Showing posts with label 2020 Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020 Coronavirus. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

"Do you personally know anyone who has had COVID 19?"

So reads an item that's constantly popping up on my Facebook feed right now.

I don't know the original source, but I suspect, without knowing for sure, that this started off as one of those Covid denial things you see around.  I.e., not that many people "really get it" or "it's not that bad".

I replied the first time, as I know the person who was circulating it.  I haven't to the several ones I've seen since then.

But yes, I know a lot of people who have had COVID 19.  I started counting it up in my mind and then simply stopped when I could think of twenty people I know who've had the infection.

Indeed, I know people who had it the very first month that it became a news story and hardly a month has gone by where I haven't learned of somebody else who has had it or, has it.

Offhand, I can think of two people I know who died of it, and one of them definitely didn't die a good death.  That, moreover, was brought about due to a situation in which one person insisted the other come to his office, which was the one time the person broke a self-imposed quarantine.  He died on a ventilator.

I know another whom I suspect had COVID 19 playing a role in his untimely death, due to the impacts it has one some people who get it. And I know another whom I suspect has been severely physically impaired by the disease. 

I got vaccinated as soon as I was able to and all of my family did as well.  But I know people who haven't.  They all have their own reasons for that.  But we're entering a very new phase of this.  The Delta variant is as infections as the chicken pox and the Lambda variant, which just broke out in South America, appears to be more able to break through.  

This virus isn't following the normal path.  Normally, virus evolve towards being less lethal.  We're not seeing that.

Does anyone really know somebody who hasn't had the disease?  I doubt it.

The bigger question may be does anyone out there not know somebody who died?

Casualties of the COVID Recession Part II

November 7, 2020

We start this entry off with some good news.  The unemployment rate has fallen to 6.9%

For years, 7% was regarded as statistical full employment.  So, in spite of some parts of the country reeling under the Coronavirus pandemic spiking in their region, unemployment is going down.

The ironies and oddities of this story are almost too thick to cut.  President Trump just went down in defeat in the General Election in part due to his handling of the pandemic.  While pollsters lost a lot of credit this election, it's generally been the case that going into the election it was felt that the strong economy, pre pandemic, would have carried him through the fall.  Assuming that's true, the economy did prove to be remarkably sound, as he maintained in the campaign, as it rebounded quickly, but just too late to aid him, maybe.

Additionally, part of the rebound is undoubtedly due to pandemic fatigue and that local Governors, who have been in control of individual state responses, do not have the political wills to shut anything back down.  Trump never wanted to.  That may have had a really pronounced human cost, however.

Anyhow, the economy appears to be recovering.

November 15, 2020

Guitar Center, a national musical instrument retailer, is filing for bankruptcy.

The company's debt problems have been long term and, therefore, this can't be directly tied to the pandemic.  Indeed, I'd have thought that the sale of musical instruments might have increased while people have been stuck at home.

November 17, 2020

Governor Gordon announced $500,000,000 in budget cuts. The move still leave the state in a deficit spending situation.

While almost all departments, including the University of Wyoming, received cuts, there were things that notable did not, including the Governor's clean coal program and the lawsuit regarding coal access to ports. These were probably left intact in hopes that they'd pay off in the future.

The remaining $300,000,000 deficit is attributable to K-12 education costs, which are constitutionally protected.

This deserves a separate thread, which will be posted later.

December 10, 2020

Not really directly related, but something that's related to something getting a lot use in the current era, the Federal Government launched anti trust litigation against Facebook.  48 states are also parties with the Federal Government in the action.

December 13, 2020

UCLA economists predict a gloomy economic winter followed by a roaring post vaccine spring in which the economy will go from bad to good, and remain good, for a period of years.

January 6, 2021

The price of oil hit an eleven year high following a Saudi Arabian agreement to cut their production of oil.

European stock markets climbed yesterday where as American ones fell following early indications that the Republicans had probably lost the Senate.

January 20, 2021

FedEx is cutting 6,300 jobs in Europe. The jobs are being lost as FedEx consolidates its purchase of a competitor, TNT.

January 30, 2021

Toys R US closed its last two stores in the United States.

July 22, 2021

We probably ought to start a new one of these, as we aren't in a recession anymore, but as this was the last general economic thread, we'll start here.

Ford has ceased production of its new Bronco line of 4x4s due to material shortages.

General Motors has ceased production of trucks for the same reasons.

Across the nation, at the same time, small employers of certain types are reporting that employees laid off during the pandemic are not returning to work.

July 27, 2021

Airlines are concerned about a lack of aviation fuel.  This has been caused by supply chain issues and an increased demand due to fire fighting requirements.

August 4, 2021

The CDC has reimposed a moratorium on evictions due to the pandemic.

The prior moratorium was statutorily imposed.  It's quite questionable whether or not the CDC  has the authority to unilaterally impose a moratorium.

Prior and related threads:

Subsidiarity Economics. The times more or less locally.

Casualties of the COVID Recession

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Pandemic Part 6.


May 13, 2021.

The best possible news, in a really existential sense:

The fully vaccinated may quit wearing masks indoors and outdoors according to the  CDC.

May 25, 2021

A Year in a Pandemic: COVID-19 in Wyoming

May 27, 2021

In surprising news, the Biden Administration is now opening up the investigation on the source of SARS-CoV-2.

