Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday, August 2, 1974. Dean to prison.

Former legal counsel to President Nixon, James Dean, was sentenced to a minimum of one year in prison and a maximum of four years for his role in the cover-up of the Watergate scandal.  

Ugandan President Idi Amin called off an invasion of Tanzania one day after having ordered the mobilization of Uganda's armed forces.

Last edition.

Tuesday, July 30, 1974. Cypriot peace, Articles of impeachment.

Tuesday, August 2, 1944. Murder of the Gypsies.

The last of the gypsies were murdered at Auschwitz.  4,200 people were murdered.

In their memory, this is Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma.

Clearly seeing which way the wind was blowing, Turkey broke off diplomatic relations with Germany.

The Germans launched 316 V-1s on London.  100 reached the city.

Pfc. Joseph A. Calvello of New York City, N.Y., examines the sponge rubber interior of a Russian tire found on a 4.5 cm. anti-tank gun left behind by the retreating Germans in France.

The Allies ceased air strikes on French bridges as the pace of Allied advances increased.

The newly activated 3d Army reached Dinan and the outskirts of Rennes.  The 1st Army captured Villedieu.

The USS Fiske was sunk in the Atlantic by the U-804.  

German midget submarines attacked Allied shipping in the Channel and sank two vessels, including the HMS Quorn.  Of the 58 German Marder submarines used in the attack, only 19 survived.

Fighting continued on Guam, and in Warsaw.

The Arado Ar 234 B Blitz made its first combat flight, a reconnaissance mission over the Allied beachhead in Normandy.

Last edition:

Monday, August 1, 1944. The Warsaw Uprising Starts.

Wednesday, August 2, 1899. Newsboy strike ends.


August 2, 1899: “Newsboys’ Boycott Over”

Last edition:

Sunday, August 2, 1874. A new Icelandic Constitution.

Danish King Christian IX handed a new constitution to the Icelandic parliament granting it more independence, but not independence.  He also asked for every church on the island, all Lutheran, to hold a service in honor of the event.  As it was Sunday, they all would have held services in any event.

The date is widely observed in Icelandic communities in North America, but not on Iceland.

A further advance towards independence would come in 1918, when the Danish Kingdom of Iceland was established, and the island declared independence in 1944.

Last edition:

Thursday, July 23, 1874. Custer on Inyan Kara.

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: Barley Harvest

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: Barley Harvest: Late July in Wyoming is barley harvest season. The grain has looked ready for the last couple weeks, but the kernel still needs time to matu...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

2nd Bn, 300th AFA, activates.

Yesterday the 2nd Bn, 300th AFA, commenced active duty for a period of two years, during which they will be deployed to the "Middle East".

The Middle East is a large region.  The US has forces Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.  Most likely, the Guard is not going to Syria, Qatar (which is mostly USAF), or Iraq, but who really knows?

This is the largest deployment of the 300th since the Korean War, with it being perhaps significant to note that the 300th designation lapsed after the Korean War. During the balance of the Cold War, the Wyoming Army National Guard's artillery in the state was part of the 3d Bn 49th FA, which was part of the 115th FA Bde.

The deployment of a National Guard unit in this role, for this long, really demonstrates the degree to which the National  Guard is part of the overall Army structure today.  If you are in the Guard, you are going to see active duty.

Monday, August 1, 1944. The Warsaw Uprising Starts.

The Polish uprising commenced in Warsaw.  A massive uprising, and part of a series of the same, it was the most tragic of the group. The Red Army, which was already on the outskirts of the city, and which had been advancing, ground to a halt and allowed the insurrection to go on for 63 days.

Polish fighter with German MP3008, a rarely scene German copy of the British Sten gun.

The US prevailed on Tinian.

The Philadelphia Transit Strike of 1944 began.

British scientists announced that DDT was an effective insecticide.

Manuel L. Quezon, age 65, died and Sergio Osmeña thereupon became the 4th President of the Philippines.

The film Wilson, about the 28th President, which is nearly a piece of hagiography, was released.

Lasts edition:

Monday, July 31, 1944. Cobra concludes.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

- Neil A. Waring's - Confessions of a Writer of Westerns: Random Thoughts, Writing, and Loving My Outside Days

- Neil A. Waring's - Confessions of a Writer of Westerns: Random Thoughts, Writing, and Loving My Outside Days: Random thoughts today -  Where has this month and the summer gone? It's hard to believe it's already the last day of July. Here in W...

Heartville Fire

 CAMP GUERNSEY, Wyo. – A fire near Hartville, Wyoming, is causing the residents of the area to evacuate, July 30, 2024.

The Wyoming National Guard opened its gates to offer shelter on Camp Guernsey. If evacuees are seeking shelter, please go to the front gate of Camp Guernsey to start the process.

