Showing posts with label German. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German. Show all posts

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sunday, July 5, 1914. The Blank Check

Referred to as the "blank check", Kaiser Wilhelm II pledged Germany's unconditional support of whatever action Austro Hungaria may take in regard to the crisis with Serbia.

A war council between the countries was held at Potsdam to discuss possibilities of war with Serbia, Russia, and France.  It concluded that eliminating Serbia was a necessity, with Emperor Franz Joseph claiming war was necessary to preserve the dual monarchy.

So, a war was deemed necessary over the murder of a man he didn't like, and the Austro Hungarians didn't either.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 4, 1914. Independence Day.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thursday, July 2, 1914. The military recommendation.

The German military recommends to Kaiser Wilhelm II that Austro Hungaria attack Serbia as soon as possible, as Germany could mobilize quicker than Russia or France.

It is announced that Kaiser Wilhelm will not attend Ferdinand's funeral.  He had planned to go and use the occasion as an informal peace conference, but Austro Hungaria had disinvited much foreign presence.

Bosnia and Herzegovina were placed under martial law.

Last edition:

Wednesday, July 1, 1914. Fighting assurances.