Claims that the source was a Chinese lab have been there all along, but they've tended to be concentrated in certain demographics that hosted a variety of other extreme claims about the disease and were largely discounted early on.  Now, however, the Administration is joining other governments from around the world to demand greater Chinese accountability on what occurred and there's some renewed scientific suspicion that the disease source may in fact have been a Chinese laboratory.  That suspicion was heightened this past week with it was revealed that workers at the lab sought medical attention in November 2019, well before the first reported outbreaks of the disease.

The Administration actually used Anthony Fauci to first break this story prior to the CDC doing son. That was an interesting approach, and it's likely because Fauci is widely respected.  It then went more public with it shortly thereafter.  By taking this approach it's fueling the conspiracy theory fire, which it has to know, and so it no doubt has to be careful.

A few things about this.

The Administration isn't saying it is from a Chinese lab.  It's saying it doesn't know the source, and this is a potential one. That's a change in position, but it isn't an endorsement of that view.   The disease, the government is stating, may have a natural origin, we just don't know what the origin is.

If it does come from a Chinese government lab, the next question is why on earth would they be doing that?  The only logical conclusion is that they were working on a weaponized variant of the SARS virus, but if so its an atypical biological weapon, so that isn't really very clear.  No other logical explanation is immediately available, which also doesn't mean that there isn't one.

If they were working on a weaponized SARS virus, as noted, it'd be a weird weapon.  Most work on biological weapons is on diseases like Anthrax.  The reason is that the thought is that you can infect an enemy group extremely rapidly, and they die very quickly, and then the area is safe to go into.  You don't want anything that's even somewhat slow spreading as your own troops will get it and the entire thing will last for months.  Ideally, you want your enemies dead in a few hours and the spread over even quicker than that.

That's for the typical battlefield application, however.  If you are looking at a different type of weapon, a more economic or impairing one, the considerations may be different.  I.e., if you want to cripple a nations economy, or simple cripple a nation, including its fighting men, a slower rolling disease would be better.  In that scenario, you get the infection rolling just a little before you go to war.  Just long enough to get an epidemic rolling, then you strike.

That such a disease can impair an economy was proven by this pandemic, to be sure.  This wasn't during wartime, however, and that's significant as the next nearest example, the 1917 Influenza, didn't shut down anyone's war economy.  It may have played a role, however, in frustrating the 1917 German spring offensive, and it definitely took the Australian army in Europe out of the war for its last final months.

That you could do this is pretty clear.  The U.S. Navy had a huge problem with SARS-CoV-2.  And the US economy was really impacted, although frankly not as much as thought, and largely due to the obviously peacetime efforts to contain the disease, the latter factor which wouldn't exist in time of war.

That China is preparing for war with the United States isn't a secret, it's well known. That doesn't mean it will occur, although there are plenty of defense analysist that believe it's a certainty.  The reason is that the US is all that stands between China forcibly reincorporating Taiwan, which is a declared Chinese goal.  The US, moreover, also interferes with Chinese nearby marine aspirations, including ones that involve the Philippines, Japan and Vietnam.  And the US operates against Chinese interests around the globe.  China sees itself as a great power, but in the late 19th Century, early 20th Century mold, and is behaving accordingly.  It has a definite near time goal of incorporating Taiwan into itself, and hasn't ruled out military force to do it.  Indeed, it figures its necessary.  And it figures it needs to be done soon, lest Taiwan outright declare its independence while it can still be assured of US assistance should things go badly wrong.

In that scenario, a biological agent spread through unfortunate and unknowing human hosts would be an effective means of messing with an enemy.  It wouldn't defeat them, but it would distract them.  And if you can even impair one aircraft carrier sufficiently, that may be a battle winning strategy in and of itself.

Was the lab working on this?  Who the heck knows.  They may very well not have been, and odds are they were not. We just don't know. And they may have been trying to synthesize the disease in order to be able to better know it, and hence be better situated to combat all SARS variants in the future.  Communist China is simply so secretive, you can't really tell what's going on, and that's the problem.

May 29, 2021

Two Denver County Sheriff's deputies, one of whom worked in their jail, died of COVID-19 within ten days of each other.

One of the two was a die hard opponent of vaccinations, and it seems likely neither were vaccinated.  As noted, one frequently made comments in opposition to the vaccine.

June 4, 2021

Over 600,000 Americans have officially died of SARS-CoV-2 at this point.

The US is donating 25,000,000 vaccines to the US lead COVAX program that seeks to vaccinate internationally.

June 11, 2021

A bill that would prohibit businesses from requiring proof of vaccinations for the most part passed committee with only Cathy Connolly voting against it.

June 28, 2021

A new variant of the disease that surfaced first in India is rapidly advancing globally and will soon be the dominant variant.  

Sydney Australia is on hard lockdown.

July 7, 2021

The Delta variant of the disease is causing heightened concern across the country and has put the disease back in the local headlines.

The good news is that the vaccinations are effective against it, and they now are known to last much longer than at first supposed. The bad is that the new variant transmits easier, a typical evolution event for a virus, but atypically it also is deadlier. With increased summer mobility, officials in low vaccination rate states are concerned. Additionally, as part of this, low vaccination rate Wyoming has the highest death rate per capita due to COVID-19 than any state in the country.

The Delta variant has been causing havoc globally and appears set to in the United States.  South Korea, which had handled its initial outbreak very efficiently, is now experiencing a new surge.