According to Wyoming Office of Homeland Security, the fire began due to a lightning strike a few days ago outside and north of the Camp Guernsey training area. The fire was almost out when the heat index and wind sparked the fire back up and according to the last report has burned approximately 2,200 acres and continues to grow.

Camp Guernsey, Torrington and Wheatland fire departments are teaming up to fight the fire.

Monday, July 31, 1944. Cobra concludes.


Operation Cobra concluded.

The action had advanced through the bocage country and set the stage for more rapid advances as German lines collapsed.

The month long Allied campaign on Noemfoor concluded with the island in Allied hands.

The Red Army reached the Praga district of Warsaw.

The Red Army also reached the Gulf of Riga, isolating the German's from land supply.

Last edition:

Sunday, July 30, 1944. Landing at Sansapor.

Monday, July 31, 1899. Homeward bound.

Today In Wyoming's History: July 311899  The Wyoming Battalion, having been in the Philippines for exactly one year, embarked on the Grant at Manila and started their journey home. Attribution:  On This D

Last edition:

Sunday, July 31, 1774. Pugachev's decree

Russian Cossack ataman and rebel Yemelyan Ivanovich Pugachev, impersonating Czar Peter III, purported to free the serfs and extend religious liberty to the Old Believers

We, Peter III, by the Grace of God Emperor and Autocrat of All-Russia, etc. This is given for nationwide information. By this personal decree, with our monarchial and fatherly love, we grant to everyone who formerly was in serfdom or in any other obligation to the nobility; and we transfer these to be faithful personal subjects of our crown; we grant the right to use the ancient sign of the Cross, and to pray, and to wear beards; while to the Cossacks for eternity their freedoms and liberties; we terminate the recruiting system, cancel personal and other monetary taxes, abolish without compensation the ownership of land, forest, pastures, fisheries and salt deposits; and we free everyone from all taxes and obligations which the thievish nobles and extortionist city judges have imposed on the peasantry and the rest of the population. We pray for the salvation of your souls and wish you a happy and peaceful life here where we have suffered and experienced much from the above-mentioned thievish nobles. Now since our name, thanks to the hand of Providence, flourishes throughout Russia, we make hereby known by this personal decree the following: all nobles who have owned either pomesties [estates granted by the state], or votchinas [inherited estates], who have opposed our rule, who have rebelled against the empire, and who have ruined the peasantry should be seized, arrested, and hanged; that is, treated in the same manner as these unchristians have treated you, the peasantry. After the extermination of these opponents and thievish nobles everyone will live in a peace and happiness that shall continue to eternity.

The rebellion against Catherine the Great ended in the expansion of serfdom. 

Last edition:

Thursday, July 28, 1774. The New York Gazeteer.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Women's Rugby

While I'm not really following the Olympics, I am glad to see that Women's Rugby is getting press.

It's awesome.

Included as awesome, is Ilona Maher, US women's rugby player.

5 ft 10 in, 200 lbs, and all muscle, she's quite the contrast to the female characters the press is usually focused on, like Taylor Swift or Billie Eilish.  

Notable passing. William J. Calley.


William J. Calley, who was convicted for his commanding role in the My Lai Massacre during the Vietnam War, has died at age 80.

Calley only served three years under house arrest at his military apartment for the crime, before being released and cashiered from the Army.  About 500 Vietnamese civilians were killed before a helicopter pilot heroically intervened, with some ground troops assisting him.  Calley was convicted on 22 counts of murder, having been originally charged with about 100, but only served three days behind bars before President Nixon confined him to house arrest.

He kept to himself after release, but maintained the classic "only following orders" defense, which is no defense at all.  He became a successful businessman in Columbus Georgia.  In later years he admitted to friends that he'd committed the acts charged with.  In 2009 he issued a public apology, stating:

There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai. I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry.

He was in some ways an interesting example of the officer corps at the time, in that he had gone to, but failed to complete, college. He entered the Army due to poverty in 1966.

Four solders were charged with crimes due to the massacre, but only Calley went forward to conviction.  There was at the time some reason to believe his "following orders" story, but in a general, rather than specific, sense.

Oddly, on this day, I'm drinking Vietnamese coffee.  I have some baseball type "patrol" caps from Australia around here that were made in Vietnam.  Vietnam is courted by the US as an ally against the country's traditional enemy, China, even though it remains a Communist state controlled country and economy.  A vast amount of the shrimp served on American tables comes from Vietnamese waters.  The country has become a tourist destination for Americans, and there is, bizarrely given the build of the Vietnamese, a Victoria's Secret in Hanoi.

Most Americans, and Most Vietnamese, were born after his conviction in 1973.

