Friday, March 29, 2019

The Nebraska floods and Wyoming agriculture

The Tribune published a story today on how the huge floods in Nebraska may impact Wyoming and Nebraska agriculture.  It's a story I've been wondering about a bit myself.

The paper reported that 1,000,000 head of cattle may have been lost in the floods.  If so, that's a devastating loss.  A person is reporting with the quote from Wyoming that "that's not good", which is self evident.

It's likely to mean a rise in cattle prices, almost certainly.  A 1,000,000 head loss at one time is something that flat out can't be absorbed by the industry without a price result.  It may also mean the loss of quite a few feedlots, I suspect, and that'll have an impact as well.  My guess is that by summer the price of putting that steak on the grill will be up, and noticeably, but that's just a guess.  As my steaks come from volunteer cattle of our own seeking to enter retirement, the price doesn't impact me much directly and I'm often really surprised by it.  But anyhow, that's my guess.

A big jump in price, it might be noted, isn't a great thing for cattlemen.  Too big of rise really favors other meat industries such as pork and poultry, although I'd be surprised if the pork industry wasn't also hit.  Anyhow, when the price goes up at the grocery store counter it doesn't always mean good things for cattlemen, and it never does in a direct dollar to dollar correlation.

Loss of agriculture production will have an impact.  The paper had this quote, and its quite correct:
“We rely on Nebraska a lot,” said Brett Moline, director of public and governmental affairs for the Wyoming Farm Bureau Association. “A lot of our feed grains come in from Nebraska and eastern South Dakota. That’s one reason we move cattle out there – it’s cheaper to move the cattle than it is to move the feed. We’ll have to see what the storms do to feed prices too.”
And that's not only true of Wyoming, in regards to Nebraska, but other local ares of the Northern Plains as well.

On a total side note, the author of the article, which wasn't a bad article by any means, did insert an odd term, apparently not knowing what it means.  That's found here.
Though life has continued unabated in Wyoming – upriver from the swollen sections of the North Platte – the devastation felt across the state’s 138-mile border could ripple into the agrarian economy of the Equality State.
Agrarian economy?

Wyoming doesn't have an agrarian economy and it never has had one, save for perhaps the very early New Mexican vegetable farmers who lived  out on the Mexican Hills outside of Ft. Laramie.  They probably could be regarded as being agrarians, but they're the only ones.

Agrarianism is the production of agriculture principally for self subsistence.  Lots of North Americans engaged in agrarian agriculture at one time, even into the 20th Century, but Wyoming's agriculturist never did, or never did on any substantial level.  Agrarians can and have existed in modern economies, so we shouldn't mistake that fact, but that style of agriculture emphasizes self subsistence and reliance over the market, and production is sold that's surplus.  A surplus crop, however, is never the principal goal.

Almost all early North American farming was agrarian.  At the time of the Civil War much of American agriculture and nearly all of the edible crop and animal farming in the South was agrarian (cotton and tobacco farming were production agriculture, not agrarian agriculture).  All farming of all types at that point retained some agrarian aspects, and that remained true up until after World War Two.

At that point, following World War Two, the South's agriculture, which featured the last remaining bits of agrarian agriculture, was rapidly disappearing. That was a result of the policies of the New Deal, which were hostile to it.  Quebec's agriculture remained highly agrarian at that point, but it too would start to really fade quickly.

Wyoming's agriculture, however, and Nebraska's as well, was always principally production agriculture.  The farming of wheat and large scale corn is production, not agrarian, in nature.  Cattle ranching in the West, outside some regional pockets in New Mexico and southern Colorado, has also always been production agriculture.

All of which we'll explore in a future post.

At any rate, pray for Nebraska and its farmers.  This is a true disater.

Friday Farming: Marcus Cato on Farming

It is true that to obtain money by trade is sometimes more profitable, were it not so hazardous; and likewise money-lending, if it were as honorable. Our ancestors held this view and embodied it in their laws, which required that the thief be mulcted double and the usurer fourfold; how much less desirable a citizen they considered the usurer than the thief, one may judge from this. And when they would praise a worthy man their praise took this form: "good husbandman, good farmer"; one so praised was thought to have received the greatest commendation. The trader I consider to be an energetic man, and one bent on making money; but, as I said above, it is a dangerous career and one subject to disaster. On the other hand, it is from the farming class that the bravest men and the sturdiest soldiers come, their calling is most highly respected, their livelihood is most assured and is looked on with the least hostility, and those who are engaged in that pursuit are least inclined to be disaffected.