July 12, 2021

Israel has approved a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and Pfizer is working on approval of a third dose in the U.S.

In new that probably ought to get more circulation, given human nature, it's now been shown that erectile dysfunction is associated with having had Covid.  Not only that, having had the disease impacts the production of sex hormones in males and females, leaving some women with symptoms of menopause and some men with much reduced testosterone.

There's been a huge amount of resistance to the vaccine in some quarters, with some people simply refusing to consider it.  We now know that up to 1/3d of those who come down with the disease are left with psychological or neurological problems, and we now also know that it contains the risk of effectively making somebody more or less biologically neutered.  A person has to wonder if getting the news out would impact vaccination rates.

July 20, 2021

Casper's Banner Medical Center (the hospital) will be making vaccination for COVID 19 a condition of employment starting in October.

July 22, 2021

The staff of the local hospital issued a distressed message that hospitalizations are reaching early pandemic infection rates once again, and urged people to get vaccinated.  Officials in Cheyenne issued statement that on the eve of Frontier Days they were concerned about the same thing.  The new infections are concentrated in the Delta variant.

July 24, 2021

The Delta variant is now the dominant variant in the state.  Infections are the highest they've been since January, when the pandemic plateaued in the U.S. The majority of those infected have not been vaccinated.

Republicans in Congress have been attempting to boost vaccination rates, but it appears the effort is having little impact.  Indeed, a statement by Mitch McConnell, if Facebook is any guide, simply resulted in the usual counters to vaccination which would suggest at this point people have stopped listening to the debate.

Assuming that the lack of vaccination does not cause a vaccine resistant strain to develop in the unvaccinated population, which is a real risk, this will ultimately have a peculiar demographic effect.  Hospitalization rates and death rates are rising, but its among a distinct demographic.  Some have poked a bit of fun at this, claiming its "Darwin at work", but there is an element of self selection at work that actually is, at this point, killing those who were convinced early on that the vaccines were a bad idea due to what really were politically motivated strains of thought.

July 29, 2021

The CDC has issued a mask rcommendation for vaccinated individuals who go into places with high transmission rates.

Prior threads:


Pandemic, Part 5

Pandemic, Part 4

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Monday, July 18, 1921. Start of the workweek.

Pearl Kane, a newspaper "girl" for the Washington Times, on July 18, 1921.

On this first day of the workweek, for most people, and more typically the first day of the workweek then, as opposed to now, the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis was administered for the first time in Paris, France.

Getting tuberculosis is bad.

Getting COVID 19 is bad too.  If you haven't been vaccinated, get vaccinated.

Babe Ruth hit the longest home run in the history of major league baseball, 560 feet, which knocked the ball out of Tiger Stadium.

General Pershing inspected the troops at Camp Humphries, Virginia.

Camp Humphries was also spelled "Humphreys" and is now part of Ft. Belvoir.

It was a very active training range at this time, hosting not only units of the U.S. Army, but also ROTC.

Meanwhile, the United States Army Air Corps spent the day bombing the former German cruiser the SMS Frankfurt off of Virginia's coast.

Well, not the day.  It sank within twenty-six minutes of being hit.

This was all part of Billy Mitchell's effort to prove that aircraft could sink ships, any ship, and that effectively they were now the premier service in the defense of the coast. . . it not more than that.  The Navy didn't particularly like it, and it'd later end up providing part of the background to Mitchell's eventual court marshal.

Maxim Gorky, the still respected Soviet writer who was an occasional tool of the Stalin's wrote a letter on behalf of famine victims in the Soviet Union.

The famine was certainly real, brought on by the forced collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union.

Thursday, July 8, 2021



The new "Delta" variant of Covid 19 transmits quicker, and is more deadly, than its predecessors.

And its breaking out in the United States.

Yesterday's Tribune reported that its broken out in Laramie County, which makes sense as its the hub of two interstate highways.  

Wyoming has 35.4% of its population. This means that Delta will break out here, and it will kill people here.

It will.

I don't understand the resistance to the vaccinations.  It's proven as safe as any other vaccine and vaccines are safe.  By not getting vaccinated people are not only putting themselves at risks, but entire communities, and beyond that they are hosting a vaccine for further evolution, making it harder to wipe out long term.  

Careful consideration really need to be given to this topic at this time.  We could wipe this virus out completely.  Or not.  We should wipe it out.*


*Oddly enough, the vaccine does appear to be wiping out another disease in the SARS family, unintentionally.  It has a much lower transmission rate, and the vaccine is apparently somewhat operative on it, keeping it from spreading.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Pandemic, Part 5


Doctor in Texas giving a tuberculosis vaccination in a rural school, 1943.

December 13, 2020

The first batch of the flu vaccine (or I should say one of its variants) arrives in the United States tomorrow.  Wyoming will receive 4,875 doses, which is enough to vaccinate a little under 1% of the state's population.

At this point, Wyoming has 33,757 confirmed cases and 5,150 probables, a total of 38,907.  There have been 30,638 confirmed recoveries and 4,527 probable recoveries, for a total of 35,165.  If we added those all together, we'd be at a total surviving infection number, to date (assuming that all those currently infected will survive, which is unlikely) of over 60,000, which would put as at about the national average of 10% of the population having been infected to date.  If we also assume that all those who were infected and recovered retained their immunity, which is also not a save assumption, about 290,000 Wyomingites will have to be vaccinated or infected before the state's population would achieve "herd immunity", which is itself unrealistic as a number given the mobility of the American public.

Germany is closing schools and stores from December 16 through January 10.  The virus is now raging in Turkey as well.

December 15, 2020

The first doses of the vaccine were administered in Canada. 

The UK has announced the discovery of a  new variant of COVID 19 that spreads more quickly than prior variants.  The vaccines are expected to be effective on it as well.

Over the weekend Senator John Barasso had an editorial in the Tribune urging people to take the vaccine.

The Senators efforts are significant in that there seems to be a strong suspicion regarding the safety of the vaccine in some quarter in the state and it oddly dovetails in with politics.  The Republican Party nationwide and in the state has been questioning the results of the Presidential election without merit and while the two are not tied together, the widespread questioning of demonstrated factual material ultimately taints news in general.  The Senators efforts are to be praised in this context, although his support of doomed legal efforts to overturn the election in his home state of Pennsylvania do not overall help in restoring some faith in demonstrated facts.  As he is a physician, however, this may prove to be persuasive in some quarters.

December 17, 2020

The U.S. Army has adopted a camouflaged face mask.

December 18, 2020

King Carl XVI of Sweden has called his country's approach to the Coronavirus pandemic, which has been much discussed as Sweden did not take the lock down or mask approach that other countries did, a failure in his annual address to the country.

Following this the Prime Minister agreed with his nation's King.

December 20, 2020

American college student, Skyler Mack, age 18, will spend four months in prison in the Cayman Islands for violating their quarantine order.  Mack is a premed student, ironically, from Georgia and traveled to the islands to watch her boyfriend in a jet skiing competition.

While at first blush there would clearly be worse places to spend four months in the pokey than the Caymans, Mack will miss a semester of college in a high competitive field and now have a criminal conviction over a medical matter to contend with should she complete her course of study and seek to be licensed.

December 21, 2020

Congress reached a deal on a new COVID relief package.

December 24, 2020

As noted elsewhere, President Trump is threatening to veto the COVID relief bill.

The incoming Governor Elect of Montana is indicating he may lift that state's mask mandate when he comes into office next month.

December 30, 2020

The new more contagious variant of the Coronavirus found first in the United Kingdom has now appeared in the United States for the first time, in Colorado.

December 31, 2020

Dawn Wells, age 83, famous for her role as Mary Ann in Gilligan's Island, died of the disease.

Luke Letlow, newly elected Senator from Louisiana, age 41, also died from the virus.

January 1, 2021

The state issued its early vaccination priority list:

Early Phases of COVID-19 Prevention Vaccine Campaign Continue

December 31, 2020

Wyoming’s phased approach to providing free, safe and effective vaccinations intended to help prevent future COVID-19 infections is continuing across the state, according to the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH).

With vaccine doses still limited, targeted vaccination efforts will continue over the coming weeks and months for Wyoming’s established priority groups based on availability. “Right now, we remain focused on Phase 1A priorities throughout the state,” said Dr. Alexia Harrist, state health officer and state epidemiologist with WDH.

Priority groups for Phase 1A in Wyoming include:

  • Healthcare workers with regular potential for exposure to COVID-19 patients or infectious materials
  • Residents and staff of long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities and residential care facilities for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities

A special, targeted effort involving pharmacy chains to help vaccinate residents of many Wyoming nursing homes and assisted living facilities is planned for early January.

Wyoming’s Phase 1B vaccination priorities have been established and are generally described as including people who are 70 years of age or older and frontline essential workers who must interact with the public and are unable to consistently physically distance from others.

More detailed descriptions of both “Phase 1A and Phase 1B Distribution” priority groups can be found at A Phase 1C priority list is also expected before Wyoming moves toward Phase 2. Phase 1 overall is intended for when vaccines are in limited supply and are being allocated for specific populations.

WDH used the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, as well as recommendations from the WDH Medical Ethics Committee to identify and list priority groups.

Harrist said priority groups and vaccine ordering are handled at the state level, while vaccinations are coordinated at the county level by local health departments and their community partners.

“Details on exactly where a county is with their progress through the priority group listings and specific vaccine availability and distribution information will largely be more available locally than from the state,” she said.

Website postings, media announcements and information from employers and partner groups are among the ongoing communication activities expected to be used for updates on local vaccine availability. Overall state-level updates will also continue.

“I’m excited about recommending these vaccines and know many people are anxious to receive them, but this is a process with many steps and most of us will need to be patient until it’s our turn,” Harrist said.

“For now and for some months to come, we all need to continue wearing masks, social distancing and staying home when we are ill as we take steps toward ending this pandemic and getting things back to normal,” she continued.

People receiving the vaccines will not be asked to pay any fees. The currently authorized vaccines require two doses for maximum protection.

More information about COVID-19 vaccines from the CDC can be found at

More information about COVID-19 in Wyoming can be found at

January 2, 2021

Captive black footed ferrets in Colorado, part of the population of that animal being kep there in order to reintroduce the endangered species, have received a vaccine developed for minks, to which they are closely related.

It's important to note that these populations were captive and that its been demonstrated that farm raised minks are very susceptible to COVID 19.  The fear was that the disease would spread to the captive population.  But this does raise concerns regarding a species that is already endangered.