The world moved on, save for those whose lives ended that day, or were impacted by those events over 50 years ago.  Calley, at 80, was a member, however, of the generation which is only now beginning to lose its grip on power.  Joe Biden is just about the same age.  Donald Trump, who was not impoverished, is two years younger and obtained four student draft deferments while being deemed fit for military service.  In 1968, the year of My Lai, he was classified as eligible to serve but later that same year he was classified 1-Y, a conditional medical deferment, and in 1972, as the draft was winding down, he was reclassified 4-F due to bone spurs.  No combat veteran of the Vietnam War has been elected President and none every will be, as they begin to pass on.  Al Gore, agre 76, who served in the country as a photographer, was a Vietnam Veteran, however, and George Bush II, age 78, was an Air National Guard pilot who did volunteer for service in the country, but who did not receive it.

Calley's generation, which is now rapidly passing, was the most influential in American history, and in many ways which were not good ones, which is not to say that there weren't ways in which they were positive influences.  They'll soon be a memory, like the generation that fought World War One became some twenty or so years ago, and the generation that fought World War Two basically has been.  

Calley's death serves as a reminder and a reflection of a lot of things.

Tuesday, July 30, 1974. Cypriot peace, Articles of impeachment.

Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom signed a peace agreement calling a halt to fighting in Cyprus.  The agreement was mediated by Henry Kissinger.

The U.S. House Judiciary Committee adjourned its proceedings for impeachment.  It had passed three articles of impeachment. 

A proposed fourth, asserting, illegal use of power in the 1970 invasion of Cambodia, was rejected.

An election was held in Rhodesia, which had a population of 300,000 whites and 5,700,000 blacks. Voting was segregated. The result was whites took 76% of the seats.

ZZ Top played at the Tulsa State Fairgrounds.

Last edition.

Monday, July 29, 1974. Philadelphia Eleven and Alpha Group.

Sunday, July 30, 1944. Landing at Sansapor.

US forces landed near Sansapor, Dutch New Guinea.

It's easy to forget how late in the war, in relative terms, the fighting in New Guinea was actively occurring.  Roosevelt, Nimitz and MacArthur had just met in Hawaii on whether to invade the Philippines or Formosa, and yet here's a landing in Dutch New Guinea.  The actions closed the back door to Japanese air power.

Tinian town was taken on Tinian. Actor Lee Powell, who had joined the Marine Corps, died on the island on that day, but from drinking an improvised alcoholic beverage that contained Methanol during a celebration of the battle's end.

He had played the Lone Ranger.

The Soviet Narva Offensive ended.

The US 1st Army seized Granville and entered Avranches.

Pvt. Sam Fever, of 324 E. 96th St., Brooklyn, N.Y., a member of an engineer unit, somewhere in France, plants a sign at a roadside indicating that the roadway has been cleared of mines as American troops roll forward in a great new offensive.

Cpl. David Halbert of Cleveland, Ohio, looks over a bunch of signs left by retreating Germans on the highway to Coutances, France. These signs tell what German units were here. 30 July, 1944.

Sections of German protestantism, which was not united, issued a declaration as it became clear that members of the German "Confessing Church" had participated in the July 20 plot.

Declaration of Loyalty by the German Protestant Church

Attempt on the Führer’s Life

With indignation and disgust, the German people turn away from the deed of July 20, which, in an hour requiring the utmost in unity, undertook to overthrow the Reich in turmoil of incalculable proportions by means of murder and treachery. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the Almighty for the salvation of the leader and ask Him to continue to keep him under His protection. This request comes with a pledge of renewed loyalty and the resolution to submit ourselves even more earnestly than before to the relentless demands of this time, to which the Fuehrer is restlessly devoting himself entirely.

After the attempt on the life of the Führer, the German Protestant Church Chancellery and the Spiritual Council of the German Protestant Church expressed their gratitude to God for his gracious protection in telegrams of loyalty to the Führer. At the same time, the Spiritual Council of Confidence noted that on the Sunday after the assassination attempt, prayers for the Führer were said in Protestant services all over the Reich.

Source: Das Evangelische Deutschland. Kirchliche Rundschau für das Gesamtgebiet der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche, Nr. 30-31/1944, p. 74.

The Confessing Church was a protestant movement that had resisted efforts to unify, and Nazify, German Lutheranism.  It's efforts were fairly successful in that goal.

The U-250 was sunk in the Gulf of Finland by the Soviet Navy.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 29, 1944. Guam, Tinian, Aitape and Normandy.

Wednesday, July 24, 1924. Around the world flight reaches the Orkneys.

The transglobal flight of the U.S. Army reached Kirwall in the Orkneys.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 26, 1924. Other around the world flights.

2024 Elections In Other Countries.


Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party returned an historic third Presidential victory in a blow to the People's Republic of China.

The party regards Taiwan as de facto independent, which it should be.  President Biden, following the election, stated the US didn't support Taiwanese independence, which it very much should.

January 14, 2024.