Marcus Cato, De Agri Cultura

March 29, 1919. Illustrations.

The Saturday news magazines hit, as always, on this day in 1919, with a slate of war related images on their cover.  The Saturday Evening Post went to the stand with a Norman Rockwell item called "The Little Model", featuring a Salvation Army woman with a tambourine.

Judge, a popular magazine of the day, went full sappy.

Leslie's, in comparison, went full martial.

The Stanley Cup finals ended this year due to the Spanish Flu.  Too many players became ill to carry on.

And Marines on occupation duty in Germany gathered for a photograph.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lex Anteinternet: Challenges legal and financial to the extractive i...

Yesterday we ran this item
Lex Anteinternet: Challenges legal and financial to the extractive i...: I haven't written much on energy topics recently, and a I have a lingering two part series that's related to this that I have yet t...
In today's tribune we learned that the coal industry lost a little under 200 jobs last year, which all in all, given the circumstances, isn't as big of decline as might have been feared.

And its reported that Wyoming is ninth in the nation in income, which of course is good for the state.

Both would suggest that there's been a period of stability or perhaps the coal decline is slowed while oil has picked up. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Challenges legal and financial to the extractive industries and therefore to Wyoming's economy.

I haven't written much on energy topics recently, and a I have a lingering two part series that's related to this that I have yet to finish, but a couple of recent events bring this topic back to the forefront, so on this Wednesday, when I usually feature something to do with the topic of work, I'll bring this back up.

Neither are really good developments for Wyoming's economy.

The first is that a Federal District Court judge of the District of Columbia ruled on March 19, in a sixty page opinion, that the BLM had failed to comply with Federal environmental laws by failing ot have taken into account climate change in issuing certain Federal leases in Wyoming.

This hasn't been really well reported on. The ruling does nothing about current oil and gas drilling, as some seemed to think. Rather,  it holds up issued and existing leases that were part of a specific set of issued leases.  Having said that, it isn't an insignificant number of leases.  Turning to the decision:
BLM issued 282 leases through the Wyoming Lease Sales, encompassing approximately 303,000 acres of federal land across multiple BLM planning areas. Pls. Mem. at 1. The leased parcels are managed by ten different BLM field offices—which are responsible for drafting and 9 implementing the resource management plans and EISs governing the parcels—overseen by three district offices. 6 See Fed. Defs.’ Cross-Mot. Summ. J. & Opp’n Pls. Mem. (“BLM Mem.”) at 7, ECF No. 63. Those three district offices conducted the lease sales at issue here in May, August, and November 2015, and May and August 2016.7 Id. at 7–8.8 For each lease sale, each district office involved prepared (1) an EA tiered to the relevant resources management plans and EISs issued by field offices at the land use planning stage; and (2) a FONSI disavowing the need for a new, leasing stage EIS. In total, therefore, the record contains nine EA9 /FONSI10 combinations, tiered to nineteen resource management plan/EIS combinations, including resource management plan amendments. Id. WildEarth participated in the comment and protest periods for each of the challenged lease sales
282 leases over 303,000 acres is a lot of leases.

This decision remanded the matter to the BLM, from which it came, with instructions that the BLM complete the environmental assessments that the Court felt were required but lacking.

Okay, so what does this do?

Well, it's hard to say, but at least right now the Court in D.C. is on record that climate change needs to be considered by the Federal lease issuing entities.  It's likely that the decision will be appealed, but appeals aren't super speedy.  So these leases will be held up for some time, probably, on appeal.

I feel that this decision is unlikely to hold up on appeal, but I also had wondered for a long time when this approach in this court would be taken.  It's a really obvious legal strategy and that it took somebody so long to attempt it is the surprising thing.  The challenger in this instance isn't alone, however, as just a couple of months ago I read of a similar approach being taken by a teenage plaintiff.  With this ruling on record, it won't be easy to dump her case as lacking merit on its face.  Ultimately, therefore, resolution at the appellate level will be critical.  Whichever side looses, and I'd guess it would be those supporting this decision, will appeal it to the United States Supreme Court, but my further guess is that unless one of the Circuit Court of Appeals takes the same approach, the United States Supreme Court is unlikely to take it up.