Bars, Restaurants Can Resume Late Night Service After Decline in COVID-19 Hospitalizations


CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon has announced a return to normal operating hours for bars and restaurants, praising the response by Wyomingites that has resulted in a decline in COVID-19 hospitalizations around the state.

Effective January 9, updated health orders permit bars and restaurants to resume onsite consumption from 10 pm to 5 am. The updated orders also allow gyms to increase the number of participants in group fitness classes from 10 to 25. 

“Thank you to the people of Wyoming who recognized the strain on their hospitals and health care workers and acted accordingly,” Governor Gordon said. “I also want to express my gratitude to those businesses that adapted to these temporary measures. These have not been easy times for anyone  We are not out of the woods yet, but continued personal safety measures while the vaccine is being distributed will enable our state’s schools and businesses to continue to remain open.”

The Wyoming Department of Health will continue to evaluate metrics as the state emerges from the holiday season. Counties can still opt out of the requirements if local conditions move to safer levels in accordance with White House metrics.

On December 30, Wyoming hospitals were reporting 113 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, down from a peak of 247 on November 30. However, the state reported 223 COVID-19 deaths in December, the highest number since the pandemic began in March. Wyoming has also begun distributing the COVID-19 vaccine, utilizing a phased approach due to limited initial vaccine availability.

The updated health orders, along with additional information on Wyoming’s COVID-19 vaccination plan, can be found on Wyoming’s COVID-19 website. Copies of the orders, which are effective January 9 and expire on January 25, are also attached.


January 5, 2021

The Greek Orthodox Church in Greece urged its Priests to ignore that country's orders that have resulted in the closure of churches.

The virus including its new variant first detected in the UK and another new variant detected in South Africa is on the rise in Europe with many nations imposing new quarantine orders.  The UK has gone into a full domestic lockdown.

January 8, 2021

A study indicates that vaccinations for COVID 19 provide better immunity than having acquired the disease itself, with antibodies lasting at least eight months.

January 9, 2021

Sweden, which has been cited as an example of a country not imposing COVID restrictions, passed a law allowing the government to impose temporary restrictions to address the spread of COVID 19.  The government immediately imposed some distancing and crowd size restrictions.

January 13, 2021

Closure of the US-Canadian border has been extended.

The United States is going to require proof of vaccination for inbound international flights.

January 15, 2021

Flu cases this year have been very low, which isn't surprising given the efforts to fight COVID 19.

X-rays of victims of COVID 19 show lung scaring worse than smoker's lungs.

January 16, 2021

Natrona County ran out of COVID 19 vaccine as the response from those 70 years old and up was so strong.

All I can say is "thank goodness", as in thank goodness there's a demographic that supports the vaccine, even if it isn't the one I'm in.  Mass acceptance of the vaccine is absolutely necessary in order for this pandemic to be stopped.  

Also of interest, that demographic grew up in the strong acceptance of science era, and in the era in which the danger of not getting vaccinated was well known.  Here's certainly one area where the "Okay, Boomer" slam isn't deserved.

January 17, 2021

The new quicker spreading variant of the disease has been found in Teton County.  It spreads more easily, but it doesn't make people any sicker.

January 20, 2021

Pfizer announced that its vaccine may in fact prevent COVID transmission.

January 22, 2021

The Biden Administration issued a host of COVID 19 related executive orders including one that masks be worn on all Federal property.

The State of Wyoming relaxed its orders yesterday.

Health Orders Eased as COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts Continue

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon announced that health orders are continuing to ease, reflecting improvement in Wyoming’s COVID-19 situation since the beginning of December.  The latest change is to increase attendance limits for indoor and outdoor gatherings as the state continues to make progress in its fight against COVID-19.

Beginning on January 26, indoor gatherings that incorporate social distancing and face coverings are permitted for up to 25 percent of capacity or 250 persons, and outdoor gatherings of up to 500 persons. 

“Wyoming is making progress and coming closer to safely returning to more normal lives, and the steps we have taken are helping us achieve this,” Governor Gordon said. “I am confident that as our vaccination rate increases, the data-driven approach we are taking and our improving circumstances will give us more opportunity to further relax our orders.”

Counties can still opt out of the requirements if local conditions move to safer levels in accordance with White House metrics. Health officials will continue to consider exemption requests for specific events on a case-by-case basis.

On January 21, Wyoming hospitals were reporting 81 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, down from a peak of 247 on November 30. Health officials remain concerned about the new, more transmissible “UK variant” of COVID-19 identified in Teton County last week. Currently authorized COVID-19 vaccines are believed to be effective against the UK variant strain.

Wyoming’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution efforts continue, with most counties in phase 1b of the phased distribution plan. Wyoming vaccine distribution information can be found at

The updated health orders, along with additional information on Wyoming’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts, can be found on Wyoming’s COVID-19 website. Copies of the orders, which are effective January 26 through February 14, are also attached.



January 29, 2021

Educators are now eligible for the vaccine in Wyoming.

Mexico now has the third highest death toll from the pandemic, with deaths surpassing 155,000.  It's third after the United States, with over 400,000, and Brazil.  India is fourth.

There are now COVID 19 sniffing dogs.

January 30, 2021

The CDC has imposed mask mandates for public transportation.

France has banned travel to non EU countries.

Canada has imposed quarantines for travelers and suspended flights to certain northern hemisphere nations to its south.

February 2, 2021

Police in Jackson have warned that they'll start ticketing individuals and business that ignore Teton County's mask order.

February 6, 2021

The Biden Administration is deploying members of the armed forces to assist in vaccination delivery.

February 11, 2021

Governor Continues to Relax COVID-19 Protocols as Hospitalizations Decline

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon announced a continued relaxation of  health orders as data from most Wyoming counties shows declines in both case counts and hospitalizations. 

Beginning Feb. 15 attendance limits for indoor and outdoor gatherings will increase, reflecting the state’s progress in its fight against COVID-19. Indoor gatherings that incorporate social distancing and face coverings are permitted for up to 25 percent of capacity or 500 persons, and outdoor gatherings of up to 1,000 persons. In addition, sporting events, artistic performances, restaurants and gyms all will see capacity limits eased. 

“We are making good progress against this virus. Levels are returning to where they were before the dangerous spike in November and some counties have lifted restrictions. This is good news thanks to Wyoming’s people,” Governor Gordon said. 

“At the end of this month state wrestling, and shortly afterwards state basketball tournaments will happen. We want to ensure these events happen safely and successfully for the athletes, families and communities involved,” he added. “Our trends are encouraging and our vaccination effort is progressing smoothly. These orders allowing larger groups and more capacity will lift up small businesses, keep schools open and get us closer to normal.”

Counties can still opt out of the requirements if local conditions move to safer levels in accordance with state metrics. Health officials are regularly reviewing variance requests for specific events.

“Spring is coming and doing the right things now will allow us to have more people attending these events, have more people in restaurants and bars, and allow us to look forward to further easing our protocols,” the Governor said. 

Governor Gordon praised Wyoming’s efficient COVID-19 vaccine distribution rollout. Currently more than 11% of the state’s population has received at least one dose and the state is doing very well at administering these initial doses. Additionally, all of Wyoming’s long-term care facilities have had vaccine clinics for residents and staff. All Wyoming counties are now in phase 1b of the phased distribution plan, which includes adults 65 and over and frontline essential workers. Wyoming vaccine distribution information can be found at

The updated health orders and a fact sheet explaining the latest changes are attached. The orders are in effect from Feb. 15-28 and can also be found on Wyoming’s COVID-19 website.




And from the New York Times:

Donald Trump was sicker with Covid in October than acknowledged at the time, and officials feared he would need to be put on a ventilator.

Thursday, February 11, 2021 4:05 PM EST

Mr. Trump had extremely depressed blood oxygen levels at one point and a lung problem associated with pneumonia caused by the coronavirus, according to four people familiar with his condition.

Read the latest

February 15, 2021

Two white tiger cubs died of COVID 19 in a Pakistani zoo.

French hospitals have moved into "crisis mode".

New Zealand's largest city went into a three day COVID 19 lockdown after three cases emerged.  My prediction is that the lockdown will last longer than that.

February 17, 2021

It's now clear that the new British version of the disease is considerably more infectious and makes its victims sicker, showing the disease has evolved, and oddly, not in the normal less sicker fashion. This is very bad.

The good news is that the vaccine still works on it.

The bad news is that the vaccine provides some protection, but doesn't apparently prevent, the new South African strain.  And having had the regular variants doesn't protect you from getting it, apparently.

If there were any doubts that we need a global, rushed, mass vaccination effort, they're over now.

February 19, 2021

A new variant of the disease has emerged in Finland, which is a surprise due to the infection numbers in that country.  Moreover, the new variant is reported as "genetically unrelated" to the prior ones, although that's not really possible.

To make matters all the more problematic, the new variant may not show up in tests for the disease.

A single does of the Pfizer vaccine is reported to be 80% effective.

February 23, 2021

500,000. Governor Gordon Orders Flags Be Flown at Half-Staff Statewide Through February 26 in Memory of Americans lost to COVID-19


Governor Gordon Orders Flags Be Flown at Half-Staff Statewide Through February 26

in Memory of Americans lost to COVID-19 

CHEYENNE, Wyo. - Governor Mark Gordon, pursuant to President Joe Biden's Proclamation remembering the 500,000 Americans lost to COVID-19, has ordered both the U.S. and State of Wyoming flags be flown at half-staff statewide until sunset February 26.

The Presidential Proclamation follows: 

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As of this week during the dark winter of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 500,000 Americans have now died from the virus. That is more Americans who have died in a single year of this pandemic than in World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War combined. On this solemn occasion, we reflect on their loss and on their loved ones left behind. We, as a Nation, must remember them so we can begin to heal, to unite, and find purpose as one Nation to defeat this pandemic.

In their memory, the First Lady and I will be joined by the Vice President and the Second Gentleman for a moment of silence at the White House this evening. I ask all Americans to join us as we remember the more than 500,000 of our fellow Americans lost to COVID19 and to observe a moment of silence at sunset. I also hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and on all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset February 26, 2021. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the
two hundred and forty-fifth.



February 24, 2021

A new variant of the disease in California is more infectious, more damaging, and resistant to vaccine antibodies to some degree.

February 26, 2021

Health Order Removed, Gathering Sizes Relaxed as Metrics Continue to Improve


CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon and the Wyoming Department of Health have announced the removal of a health order addressing operations of personal care services, along with a continued relaxing of COVID-19 protocols as Wyoming’s metrics continue to improve. 

Beginning March 1, Health Order No. 3, which addresses operations of barber shops, nail and hair salons, tattoo parlors and other personal care services is being eliminated completely. Attendance limits for indoor and outdoor gatherings will increase once again, and protocols for restaurant and theater operations will be adjusted. Indoor gatherings that incorporate social distancing and face coverings are permitted for up to 25 percent of capacity or 1,000 persons, and outdoor gatherings of up to 2,000 persons. In addition, sporting events and artistic performances will see participation limits eased. 

Four Wyoming counties have now received variances from statewide requirements in response to local conditions. Additional changes to statewide protocols are expected to continue as metrics allow. Vaccination efforts are expected to help accelerate that process, Governor Gordon said. 

“The efforts made so far have allowed us to maximize attendance safely at larger events like the state high school wrestling championships this weekend and the state high school basketball tournament that was cancelled last year,” the Governor said. “If we continue on our current trajectory, I expect us to be able to continue to remove orders as we safely return to a new normal.”

As of  February 25,  more than 16% of the state’s population has received at least one vaccine dose – one of the highest rates in the country. All Wyoming counties are now in phase 1b of the phased distribution plan, which includes adults 65 and over, frontline essential workers, and individuals with medical conditions that put them at higher risk. Wyoming vaccine distribution information can be found at

The changes are in effect from March 1-15. A fact sheet explaining the most recent update and the updated orders are attached. They can also be found on Wyoming’s COVID-19 website.


Meanwhile, two U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf are experiencing a COVID 19 outbreak.  Brazil's death toll has surpassed 250,000.

February 28, 2021

The FDA approved the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, making the US approved vaccines three in number.

March 6, 2021

Russia's COVID 19 death toll has hit 200,000.

This assumes that reporting out of Russia is accurate, which could be questioned, in which case the toll is probably at least somewhat higher.

On Brazil's and Russia's mortality totals, both nations have smaller populations than the United States so the comparison can't be made directly.  In Russia's case, the death toll by percentage of the population wouldn't be hugely different than that of the United States.

March 7, 2021

The Senate has passed the huge, and potentially inflationary, second COVID 19 relief bill.  Real questions can be raised about its provisions including whether it'll serve to be damaging to the economy while not really providing relief where needed.

March 8, 2021

Governor Gordon Announces Removal of Statewide Mask Requirement,

Lifts All Restrictions on Bars, Restaurants and Theaters


CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon announced Wyoming will remove its statewide mask requirement and allow bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms to resume normal operations on March 16. The decision reflects the state’s continually improving health metrics and is consistent with the Governor’s approach of balancing public health with protecting livelihoods.

Wyoming has seen a declining number of active COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and has seen significant success rolling out the vaccine, with the state’s most vulnerable residents having access to the vaccine.

“I thank the people of Wyoming for their commitment to keeping one another safe throughout this pandemic,” Governor Gordon said. “It is through their efforts that we have kept our schools and businesses operating and our economy moving forward. I ask all Wyoming citizens to continue to take personal responsibility for their actions and stay diligent as we look ahead to the warmer months and to the safe resumption of our traditional spring and summer activities.” 

Governor Gordon emphasized the success the state has had in managing the virus while keeping businesses and schools open. The Governor continues to encourage Wyomingites to wear face coverings in indoor public spaces and to follow the best practices adopted by any business they visit to slow the spread of the virus. The significant changes to the health orders will be released later this week, but the Governor wanted to make sure the public knew of this important change today. 

The face covering protocol will remain in place in K-12 schools as a safety measure to ensure that classroom learning and all student activities can continue to occur safely. 

“Wyoming is one of the few states in the country that kept students learning in the classroom for the entire school year. We made sacrifices, but the earlier orders saved lives. We persevered,” said Governor Gordon. “With this approach we can have graduations, proms and a great end to the school year by keeping schools open. Especially since our children will not have the chance to be vaccinated this spring.” 

Wyoming’s vaccination efforts are among the most efficient in the country. Nearly 100,000 first doses have been administered and 19% of the state’s residents have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Almost all counties in the state are now entering the 1c phase, which includes restaurant, bar, gym, and theater workers. Wyoming vaccine distribution information can be found here.


March 9, 2021

Dr. Michael Osterholm appeared on the Meet The Press over the weekend and stated that Americans were "in the eye of the hurricane" and we will be hit by another surge.  This one will be of the UK variant that's already creating havoc in Europe.

The Wyoming Department of Education stated that in spite of the upcoming change in the Wyoming policies, its will remain in place and will not change with the state's.

March 10, 2021

Teton County is going to attempt to impose a mask requirement in its county as the state lifts its.

This very much swims against the Wyoming tide, but the fact does remain that national health experts overwhelmingly support a mask requirement going on for at least another month if not into May.  Health experts are warning that lifting restrictions risks another surge with some, like Michael Osterholm, warning that a surge is nearly inevitable.  Added to that, the new British strain is on the rise and it appears at least two of the vaccinations are not as effective against it, and none of the vaccinations are effective, maybe, at fully preventing a new California strain.

Teton County's situation is unique from the rest of the state's in more than one way, which also has or may have a role in their decision.

Alaska has made vaccines open to all adults.

March 19, 2021

The US has administered 100,000,000 vaccine injections to date.

Paris is going into a third lockdown as infection rates in Europe are once again climbing.

March 20, 2021

Idaho's legislature went into recess due to a COVID 19 outbreak effecting it.

The University of Wyoming will resume in person classes after Spring Break.

March 22, 2021

Sublette County School District No. 1's school board voted to violate the State's mask order for schools and allow its schools to be sans masks.

March 23, 2021

15% of Wyomingites are now full vaccinated, and 22% have had one dose and are on their way to vaccination.  The state is rapidly increasing the number of vaccinations and based on these figures alone the numbers will be over 40% within a couple of weeks.

They still need to be double that, however for  herd immunity to be effective in the state, something increasingly necessary as new strains of the disease are discovered. There are still those who will not get the shot based on gut feelings, distrust or belief in anti vaccine myths, which is not only a problem, but a significant problem.

March 25, 2021

Diocese of Cheyenne: "Those who have been fully vaccinated, who are well, who do not have underlying health conditions or are in a high-risk category, and who do not have significant anxiety of becoming ill by participating in Mass, should join their parish in celebrating the Eucharist. . . "


March 29, 2021

The University of Wyoming has announced it will be fully open in the fall.

March 31, 2021

The President asked for states that have lifted mask mandates to restore them among growing Federal alarm of an impending spike and that new variants may prove to outrun the vaccines. Wyoming's Governor Gordon immediately declined.

March 31, 2020, cont:


All Wyomingites Over Age 16 Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine

CHEYENNE, Wyo. –  Governor Mark Gordon has announced that beginning today all Wyoming residents ages 16 and older are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. All 23 counties have now entered Phase 2 of the vaccine distribution plan and are scheduling appointments for the general population.

“We have done well and can now offer COVID-19 vaccines to every Wyoming resident over the age of 16,” Governor Gordon said. “I want to express my appreciation for the efforts of public health workers, health care providers and pharmacies throughout the state. I would encourage every resident to take advantage of the vaccines, as Jennie and I have, and help Wyoming move closer to ending this pandemic.”

Residents aged 16 and older are eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine, while adults 18 and older are eligible for the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines. The vaccines are free and insurance is not required to receive a vaccine.

More than 162,000 individuals in Wyoming have so far received at least their first dose of vaccine when state and special federal counts are combined.

Information on how to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment in Wyoming can be found at In addition to county public health offices and local healthcare providers, many pharmacies are now offering vaccination appointments through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, including pharmacies at Walmart, Albertsons, Safeway, Walgreens and King Soopers stores.


April 8, 2021

A new report suggests 1/3d of Covid 19 victims go on to have some neurological or psychological problems following recovery from the disease.

Cheyenne Frontier Days will be held this year.

April 12, 2021

China has admitted that its vaccines do not have a very good protection rate.  China has not allowed in any foreign vaccines and was earlier casting doubt on the Pfizer doctrine which has over 90% efficacy.

40% of US Marines so far have declined the vaccine.

It's frankly amazing to me that the service allows vaccination to be declined.  Requiring vaccinations of all types is a long held US armed forces policy.

April 13, 2021

Ontario is closing its schools and going to on line learning due to a rapidly declining COVID situation there.

April 15, 2021

Wyoming is second in the nation for "vaccine hesitancy" and eleven of its counties are among the top in the nation for that distinction.

April 19, 2021

Half of US adults have at least one vaccination at this time.

April 21, 2021

The local school district voted to retain the mask requirement out of a concern that some students would opt to go remote if they did away with it, a legitimate concern.  A member of the city council criticized the decision.

April 25, 2021

Faced with criticism, the local school district is reversing course and lifting the mask mandate.

A surge in India has reached an extreme state of emergency.  Surges are now also ongoing in parts of Canada.

May 7, 2021

Governor Gordon Issues Directive Banning Vaccine Passports


CHEYENNE, Wyo. –  Governor Gordon has issued a directive that prevents state agencies, boards and commissions from requiring “vaccine passports” to access state spaces and state services.

The directive instructs state agencies, boards, and commissions to provide full access to state spaces and state services, regardless of a constituent’s COVID-19 vaccination status.

“Vaccine passport programs have the potential to politicize a decision that should not be politicized,” Governor Gordon said. “They would divide our citizens at a time when unity in fighting the virus is essential, and harm those who are medically unable to receive the vaccine. While I strongly encourage Wyomingites over the age of 16 to get vaccinated against COVID-19, it is a personal choice based upon personal circumstances.”

The Governor’s directive further urges counties, cities, and towns in Wyoming, as well as encourages private businesses, to provide full access to public spaces and services, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status. 

Governor Gordon noted that more than 180,000 Wyomingites have received one of the effective COVID-19 vaccines safely. Both the Governor and First Lady have been vaccinated, and he continues to urge residents to choose to receive the vaccine to protect lives and help Wyoming move closer to ending the pandemic.

A copy of the Governor’s directive is attached and may be found here


May 11, 2021

The Pfizer vaccine has been approved for children ages 12 through 15.

May 13, 2021

The fully vaccinated may quit wearing masks indoors and outdoors according to the  CDC.

Related Threads:

As we noted last time we created a new thread here, there are over fifty threads on this topic by now.  Only the main ones are linked in below.

Pandemic, Part 4