The President of Hungary, Katalin Novák, age 46, has resigned due to a scandal involving the pardoning of an accomplice in a child sexual abuse case.

February 11, 2024.


I had a post on the Irish referendum to amend its constitution, and was frankly way off 

Blog Mirror: On marriage, family, and the Irish constitutional referendum.

The referendum failed massively.  Actually two proposals, the one that sought to expand the definition of family from a relationship founded on marriage to include other durable relationships, failed 67.7% to 32.3%.  The one to replace language surrounding a woman's duties in the home with a clause recognizing the role of family members in the provision of care was rejected 73.9% to 26.1%.

This deserves its own thread.

March 10, 2014


Putin.  Gee, what a surprise.

March 18, 2024.

South Africa.

The ANC lost the majority of parliamentary seats so, if it is to stay in power, it needs to form a coalition with minority parties.


Claudia Sheinbaum won the presidential election, becoming the countries first woman elected to this office.

She is a protégé of the incumbent populist Manuel López Obrador and served as his pro oil environmental minister, in spite of having a degree in the field.  Mexican presidents may only serve one six year term.

June 3, 2024

European Union

Far right parties gained overall in EU parliamentary elections over the weekend, although in Scandinavia, the far left did.  President Macron dissolved the French parliament as a result, and France will now have elections.  Poland's governing conservative party came out on top for that country, edging out the further right wing party that had governed Poland before it came to power last year.

June 10, 2024


In round one of a snap French election, the far right Le Pen RN bloc took 33.15% of the vote, the left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) coalition came second with 27.99% and President Emmanuel Macron’s Ensemble alliance took 20.76%.  Voting concludes next week, but it's clear the far right is going to take the most votes, but not enough to form a non coalition government.

And so the far right, globally, continues its rise.

July 1, 2024.

United Kingdom

Labor won the recent election and Sir Keir Starmer will become Prime Minister.

July 5, 2024.


Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian won Iran’s runoff presidential election.

July 7, 2024.


In an amazing one week long rally, the French left and Macron's Ensemble stages a comeback with the left wing NFP now having the majority of seats in the French Assembly and Ensemble the second largest.  

None of the parties have enough seats to form a government, and nobody is certain what will occur.  If a government is to be formed, it will have to be a coalition government.

July 8, 2024.


Both sides have declared victory in the election for the nation's president, with the incumbent having the current reigns of power.  The election has been accused of having irregularities.

July 30, 2024.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Biden proposes changes to the framework of American government.

 Joe Biden, in an op ed in the Washington Post (a poor way to make major proposals, in my view) proposed some major structural changes to the framework of U.S. governance today.  The proposals are:

1.  A Constitutional Amendment making it clear that there is no immunity for crimes a former president committed while in office.

2.  Term limits for Supreme Court Justices such that a President would appoint a justice every two years for a term of 18 years on the Court.

3.  A binding code of ethics for the Supreme Court.

On these, fwiw, I think a Constitutional Amendment would be justified, but I'd go further than what's stated.  I don't support any kind of immunity at all.

On term limits, I don't support that either, but would support age limits.  Once a Federal Judge reached age 60, or at least no older than 65, they'd be required to retire, including members of the Supreme Court.

On a code of ethics for the Supreme Court, it's a good idea, but I don't know how you impose one, given the independence of the judiciary.

Monday, July 29, 1974. Philadelphia Eleven and Alpha Group.

Episcopal Bishops Robert L. DeWitt, Bishop of Pennsylvania; Daniel Corrigan, Suffragan Bishop of Colorado; and Edward R. Welles II, the retired Bishop of West Missouri., ordained elevent female Episcopal deacons as priests, sparking a crisis in the Episcopal Church.  The acts were declared valid but irregular by the Episcopal Church.

The act was pioneering as the direction became that of the Episcopal Church and much, but not all, of the Anglican Communion thereafter.  It also had the result of causing it to be increasingly impossible for the overall Anglican Communion to reunite with the Catholic Church, which does not recognize the ordainment of women and of course which generally holds that Anglican holy orders are invalid, although there are exceptions we won't deal with here for individual priests and circumstances.  The validity of Anglican holy orders has been a major topic in the Anglican Communion.

It's worth noting that Christian churches in general were becoming increasingly liberal in the wake of the 1960s, although that wasn't universally true.  It was relatively noticeable in the Episcopal Church which had always been one of the most influential in the United States and one of the largest of the "mainline" Protestant churches. The Episcopal Church had been particularly associated with wealth and establishment in the US and remained so for much of the 20th Century, but starting at some point after this it began a dramatic decline and no longer holds the status it once did.   The Anglican Communion itself has globally been in a condition of strife as conservative elements, with a heavy African representation, have been opposed by developments such as this within it.

The mysterious Alpha Group within the KGB Special Forces was created by Yuri Andropov.

From Uncle Mike's: