Friday, August 2, 2013

25 greatest law novels…ever! - ABA Journal

25 greatest law novels…ever! - ABA Journal

Interesting  list.  Some of these I wouldn't have considered law novels.  Given that, I suppose, I'm actually surprised to see that I've read a few of them. For example, I love the novel The Ox Bow Incident, but I wouldn't have considered it to be a legal novel.  I guess it is, however, given that its central them is the nature of justice.

The Caine Mutiny is another great one.  I read that one many years ago after having seen the movie numerous times and the filed version of the play (which is also great). To Kill A Mockingbird is as well, but I likewise wouldn't have thought of it as a legal drama, even though I can see why many do.

Bartleby the Scrivner, on the other hand, I hated.   I know its supposed to be a classic, but I don't like it.

I've never read Anatomy of a Murder, but I've always thought the film is the single best legal drama ever filmed. Really great.  And I've often commented that it must have been written by a lawyer, which I see it actually was.  I'm surprised, however, that the lawyer was a judge, but that must explain why the judge really steals the show in the film.

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