World War One.

Sunday, January 26, 1919

French refugees outside of Reims, waiting to reenter the city.  January 26, 1919.  Woodrow Wilson visited the city on the same day.

Ice Fishing Safety Gear

Sunday, January 26, 1919

French refugees outside of Reims, waiting to reenter the city.  January 26, 1919.  Woodrow Wilson visited the city on the same day.

Some Gave All: French village war memorial for World War One.

Some Gave All: French village war memorial for World War One.:

French village war memorial for World War One.

A memorial in a French village to its World War One dead.  Note the number of names on the memorial.  No wonder the memory of the Great War is so alive in France.

MKTH photographs.

A Bill in the Legislature to allow Camping on State Land.

In looking at various bills in the legislature I frankly tend to find the bills introduced by Natrona County Democrat Chuck Gray to be on the unlikely to pass often extreme side.  I note that, as here's one that he introduced this session that I hope passes.

Gray's bill would allow overnight camping on State of Wyoming owned lands.

A lot, probably most, Wyomingites don't realize that the lands owned by the State of Wyoming are much more restrictive in use than lands owned by the Federal Government.  You can't camp overnight on them, for example.  You also can't hunt on them without permission from the state.

By and large most people ignore these restrictions and aren't even aware of them.  But some are, and to my surprise this past year I was speaking with a rancher who had called a Game Warden as he found some hunters camping on state land near a county road.  I would have ignored it, but he didn't, and the Game Warden required the campers to pick up and move on.

This would fix what I feel is something that needs to be fixed.

I'll give Gray credit for this, but I'll be frank that due to his prior positions in the legislature I can't help but feel that this is preparatory to another effort to grab the Federal domain from the U.S. and vest it in Wyoming.  Savvy Wyomingites raised issues like this when the bad idea came up last session and I suspect that this is an effort to address one of those complaints in the hopes of making land grabbing less objectionable, which it won't do.

But maybe I'll be surprised.  Maybe the proponent is just a camper.



Wyoming camping act.

Sponsored by: Representative(s) Gray, Jennings, Miller and Pelkey and Senator(s) Biteman and James



AN ACT relating to state lands; repealing the prohibition against camping overnight on state lands; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 362107(b)(v) is repealed.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2019.



Shed Antlers Bill

I still find this to be the oddest thing, but there must be a need to regulate it.  Perhaps to allow wildlife to be secure in winter ranges?



Shed antlers and horns.

Sponsored by: Representative(s) Sommers, Crank, Eyre, Freeman, Schwartz and Stith and Senator(s) Anselmi-Dalton, Baldwin, Driskill and Gierau



AN ACT relating to game and fish; modifying regulation of the collection of shed antlers and horns of big game animals as specified; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 231302(a)(xxxi) is amended to read:

231302.  Powers and duties.

(a)  The commission is directed and empowered:

(xxxi)  To regulate and control the collection of shed antlers and horns of big game animals, including regulation of the dates, times and locations for collection, for the purpose of minimizing the harassment or disturbance of big game populations on public lands west of the Continental Divide. any time between January 1 and May 1 of each year.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2019.

Fair Chase Bill

A bill was introduced in this legislative session in regards to "fair chase" regulating certain technologies in regard to their use in hunting.

This is something whose time has really come.  If only we had the ability to regulate the use of technology in our lives in general.



Regulation of hunting methods.

Sponsored by: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources Interim Committee



AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing rulemaking authority for the regulation of methods of taking wildlife; providing a sunset date for the rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 231302(a) by creating a new paragraph (xxxii) is amended to read:

231302.  Powers and duties.

(a)  The commission is directed and empowered:

(xxxii)  Subject to the limitations imposed in this paragraph, to regulate and control by rule the methods of taking wildlife including regulating, limiting or prohibiting the use of hunting technologies that significantly impact fair chase. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the taking of predatory animals as defined in W.S. 231101(a)(viii). This paragraph is repealed effective June 30, 2025. Prior to promulgating any rule under this paragraph, the commission shall present the proposed rule to the joint travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources interim committee at a public meeting. Rules promulgated under this paragraph shall only apply to:

(A)  Thermal or infrared imaging or other imaging outside the normal visible light spectrum;

(B)  Real time video photography equipment or video imaging viewable remotely; or

(C)  Persons selling on the internet for remuneration the location and identification information of an individual big game animal located using a GPS device.

Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2019.