The House passed the Gold Standard Act.
The British marched into Bloemfontein.
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Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
The House passed the Gold Standard Act.
The British marched into Bloemfontein.
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General John French gave the leaders of the Orange Free State 11 hours to surrender, which they did.
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President McKinley ordered the withdrawal of some of the troops in the Philippines.
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The Senate passed the Gold Standard Act. It's be signed by President McKinley and go into effect on March 14.
Wait! Donny loves William B. Has he heard of this yet?
A mine explosion at the Red Ash Mine at Fayette County, West Virginia, killed forty six miners.
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A drunken spectator twice approached the carriage carrying Donny Trump's newfound favorite President, William McKinley and Secretary George B. Cortelyou, attempting to open the vehicle's door in an attempt to shake hands with the President..
In light of McKinley's later fate, this was later recalled by NYPD Commissioner Murphy.
Security wasn't what it now is. Drunks still are what they are now. Presidents have declined enormously in quality.
McKinley had served in the Civil War, which was why he was extremely reluctant to get engaged in a war with Spain. Trump hasn't served in anything. McKinley went on to a career in law after the Civil War. Trump, um, yeah whatever.
Today President McKinley is mostly remembered for his Vice President, Theodore Roosevelt, who rapidly eclipsed him. Roosevelt was the first great President of the 20th Century, and arguably one of only two great US Presidents of the 20th Century, the other being his cousin Franklin. There have been no great Presidents since FDR, although Truman was certainly a very good President.
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Samoa officially became an unwilling part of the German Empire. Wilhelm Solf became the first governor. Chief Mata'afa, who had fought against the Germans, was named as the paramount chief of the western Samoa colony and Kaiser Wilhelm II was designated as the Paramount King.
Of interest, Solf would die in 1936, his efforts to create a new moderate German political party after the rise of Nazism having failed, but his wife, Johanna, would form the Solf Circle resistance group and personally sheltered Jews along with one of her daughters. She was arrested and put in a concentration camp, but survived and passed away in 1954.
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