The Court of money, i.e., the stock exchange, took up the topic of coal's viability to an extent when the New York Stock Exchange suspended trading on Cloud Peak Energy's stocks. The coal company has been in financial trouble, but coal itself has been so this isn't that surprising of a development.

We note this story as well as the latter certainly is one that is significant to a state in which the majority of the funding for education comes from coal severance taxes.  The recent ups and downs of the extractive industries have continued on into this year, when there was a lot of hope they would not, and now there's some added dimensions to those stories.

March 27, 1919. The Arabia struck, Mary Pickford to visit Casper.

USS Arabia.

She'd been laid down in 1903 as a commercial fishing vessel.  Submarine depredations caused the Navy to take her into service in August, 1918, but with that task complete, she was struck from the Navy's rolls and sold that following November.

Why put this obscure ship in here?

Well, this blog explores trends and changes.  1919 wasn't all that long ago, at least not the way historians think of time, and therefore it wasn't that long ago when commercial operations, and even the Navy, regarded sail as still a viable means of propulsion.

There was big local news.

Mary Pickford was coming to the Irish Theatre in Casper on Sunday.

Mary Pickford in 1916.

Pickford was a huge deal in 1919, and frankly she always would be.  One of the really big early stars of early movies, the Toronto born actress was at that time as big of movie star as anyone could imagine.

Her life wasn't really a happy one.  Married three times, she became a recluse in later years and would only receive Lilian Gish as a personal visitor.  This week in 1919, however, she'd be Casper's visitor.

Casper was also declaring war on vice, the paper proclaimed.  If it was, it wasn't very successful at it.  It wasn't until after World War Two when the strong streak of vice running through Casper would be cleaned up, and the Sandbar district remained all the way into the 1970s.

Mid Week At Work: Aiding the wounded.

There's a little thing going on in this photograph, but a lot, including a lot of unknowns, behind it.

This photo shows an American soldier giving minor first aid of some sort (but apparently significant enough that it's actually being done, to a White Russian Cossack, probably in the far north of Russia.

The Cossack is traditional attire.  It was probably taken in the Spring of 1919.  He's well equipped.

In 1919 the White position in the far North was getting imperiled, but the Whites were advancing rapidly in the East.  The Reds were prevailing in the West and were now threatening Poland and even Germany.  Soon that would reverse, however, and the Poles would advance, before retreating once again.

What happened to the people in this photograph?  I really wonder, and indeed, I often wonder about things like that.  The American probably came home and went about his life.  Almost certainly. What about the Cossack?  Did he survive the war?  If he did, did he survive the peace?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Well I guess I'll skip listening to my downloaded Sunday Morning news shows.

I never catch them live, as I have other things to do on Sunday mornings.  But I usually do catch them the following week.

But as they were released prior to the news coming out that there was no collusion by Trump with the Russians, they'll be obsolete.  Later this week, hopefully, more details will come out, including whether or not Attorney Mueller felt that there was collusion, maybe, but not of a type sufficient to levy indictments for, maybe.  My predictions are that will be cleared up later this week.

My further predictions are that parties in the Democratic left that were howling that the report would surely lead to an impeachment will turn on somebody and howl all week that Mueller ought to be run out of D.C. on a rail because he's a bady, now that the hoped for result isn't coming in. And I also predict that parties in the GOP right will howl how this demonstrates a benighted sense of duty on the part of the President who should now be given all credit on everything.

We'll have to wait to next Sunday to get the better punditry analysis, maybe.

March 27, 1919. New York's 27th Division receives a parade, Wyoming veterans reported on way home.

American Red Cross Volunteer Motor Corps transporting wounded veterans of the 27th Division in a parade held on this day in New York City, 1919.

A huge parade was held on this day in New York City where the 27th Division, which had been formed from New York National Guardsmen, marched.

West Point cadet receiving hot chocolate from a Red Cross volunteer.

 Wounded and nurse viewing from an open window on Millionaires' Row.

Camp Dix, March 25, 1919.

Probably more than a few of those soldiers had come through Camp Dix at some point.

Closer to home. .  or not, Wyomingites read that 147 Wyomingites in the 264th Infantry were on the way home.

Taxation, importation, and Indian Tribes. No tax allowed.

The State of Washington taxes “motor vehicle fuel importer[s]” whobring large quantities of fuel into the State by “ground transportation.” Wash. Rev. Code §§82.36.010(4), (12), (16). Respondent Cougar Den, Inc., a wholesale fuel importer owned by a member of theYakama Nation, imports fuel from Oregon over Washington’s publichighways to the Yakama Reservation to sell to Yakama-owned retailgas stations located within the reservation. In 2013, the WashingtonState Department of Licensing assessed Cougar Den $3.6 million intaxes, penalties, and licensing fees for importing motor vehicle fuelinto the State. Cougar Den appealed, arguing that the Washingtontax, as applied to its activities, is pre-empted by an 1855 treaty between the United States and the Yakama Nation that, among otherthings, reserves the Yakamas’ “right, in common with citizens of theUnited States, to travel upon all public highways,” 12 Stat. 953. AWashington Superior Court held that the tax was pre-empted, andthe Washington Supreme Court affirmed. 
Held: The judgment is affirmed. 
No surprise, really, except that it was 5 to 4.

It does create cause for concern, however, regarding the impending decision in a case involving Tribal hunting rights and off reservation, inter state, hunting by tribal members.

The inevitable cycle of substance

How can it be harmful, people have used it for generations (even if they really didn't, or if in earlier eras, in some examples, scarcity of resources meant they used it rarely)?

It can't be harmful. .. . I'm using it (even if a confirmation of that type means nothing).

It won't hurt me.

Science demonstrates it has risks.

Science demonstrates its really risky.

Society does nothing.

The lawsuits begin. . . .

Sunday, March 24, 2019

New Seasons

The old order changeth yielding place to new And God fulfills himself in many ways Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. Comfort thyself: what comfort is in me I have lived my life and that which I have done May he within himself make pure but thou If thou shouldst never see my face again Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.
Tennyson, Morte d'Arthur.

I'm not a hugely sentimental person, or at least not a maudlin one if I am.  Still, there's been a sense of some passing recently and they've been in my mind a lot.

This weekend saw a couple of those, and I find that I have mixed feelings about them.  Both of them serve a necessary purpose.  One of them was inevitable and waited for actually for some time, a little under a year.  The other was not, and there's the chance that it may find some future expression perhaps, but likely not.

A passing of time, circumstances and obligations in operation.

I don't really believe in the burning bridges analogy.

That is, the burning bridges analogy doesn't actually make historical sense and it's a poor analogy.

There are few rivers so deep that, if you need to, you can't back over them at some ford, or cross them if you need to. All burning a bridge really does, either in historical fact or in metaphor, is slow down getting back across a river you want to.

Of course, if you want to get back across a river in a hurry, that's one thing. But if you have time and can expend the effort, you usually can.  All the major armies of the Second World War managed to get over major rivers when they wanted to, even if they were delayed.  You'll get back across them. . . usually.

It's distance from that bridge that really matters. The further you are from it, the less likely you will be to cross back over.  And at some point, you can't get back there.


Sometimes it winds back around, and you cross it up stream or down.

Sometimes you always can get back to it.

But things do change with time and we need on occasion to acknowledge that.  Time creates new duties and we need to rise to them, and sometimes let the old ones go.
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
Shakespeare; As You Like It.

We need to be careful on that however.
I do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters,
that our ancestors were all under the cloud
and all passed through the sea,
and all of them were baptized into Moses
in the cloud and in the sea.
All ate the same spiritual food,
and all drank the same spiritual drink,
for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them,
and the rock was the Christ.
Yet God was not pleased with most of them,
for they were struck down in the desert.
These things happened as examples for us,
so that we might not desire evil things, as they did.
Do not grumble as some of them did,
and suffered death by the destroyer.
These things happened to them as an example,
and they have been written down as a warning to us,
upon whom the end of the ages has come.
Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing secure
should take care not to fall.
Saint Paul to the Corinthians

Sometimes, however, to some extent, there's a sense of comfortable fading away in that, or at least we should not be discomforted too much.
Old soldiers never die,
Never die, never die,
Old soldiers never die
They just fade away. 
Privates they love their beer, 'most every day.
Corporals, they love their stripes, that's what they say.
Sergeants they love to drill. Guess them bastards always will
So we drill and drill until we fade away.
Old soldiers never die,
Never die, never die,
Old soldiers never die
They just fade away. 
Things fade, but that fading isn't the same as ending really.  Things don't really end in my view, the pass on to something else. Everyone and everything is connected.  And as those experiencing the fading appreciate it, if they do, they realize in some odd way that those who faded before come back into focus, not really gone.

The Partial Conclusion

I'd be skeptical that this is all the report says, but according to the Wall Street Journal, a fairly reliable source:

Does this mean that everyone must now love Trump?  Nope. But as a report that everyone was looking towards, and from an investigation which the Trump Administration repeatedly criticized itself, it should be respected.

Which doesn't mean that people who don't like Trump need to start liking him.  And it doesn't even mean that all of the questions about the election are really satisfied.  And frankly, given developments over time, I'm surprised by the results.  But respect them we should.

Which puts everyone back at the prior position of, well, politics.  Politics may be a dirty word in contemporary society, but folks who don't like the Administration still have Congress and the 2020 elections.  And so do people who do like it.

Which would appear to be the best result the nation could have really hoped for, really.

Movie public service announcement from when ladies wore hats

Sunday Morning Scene: Churches of the West: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Seward Alaska.

Churches of the West: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Seward Alaska.:

St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Seward Alaska.

This is St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Seward Alaska.  It was built in 1906.  The architectural style is apparently called "Bungalow/Craftsman", the first church so identified as such here in this blog.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Best Post of the Week of March 17, 2019

The best post of the week of March 17, 2019.

Radharc Maidin Dé Domhnaigh: Lá Féile Naomh Pádraig

A Blog Mirror Rerun: Today In Wyoming's History: Sidebar: The Irish in Wyoming

Naomh Pádraig, St. Patrick, S. Patricius. The Man.

A Western World Modern Crisis: Suicide

I'm shocked, shocked that gambling is going on here.

Friday Farming. Wherein the New York Times shows itself to be economically thick.

Because its National Puppy Day.

Holscher's Hub: The Doodle and the Digger

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

What an odd cliff hanger

Lex Anteinternet: I'm surprised this day actually arrived.: Released on a Friday afternoon. . . potentially leading to speculation all weekend long and lots of musing on the weekend news shows.
I suppose that Mueller turning his report in on a Friday is a mere coincidence.   Perhaps his assistant finished proof reading it that morning, they printed it out, he got out his vintage Shaeffer military fountain pen, inked it in blue ink, and then pickup up his hat and coat and on his way out the door told the runner to run it over to Congress on her afternoon errands.  And then maybe he took the bus home, ate a Chick-Fil-A fish sandwich with waffle fries, avoided watching the news, turned off the cell phone, and popped his copy of The Third Man in the blueray after pouring himself a glass of Scotch.


But what a guaranteed way to leave folks hanging over the weekend.

And hanging they are.  Trump supporters were already chanting taunts about there apparently being no more indictments, one liberal news personality had a on air fit, and so on.

But nobody really knows what it says. And just because you turn in your work on Friday doesn't mean that indictments, if there will be any more (and I doubt there will be) won't come on a Monday.

Hopefully the whole thing is released. That won't end this story, but after all of this, it needs to occur.

March 23, 1919. Wilson Tours, The Sun's Readers tour the Wedding Party

On this day in 1919, President and Mrs. Wilson toured the former front, taking in a gun emplacement that had been occupied by the Paris Gun.

As readers here will recall, the Germans were supposed to destroy the huge artillery pieces but instead they carted them off, where they disappeared into chaotic post war Germany.

Readers of the New York newspaper The Sun saw a photo of Princess Patricia of Connaught's wedding party.

The princess had a huge US and Canadian following, in part because she had travelled in Canada in her youth.  Canada honored her by placing her image on a one dollar bank note in 1917 and then again in 1918 when Canada contributed Alexander Hamilton Gault's privately raised and equipped Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry to the Great War in 1918.  The unit, in which she was an honorary colonel in chief, was the British Empire's last privately raised unit, and the fact that it was successfully raised when the Irish Canadian Rangers really weren't, even though both were raised from Montreal, says something in and of itself.  In February 1919 she married Royal Navy Commander Alexander Ramsey, who was of royal blood.  He would live until 1972, she until 1974.  She was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

Cap badge of the Princess Pat's.  The unit still exists.

Roads to the Great War: Shaving, Disposability, and the First World War

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Roads to the Great War: About Those Chickens in France: Chickens were apparently on everyone's minds when America entered the war.  Above is an image a pin from the Daughters of the Americ...

Roads to the Great War: 35,000 Yanks Served with the Canadian Expeditionar...

Roads to the Great War: 35,000 Yanks Served with the Canadian Expeditionar...: Canadian Recruiting Poster Targeting Americans The United States didn’t enter the war until 6 April 1917. But many American soldiers...

Roads to the Great War: The Tsarist Russian Officer's Code of Honor

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Friday, March 22, 2019

I'm surprised this day actually arrived.

Released on a Friday afternoon. . . potentially leading to speculation all weekend long and lots of musing on the weekend news shows.

Friday Farming. Wherein the New York Times shows itself to be economically thick.

I'm not a huge fan of the New York Times.  Indeed, over time, I've come to see its adopted editorial policy, in which its headlines tend to reflect a political view and its editorials speak of an imagined self importance that the paper and the city that it is located in hasn't had for years and years, as nearly emblematic of the dense way that some large city elites view the entire rest of the country.  When newspapers like the Times cry about a fellow New Yorker they detest as President, they ought to realize that it was views like theirs that helped put him there.

Among the NYT columnist I generally am not impressed with is Paul Krugman.

Krugman was published in the NYT the other day with this editorial:

Oh BS.

And among the BS is this concluding statement.
Nor, realistically, can we expect aid to produce a political turnaround. Despite all that aid, in 2017 more than a quarter of East German men cast their ballots for the extreme-right, white nationalist Alternative for Germany. 
I’m sure that some rural readers will be angered by everything I’ve just said, seeing it as typical big-city condescension. But that’s neither my intention nor the point. I’m simply trying to get real. We can’t help rural America without understanding that the role it used to play in our nation is being undermined by powerful economic forces that nobody knows how to stop.
All of this really symbolizes the thick nature of urban analysis combined with the thick nature of American economic thought in general.

Lets start with the second to last paragraph.  Eastern Germany, that part of Germany that used to be the German Democratic Republic (the DDR), the Communist satellite state set up by the Soviet Union shortly after World War Two, isn't generally rural and therefore doesn't provide any sort of useful analogy at all.  Communism itself never figured out how to deal with rural populations and rural people at all, which is why is general approach to rural topics was to industrialize and wipe them out, or simply wipe them out if that approach wasn't successful.

East Germany was an economic backwater, to be sure, but that was due to Communism itself, which did a pretty good job of making almost every region it held sway in, after an initial outburst of forced industrialization, an economic backwater.  Communism, it might be noted, was hostile to rural life.  Indeed, Marx, who thought up his nifty ideas while taking up seating space in British libraries rather than going out and actually working, grew so frustrated with rural people that he declared rural life "idiocy", which probably nicely reflects that in most rural communities some guy who showed up in the library every day and showed no sign of working would probably be asked to go do something else.

Indeed, the rural hallmark of the introduction of Communism in rural Russia was to halt an evolving transfer of the land to the rural residents and terrorize the most successful individual farmers with famine being the predictable result.  Farming in Germany in general was doing well enough throughout the 20th Century prior to 1945 to the extent that the Nazis didn't really touch it that much during their horrific reign as they were somewhat afraid of doing so and rural Germans never embraced the Nazis, unlike their urban fellows.  While Nazi economic policies would have created long term disaster for German farming and real horrors for rural areas, including farmers, for the rest of Europe, had the Allied victory not ended them, the introduction of Communism in the East certainly didn't' create economic bliss of any type.

Not that the approach in the Western world has been a lot better, but analysis like by Krugman are so dense to the economy that they can't be expected to grasp that.

Indeed, that's long been the case with American economic pundits and economists in general.  The United States has long had, and all of the Western World now has, a Corporate Capitalist economy.

That's not a free market economy, even though we think it is.  As a Corporate Capitalist economy we have long had state intervention in favor of business consolation which favors large entities in central locations over small ones that are decentralized.  We don't have to have that sort of economy, we simply do as long ago we determined that this is the economy we wanted as it very much favors the increase and consolidation of wealth and that's what our leadership has always viewed as a desirable thing, irrespective of whether it is or not.

Save for a minority of Millennials who think they have suddenly embraced the rotting stinking corpse of Socialism, there's hardly anyone who will consider anything else or even recognize that anything else exists.  The entire economic world boils down to Capitalism and Socialism, in our narrow minded view, and even economic pundits and economist themselves see it that way. And they all also assume that Capitalism equates with a free market, when in fact an economic system that requires state intervention in order to simply exist must also by implication favor some businesses over others and not really feature a free market.

Simply put, if there's a rural crisis, it's because we planned it that way.

Indeed, an honest look at Krugman's topic would, first of all, ask if there's an actual rural decline, or, rather, a decline in general.  

The better evidence is the latter, and distinctly.

The decaying American rust belt, which isn't rural, and an American urban economic environment so bleak that the darling of the new American left in Congress declares herself to be a Socialist and maintains that Capitalism must be destroyed would suggest that the problem isn't rural at all, but rather simply economic.  Something in the American economy isn't working.

For that matter, yellow vests protests in Europe, which are rural centered, would suggest that something in the Capitalist system everywhere isn't working very well, as we've addressed here before.

And if that something has featured a long running population depletion from some, but only some rural areas, it's also featured an economic decline from manufacturing areas and an economic backwater in some of the United State's oldest cities.

While that's gone on, the decay of the intellect and sense in reality in those more benighted classes in cities has lead to a very real and ongoing decay in American and western society in general.  In the 1970s this expressed itself with a desperate effort of those in those cities and in that economic class to stone themselves into numbness, something previously really only a feature of the lives of the desperately poor in urban areas. This has never really abated and now its gone so far that marijuana, the drug of the pre World War Two ethnic and urban underclass has evolved to legality so that the monied middle class may more easily stone itself and escape reality.  In other areas, people who previously were concerned with making do in life have reduced their identity to their sexual appetites and want to be known by them so that they define their existence.  All over in the same class personal standards have declined to where features of former working class life that actually conveyed a message, such as tattoos, have become standard in a desperate effort for identity and people change their appearance in all sorts of ways nearly weekly.

Things are so bleak that the USA Today recently ran this headline:

U.S. deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide hit highest level since record-keeping began

And the niftiness of our present economic direction was looked at by the Atlantic in an article published under this headline:

Workism Is Making Americans Miserable

Things don't look good, alright, but Paul, where you live is the epicenter of that.

Fascism, which Paul alludes to, and its identical cousin Communism, don't come out of rural areas either.  Rater, politics in rural areas tends to be defined by a distinct "leave me alone" attitude that the current "validate me and my beliefs" ethos of the urban white middle class simply can't stand.  

About the only thing that Paul got right in his missive is that there has indeed been a long term, indeed very long term, shift of the rural population to urban areas and its technology based.  

And its based in that alone.  Nothing about large cities is otherwise enviable or really a long term draw to anything.  The reason that it happens is economic and political.  It's not, as people like Paul would seem to assume, simply natural.

This has everything to do with a system that encourages consolidation over everything else.  Even while we fret over this, lawmakers do everything to make it easier and easier.  

Legal roadblocks in the form of licensing that at one time partially arrested such things have been removed, thereby shifting the provision of all sorts of services, both professional and otherwise, to city centers and large entities.  Consolidation of retail through the use of the corporate business form, combined with the total decay of local statutory forms on such things as land use and zoning, has operated to wipe out local retail through state fiat.  Funding of transportation systems, which are always taxed based in some fashion, has encouraged and then practically required the movement of everything into the dense city center.  Statutory provisions that would address some of this have failed to pass, as in the example of the the Big Box tax that failed in the Legislature recently, or have gone unused, as in the case of the seemingly dormant Sherman Anti Trust Act.  

It's happened not because we tried so many things and they failed, it's happened as we value money over everything else on earth and believe that buys us happiness, even though the long record has shown this isn't the case.

Indeed, that's been shown to so much be the case, that people who really succeed, and acquire wealth, use that to move to rural areas, albeit often sanitized ones where the realities of rural life, or just reality in general, have been removed.

So, Paul, it's not that we looked for solutions and they failed.  We just didn't look. And now the long existing problems associated with the big cities are being ignored as well.  So soon, indeed now, you'll be able to look much closer to home.

From Chesterton.

So, Paul, I agree.  People, including yourself, should get real about rural America. But that would require getting real about economics in a really large sense itself, which few are willing to do, and which I don't expect the New York Times to do anytime soon.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21, 1919. Jams.

Cpt. S. A. Mitchell, American Red Cross, demonstrates the can opener he invented to open jam cans for canteens.  Ostensibly, Red Cross volunteers, mostly women, staffing the canteens were cutting their hands opening the cans which were opened at a prodigious rates due to servicemen's fondness for jam.

Cpt. S. A. Mitchell of the American Red Cross was photographed on this day with the can opener he invented for Red Cross canteens.

American servicemen visiting the canteens consumed jam at a prodigious amount.  Indeed, servicemen in general did, and the uniformity, in terms of offerings, of jam in the British Army was a frequent source of jokes.  At any rate, the Red Cross staff of canteens, mostly women, reportedly cut their hands frequently trying to open them, and Cpt. Miller put his inventive mind to work on the problem.

Bela Kun put his inventive mind to work and came out on top, briefly, in a struggle in Hungary that saw the Hungarian People's Republic become the Hungarian Soviet Republic and then seek aid from the Soviet Union against the French and others.

The Hungarian Soviet Republic was a dangerous development but not a large one.  It controlled only 23% of the country whereas the rest of it was either under Allied occupation or under control of other entities.  It occupied a region of large cities and therefore not surprisingly it had a lot of Socialist under its jurisdiction.

The Socialist in fact had caused the change in government to come about when they merged, without their leader's knowledge, with the Communist party in a move that they thought would increase their strength.  It did not.  The leader of the Communist, Bela Kun, was a mere tool of Lenin's and Lenin effectively ran the new state from afar and by way of radio contact with Kun.  One of its first moves was to purge the Socialist.  The government was hugely unpopular in the countryside where resistance to it was massive and in turn it utilized increasingly brutal measure to try to enforce its will.  

The Hungarian Soviet Republic existed only for 133 days and only for that long as it at first had the support of Hungarian nationalist as it promised to restore Hungary's borders, which were decreasing due to post war adjustments.  It attacked areas in the north that had been given to Czechoslovakia but then its formation of a new Czech soviet republic caused it to lose nationalist support as it was realized that the governments only goals were Communist.  A war against Romania went badly and the government fell to armed opposition.

Kun fled to the USSR and lost his life in Stalin's purges, a victim of the evil system whose stooge he was.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sure, it's the first day of Spring, but it's also International Francophonie Day

Flag of the Organisation International de la Francophonie.

And that's not a typo.  It's Fraconphonie.

Roughly speaking, that the countries and cultures that speak French, and this is their international organization's day.  There are 88 entities in the organization, reflecting the heritage from the day when the lingua franca really was the language of the Francs. 

Some of the members are surprising, not because the French weren't there and left their language, but because the post World War Two history of French departure from their colonial lands wasn't really a very happy one.  People must have gotten over it, however, as, for example, Vietnam is a member.  Most of France's former colonies are.  Algeria, however, is not.

Greece is, which would suggest that membership may be a bit broader than language alone.

Well, tres bien.


Smoking strong pot daily increases psychosis risk, study finds

No kidding.

That this headline is self evident isn't news. Nor is it that people who were campaigning for the legalization of one more mind numbing drug in a society that's drugging itself into a stupor ignored this, and no doubt will deny it.

Oh well, not to fear, sooner or later the class actions and individual suits will begin, and we benighted benefactors of all social folly will profit.  And then the world, or at least the profits, will be as they should be.